
Conversing with a wyvern.

I didn't want to open the treasure chest that was in the tundra dungeon right away, because it was so cold there.

So, what do you think I did?

I put all of it's contents into my inventory before leaving the dungeon.

Thanks to my level, which is now 5, my inventory can now fit up to 500 grams of weight.

The rewards inside the chest didn't weigh much, so I was able to store all of them inside my inventory.

I still don't know what was there, because I was in a hurry to leave the icy environment.

I've been walking towards the scorching ravine for a few day already, and because the loot was inside my inventory, I completely forgot about it.

The one thing that gave me a reminder was the heat I felt, which was a sign of getting closer to the ravine.

I attempted to use an ice barrier artifact, but then I realized that it was still in my inventory.

Well, I might as well see what other things I got from that chest.

A necklace, which is the artifact I was talking about. I'm not going to use it just yet, because it only has one use, and the duration is limited to a few days.

A scroll with some writing I don't understand.

And lastly, some healing potions.

I drank the potions right away, because my health was already low, plus these potions were tiny, so their effect wasn't instant. It was a potion which increased your natural recovery speed.

I put the necklace on my neck, and when it gets too hot, I'm going to activate it.

As for the scroll, the material it's made of is very flammable, so it started to smoke and nearly got set on fire in when I pulled it out, so I quickly tucked it back into my inventory.

I guess I will only find out it's contents when I leave the this area.


After two more days, the heat started to become unbearable, so I had no choice other than to activate the necklace.

"So now I'm on a timer. Three day until the effect wears off, and if I don't leave the ravine by then, I will get burnt alive." That's a really unpleasant way to die, so I'd avoid it at all costs.

I was walking quite quickly, and at one point, when I was thinking of how to address the "leader" wyvern, I nearly tripped on something.

Or that's what I thought at first, until I realized that I nearly fell into the ravine.

"That would have been one retarded way to die.." I made a mental note to be more careful next time.

It was like a huge crack in the ground, and the bottom of it was magma. Small explosions frequently erupted from the magma, and small particles of it sometimes reached as high as 100 meters above the liquid itself.

The ravine was about 90 meters deep, and those magma particles kept flying uncomfortably close to me.

The walls of the ravine were made out of rock, but the rock had a charred black color.

Some parts of those walls had holes in them, and I could see some nests made out of weird white rocks. Inside these nests were the eggs of the wyverns, and as was looking at the whole place in amazement, I was a wyvern fly right above me, with a wild boar in its teeth.

A baby wyvern came out of one of the holes in the walls, and the adult proceeded to feed the pray it found to the baby.

"I really don't want to end up like that boar, but today at least. I'm just gonna hide somewhere for the time being." I crawled under a rock, and sat there waiting.


I fell asleep, under that rock, because it has been two days since I last slept.

"What idiot woke me up at this time?!" I was woken up by an insanely loud road, and before I had time to analyze what was going good on I shouted.

This isn't good. That was the definitely the road of a "leader". I could tell that much just because of how powerful it was, and also because that roar was followed my a chorus of weaker ones.

"This is bad. Bad. This is so bad! I just called a wyvern an idiot! They understand human language. I'm so screwed." I stared to panic.

I heard a loud bang.

The rock, which I was hiding under, got crushed by the leader with a single step on it.

Luckily, I somehow managed to crawl out before the it collapsed.

The wyvern lifted up its right claw, and was just about to crush me the same way his do that rock.

"Hold on! Wait! Let me explain!" I was planning to meet a leader, but I didn't want it to happen like that.

The wyvern didn't look too pleased, but I have to do my best to persuade him to listen to me.

"I have a request to make. Hold on, I didn't mean request. I meant a deal." Because of how panicked I was, I didn't lay out my thoughts properly.

Oh, this could end up very unfortunate.

"You will benefit from it. I can assure you about that! That's the whole reason I came here, after all." Alright, he finally put his right claw down on the ground.

I think he is ready to listen me out.

"I head that you wyverns have a bit of an issue going on. The food around here is scarce, and you can't leave too farm from this area because it's took cold for you." I started with his side of the deal, to make sure he doesn't decide to attack me.

He looked at me with a surprised expression.. it's pretty hard to explain, but wyverns also have expression. You can't see their face change, but you kind of just feel it.

"So what do you think about having a picnic? Some dragons should be just fine, so what do you say?" After I told him about the dragon, he just looked stunned more than anything.

It's a wide known fact here that the stronger the creature, the more delicious other strong creatures find it.

"So you wouldn't mind having a few dragons for a meal, correct? Good, because I have a way to get them to you." I still haven't revealed what I want out of this deal, but that can wait.

"So the idea is simple, Mr Leader. I will bait four dragons in your direction, and you kill them with your crew of wyverns."

"Oh, and I want you to leave the crystals for me" I added.

River tried his best, so if the wyvern decides to eat him, then I guess the story is over.

~~Hope you enjoyed.

Yahazekcreators' thoughts