
There is Spring Next Door

Feng Xinyao always thought that it was because her family had too much luck with women that she was still alone. Her grandmother, who was almost 80, quietly developed a second love, and it was a love triangle. Her retired father was blocked at the door because he seduced someone else's wife while dancing in the square. The married elder brother met a teacher in the parents' group. The teacher confessed his love to him, and her elder sister-in-law beat him up. The eight-year-old nephew, who was handsome and cute, was kissed by a female classmate. Even the dog at home hooked up with the neighbor's little dog and successfully made her pregnant. And Feng Xinyao, who was unemployed and returned to her hometown, finally saw a handsome guy, but was sent to see the police by him and was sued for sexual harassment! Bah, it was clearly Min Wangyue who forgot to close the door when taking a shower! Min Wangyue: "Didn't you drool at that time?" "Shut up!" Feng Xinyao covered her face in shame and anger.

melincaiyi · 现代言情
23 Chs

Exaggerated Rumors

Feng Xinyao then told how Min Wangyue interceded for his relatives and wanted to save compensation. She also vaguely said that it was all her fault. "How could I be so unforgiving? I can only blame my poor health for a slight fall. I just injured my waist. If it weren't for Dr. Wang's good medical skills, I might have had one of my tail vertebrae removed."

It doesn't matter whether this statement is consistent with medical science or not. What matters is that she is miserable.

Grandma Pang became more and more excited as she listened, but her face was full of sympathy. She angrily scolded Min Wangyue for not being a thing and for bullying his own girlfriend for the sake of his relatives. It was like a thunderbolt from heaven.

Feng Xinyao was sent to her house. She gratefully wanted to invite Grandma Pang in for a glass of water, but Grandma Pang refused. She quickly left Feng Xinyao behind.

But she still underestimated the power of rumors. When Feng Changyu came back in the evening, he asked anxiously when he entered the door, "Are you hemiplegic[1]?"

Feng Xinyao was lying down, playing with her mobile phone. Because she was too lazy to get up to drink water, she stretched her head to reach the water glass on the low table. It really looks like a paralyzed patient with hemiplegia.

When Feng Changyu saw this scene, he ran over in panic: "You were fine this morning; why are you hemiplegic now?"

Feng Xinyao saw the worried look on his face, raised her eyebrows slightly, and said pitifully, "Dad, give me the rent money. I don't have money to go to the doctor."

Feng Changyu was still very anxious. Hearing this, he sat down and looked at his daughter speechlessly, but he still handed her the water glass: "You are too lazy."

"I'm already like this, and you still refuse to give me the money. Why are you so stingy?" Feng Xinyao said as she got up to drink water, with a speechless face.

Feng Changyu ignored her daughter's complaints and only asked her what was going on. Now it's spread outside. It was said that Feng Xinyao was beaten to the point of paralysis by her boyfriend, and the community organized people to come to express condolences.

They even made a special call to show concern for Feng Changyu, saying that if he needed anything, just ask, and they knew a good doctor.

Fortunately, Feng Xinyao didn't drink water; otherwise, she would have coughed up the water.

In front of his father, Feng Xinyao did not hide anything and told the truth. After hearing this, Feng Changyu was surprised that Min Wangyue was still meddling in his relatives' business.

"He doesn't look like this kind of person."

Feng Xinyao asked what kind of person he was.

"Hmm. He's someone who's very nosy. That boy looked very cold. He didn't like to mind other people's business and always followed rules, standards, and laws. This kind of person is actually quite unpleasant," Feng Changyu said.

"Dad, shouldn't you care about my relationship with him?"

Everyone said that they were a couple, but Feng Changyu was not curious. Feng Changyu snorted coldly and said, "Even if I were blind, Min Wangyue would not be blind. It is impossible for someone so good to like you."

Feng Xinyao said that he was immoral; why did he belittle his daughter like this?

Feng Changyu believed that what he said was true. Men with a little capital long for a nanny-type wife who is kind-hearted, makes money, can take care of children, and is filial to her parents-in-law. Feng Xinyao does not meet any of the above criteria.

Feng Xinyao said, "Then why did you fall in love with my mother?"

Feng Changyu discovered the trap in time and said, "Love is blind.

Feng Xinyao failed to dig a hole and retorted that Min Wangyue could just blindly follow her.

