this existed back in the day
{experience gained + 100}
{experience gain multiplier due to level difference: X29}
{total experience gained + 2900}
"Hah, being level one isn't so bad after all, just look at those experience multipliers, the numbers are ridiculously good."
Let's see my total experience now, I bet it's gonna be pretty high. There's no point in using a status plate, because all I need to check is my experience, so I may as well just call my status normally. All i have to do is say the word [status] in my head, so it's less of a hassle.
[?????: Level 1]
[exp to next level: 4525/9001]
*Level up or use a status plate to see more information*
"haa, maybe my dream of leveling up isn't as far away as I though." Although I say that, the chances of me finding another guy like that are very slim.
It's been two hours since then, and I'm almost prepared to leave the city to look for that tree, but there is one more thing I have to get ready before I leave.
"Lime, we need food." Yep, it's as simple as that.
It's not like we won't have anything to eat in the forest, after all, the wild animals manage to survive there. What we need is bread, salt, and water. Obviously, we can just catch some animals, or, in the worst case scenario, monsters, which will do just fine, and there are also a lot edible wild plants, so we won't be starving, but bread is still out of question, just because it lasts so long, and it is a source of carbohydrates, which, naturally, you wouldn't get a lot of from eating meat.
I want to get some salt to simply make the food taste better, as I'm not a very big fan plain meat. I may get some pepper along with the salt, for the same reasons.
As for the water, I've already checked the map, and I only see one river, which runs close by the tree, so we need a way to drink until we get there. There is also a chance that the water is not going to be clean, so I think it's better to be safe than sorry.
*4 hours later*
We were walking around the town in search of a water mage who could make us some water bubbles, but the mage we found was, well, how should I put it. He was my class tutor, and the only person who I didn't find annoying in the whole school, because she never question why I always sat on my own in class.
Whether she was just like me in the past, or she just ignored me - none of that was important. The main thing is, she let me be.
Now then, I had no idea why or how she ended up being summoned along with us, or how I didn't her in the group who got summoned here, I was delighted nonetheless.
I came up to her, and decided to open with the usual greeting, to see how she would react.
"Hello, uhh, I don't remember your name. Never mind, let's try that again." It seems like I forgot her name.
Alrighty, take two.
"Hey, it's me, uh, ah wait. I don't remember my name either. Well this was a dumb way to greet someone, wasn't it?" I often say my thoughts out loud, and I just did it again.
"And you're as bad at talking as ever, aren't you?" She said that with a laugh, so, obviously, it was a joke, but I may as well play along.
"And you find it just as easy to insult someone younger than you." Though I didn't talk with others much back in school, I still remember her talking to my classmates in that manner.
After that, we had a little conversation and I told her about my circumstances. I decided to keep some things hidden, like my anti hero-title, and the fact that I've already killed a few people.
"Your story pretty interesting, but there is one thing I've been wanting to ask you the whole time." Did I perhaps say something I shouldn't have? Or does she just want to know my stats?
"Which is?" I started to get impatient, what is it she is so curious about?
"Why are you covered in blood?" She asked with a silly face.
"I am?" I was really surprised to hear this, but it makes a lot of sense.
That's probably the reason why all the shopkeepers didn't want to sell anything, and it was also the reason why everyone stayed away from me.
But what's bothering me the most is Lime. Why didn't she tell me?! Haaaaa.
I let out a long sigh.
"That's a long story, but before I tell you, why don't we go to my place? I'm getting tired of standing on my feet for so long, plus, I need to wash myself. I don't feel that great, knowing that I'm soaked in blood." I hope I don't look too suspicious, leading two girls into my room.
Of course, wishful thinking isn't enough to avoid trouble.
"Oi, look what we've got here." A drunk adventurer came up to us with his buddy, and they had their guild badges displayed on their armor. You get the permission to wear one of those when you reach C rank or higher.
Looks I got myself into some crap once again.
Is the Main Character lucky or unlucky - that's up to you to decide.
I hope ya enjoyed~