
this existed back in the day

this existed back in the day

Yahazek · 奇幻
95 Chs

Why take a risk?

I spent a bunch of time talking to the wyvern, and by the looks of things he finally agreed to fight the dragon and let me have the crystals.

"He was so easy to fool, and here I thought wyverns were wise like dragons." My real intentions were different from what I told the wyvern.

What I didn't tell him is that the dragon I'm planning to bait has a level of 74. If he uses his fire breath, all of the "followers" will get burnt down to a crisp, and the "leader will end up having a one on one fight with the dragon.

"At some point both of them are on the verge of death, and that is when I step in and finish both of them off." I'm in a great mood, having imagined their power, which they have been gathering for centuries, turning into my experience.


Walking towards the dragon den is very uneventful, I have to admit.

I was hoping for something entertaining to happen, and it seems like the gods felt my boredom and decided to spice things up.

"Help! Help me! Please, anyone!" A woman's voice could be heard, I wonder what's going on.

"Hehe, we are in the middle of the forest, so feel free to scream your lungs out." A man's voice.

"Yeah, Haha. Right." And another one.

I see, so it's the classic rape scene, where the protagonist, which is me in this case, saves the girl and then they become friends or something like that.

"But I have no reason to help. It's not like a random adventurer would be if any use to me." As I said that, I turned around and started walking away.

"Please! I will do anything if you save me, I swear!" She noticed me, and directed her distressed call at me.

I slowly walked up towards the three adventurers, hands in pockets.

"So you swear to do anything if I help. Is that what you said?" I said with a smile.

"The hell is up with this creepy dude?" Said one of the adventurers.

"Both of you, shut up. I'm talking to this person here. So, did ya hear my question? Will you do anything if I save you?" I ignored the two grumpy adventurers and spoke to the woman.

"Yes, I swear." This time she hesitated a little, but decided to agree in the end.

"Who do you think you are? Just ignoring your elders like it's no m if deal, do you think you're funny or something?" The second dude, who has been a bit more quiet at first, finally speaking.

I kept looking in the direction of the woman, and the man tried to attack me from behind. Of course, I expected that much.

I had my hand on my dagger the entire time. The truth is, I only pretended to have my hands resting in my pockets.

My level is only five after all, so I can't beat two of the in a fair fight.

When he was about to strike me with a broadsword, I turned around, and using the momentum, stabbed him clean in the neck.

{experience gained + 100}

{experience gain multiplier due to level difference: X11}

{total experience gained + 1100}

"One down. One to go." I took the dagger out of the dead body and activated [chilling touch].

I looked him dead in the eyes, to make him panic, and sure enough, it worked.

His attack was a quite sloppy, so I dodged it with little effort.

"First stab." I started counting the amount of stabs I deal with [chilling touch].

His leg was now injured and slowed down. This forced him to change to an upper body based fighting style.

With this offhand, he threw a fake punch, and made a diagonal slash with his sword.

That time I just moved up close to his sword, and he couldn't stop a swing of that size.

I punctured his right palm, making him drop the sword.

"Second stab."

Using his left hand, he attempted a last-resort method.

He grabbed my wrist and used an explosion artifact, blowing himself up. That attack was supposed to take me down with him, but the ice shield artifact protects me from all the basic fire element spells.

Of course, the explosive talisman is one of them.

"Oh, how I hate suicidal attacks. Doing damage to yourself just to deal damage to other before your death? That's just ridiculous." I let out a huge sigh, and the remembered about the girl.

"Are you feeling alright? Would you be able to run if, say, something were to chase you?" I need to make sure she is not damaged.

After all, I only use high quality bait.

"Thanks to your care I'm feeling fine." She said and blushed.

Haha, will change her opinion of me very quickly.

"I'm happy I could help. I'm glad that my bait is healthy." I said with a kind expression.

"Umm, could you repeat that Gavin please? I think I may have misheard." She doubted whether what she heard could have been a mistake.

"Oh sure thing. You, dear, are going to be bait for that dragon over there. Good luck!" I said and pushed her down the cliff.

"Bastard!" She screamed while falling.

She wouldn't get too hurt from a fall like that, because the dragon's nest is covered with soft fur that the dragons obtained from some wild animals.

Well, I just pushed her into the dragon's den. It's nice when someone else can do the dirty work for you, willingly or not.

Using other people left and right, that’s my boy River.

I insist on you to enjoy this chapter -__-

Thanks for reading my works~

Yahazekcreators' thoughts