
They Will Die

Arden struggled with lots of issues. Her across-the-street-neighbor, Harlow, comes to cheer her up. Arden finds she wasn’t the kid she used to be. As Harlow is sent off to camp, Arden is sent to her dad who she hasn’t seen in 4 years. Unlikely, they become best friends, before Arden meets Will. Will see the struggle in her and tries their best to help, but something terrible happens to Harlow, which is the last straw for Arden. What will fate unravel? We all do something to escape. Some read to go to another world with epic love stories and tragic heartbreaks. To experience things they would never experience in the real world Some do drugs to get a sense of euphoria. To feel numb from what they are really feeling. To block it all out. Some drink to forget everything that has happened, even if it’s just for a little. To drown the sorrows away. To bring peace. Some workout because it leaves them feeling energized and motivated. Like they can do anything and everything. Some listen to music. To have nothing but their thoughts to distract them. To feel the music on another level. To be free. Some self harm to feel in control when everything else is out of theirs. To have at least one thing is their life that is theirs. Some sleep the day away. To not wake up and do the same thing over and over again. To get away from their reality. Hopefully, to dream. Some throw themselves into work to distract themselves from their own problems. To busy their minds and forget. Some write so they can express themselves without actually having to say it outloud. To write away the pain. To get it all out. Some watcallh movies or tv shows to relate to the characters. To feel understood. To be desired and loved. We all do something different to escape, but we do it for the same reason. To cope.

Ellie_Savell · LGBT+
19 Chs

Molten Lava

It was dark, like pitch black almost and we were still talking. She eventually pulled out her AirPods and played music.

"Do you think we should head back?" I asked.

"Maybe," she said, "it's up to you."

"I just don't want to get in trouble," I beg, "giving my conditions."

"Let's head out then," she stood up, grabbing my hand. We start the trek back to the house. My feet hurt and I could easily just jump off the cliff. I scooted a little closer to the edge. It didn't seem right. If I'm gonna die, I want my death to matter. I don't just want to fall off a cliff. I was to die when I'm at my lowest point, dug 20 feet under a water hole kinda deep.

It hurt knowing that I grew up with a little catholic girl who was more satisfied with the world than anyone, and now she's threatening to die through text. I promised to keep her safe, I didn't even recognize she liked me.

She handed me her phone so I could choose the song. I scrolled through the list and chose "I Love You So" by The Walters.

"Ooh," she cooed, "I like this song!"

It got silent. It smelled really sweet. It was one of those childhood smells. I couldn't figure out what it was. I pushed Fay away. It was an old dessert Dad used to make me. I called it molten lava. Me and Fay climbed up the ladder. Within seconds, my dad opens the door. If we were just a few seconds later, we would have been caught.

"I made you your favorite," he chimed.

I smile, "molten lava!"

I had to eat it. And let me tell you, they were good. Good isn't quite strong enough. Delicious maybe. The chocolate burnt my tongue. It was a pleasure. Fay watched me like a dog.

"Dogs can't have chocolate!" I made her laugh.

Sometimes I wonder why I fake it. I mean yeah, it's good and all. But I definitely don't deserve it. I don't see any purpose to do anything anymore.

"You should probably leave her be," my dad spat.

I watch Fay and my dad leave. I just sat there. For at least ten minutes I just stared into space. What was I gonna do? Color? As if. I felt my life was getting boring. It felt like what my life felt like at home. The same schedule everyday. The fact that my life was changing actually made it more boring.

It was dark. The darkness was making my natural melatonin set in quickly. For once I had no insomnia.