Feng Changyu said, "Why are you holding on to him? Do you really like him?" He quickly persuaded Feng Xinyao to stop thinking such things. "This kind of cold-tempered man is not meant for love, so don't mess around."

Feng Xinyao's phone rang, and Kang Qin was concerned about whether her leg had been amputated.

"They said you were beaten by your man and had both legs amputated. Are you in the hospital?"

Feng Xinyao laughed so happily that she asked her what other rumors she had heard. Kang Qin found out the whole story and said she was careful. "Be careful with playing with fire, or you might burn yourself."

Feng Xinyao said it was not her who spread the rumors, so what was she afraid of?

Kang Qin had something to do and hung up the phone anxiously, but Min Wangyue came to the door.

Feng Xinyao was lying on the sofa wearing a T-shirt and shorts and called Feng Changyu to open the door.

Unexpectedly, it was Min Wangyue who came in. Min Wangyue asked Feng Xinyao first, then looked at Feng Xinyao, who was lying motionless, and thought for a moment before asking, "Miss Feng, your waist..."

His guilty and suspicious look made Feng Xinyao glance at his father, and Feng Changyu's eyes warned her not to go too far.

Feng Xinyao lay on the sofa without getting up, looking at Min Wangyue expressionlessly. "Thank you; I can't move now."

Even if she doesn't want to move, he can move, right?

Min Wangyue looked her over and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you. I'll send you to the hospital for a checkup."

Feng Xinyao wondered if he had heard the rumors, but on second thought, it's unlikely. He is not from the local area, nor is he from the community. There is no community WeChat group, so it is unlikely that he will hear the gossip so quickly, and it is impossible for the old lady from the community to come to chat with him so quickly.

When Feng Changyu heard Min Wangyue's words, he remembered that his daughter had really been pushed down by him, so he scolded Min Wangyue with a straight face. "My daughter just has a sprained foot and cannot stand firmly. I used you as a pillar to support her. How could you push someone away so cruelly?"

"My Yaoyao has already injured her waist, and now the situation is even worse. Xiaomin, how are you going to deal with it?" 

The situation has changed. He was so aggressive at the police station a few days ago.

Feng Changyu felt that he must get back the rent he waived of last time, but Min Wangyue was very sensible. He requested that Feng Xinyao be taken to the hospital for an examination and that reasonable and legal compensation be given based on the examination results.

Feng Xinyao rolled her eyes. "I can't move. Will you give me your life?"

Why does this guy look so solemn? He looks like he's coming to apologize, but he speaks without any guilt. He looks like he's calculating the gain and loss of this shot. 

Min Wangyue said that he was indeed sorry for making a mistake, but the compensation should be reasonable. "They could not give me whatever you asked for. If we use the theory that an egg is born first or the chicken is born first, wouldn't it mean that my cousin would have to pay endless compensation?"

Feng Xinyao asked him: "Has anyone ever said that you are shortsighted and stupid? Your brain goes all the way to your rectum, and there is no groove at all?"

"Yes, what does this have to do with what we are talking about today?"

His tone of voice seemed to suggest that he really didn't understand.

Feng Xinyao felt that she was punching cotton and was so angry that she picked up a pillow and threw it at him.

Min Wangyue took a few steps back. Duoduo felt his master's anger and started barking, as if scolding Min Wangyue for not being a thing.

Feng Xinyao told him to get lost, and Feng Changyu asked him to come back another day with sincerity. Min Wangyue was shoveled out, wondering why they had kicked him out before he said the amount of compensation.

Zhao Lisi happened to come to the door carrying something. When she saw the handsome and cold Min Wangyue, she actually saw a trace of embarrassment on his face. Her eyes widened, and she smiled and said hello.

Min Wangyue just nodded and left without greeting her.

Zhao Lisi thoughtfully knocked on the door.

Feng Changyu went to the toilet, but Feng Xinyao could only stand up and open the door. "Knock, knock, I am..."

Feng Xinyao was stunned for a moment when she saw Zhao Lisi with a smile on her face. She then saw Duoduo, sticking out his tongue and wagging his tail.


1. Hemiplegic hemiparesis is one-sided muscle weakness. It happens because of disruptions in your brain, spinal cord, or the nerves that connect to the affected muscles.