
Chapter 30: The really bad idea

David took a deep breath to steady himself. The phone was ringing. There was a chance she’d pick up on the other end.

This was a bad idea. Why was he contacting her? She might never even find out about the stolen painting. No, that was ludicrous. Of course she’d find out. Everyone would find out. But they might dismiss it as the work of a lucky amateur. Not a ‘super criminal’. It wouldn’t go across her desk. At least, not for years to come.

Maybe it would though. And so what if it did? She might be able to figure out that the climbing apparatus had nothing to do with it. She might figure out the bank was part of it too. She might even place this job among others David and Collins had pulled. But what good would any of that do her?

Unless she connected Michael Crane to—

“Agent Scott,” her voice cut in, “how may I help you?”

David stumbled over himself and cleared his throat to gain his bearings. “Um, Jessica?” he said.

“Michael? Is that you?” Stupid question.