
There is Spring Next Door

Feng Xinyao always thought that it was because her family had too much luck with women that she was still alone. Her grandmother, who was almost 80, quietly developed a second love, and it was a love triangle. Her retired father was blocked at the door because he seduced someone else's wife while dancing in the square. The married elder brother met a teacher in the parents' group. The teacher confessed his love to him, and her elder sister-in-law beat him up. The eight-year-old nephew, who was handsome and cute, was kissed by a female classmate. Even the dog at home hooked up with the neighbor's little dog and successfully made her pregnant. And Feng Xinyao, who was unemployed and returned to her hometown, finally saw a handsome guy, but was sent to see the police by him and was sued for sexual harassment! Bah, it was clearly Min Wangyue who forgot to close the door when taking a shower! Min Wangyue: "Didn't you drool at that time?" "Shut up!" Feng Xinyao covered her face in shame and anger.

melincaiyi · 现代言情
23 Chs


Zhang Tiantian suddenly panicked and looked at her husband for help. The man didn't seem to see it, and it wasn't him who was in trouble anyway.

Just as Min Wangyue was about to claim compensation, Feng Xinyao said: "Ms. Zhang, I see that your husband is so reluctant to give money. Could it be that he took the money to support the mistress? I have heard people say that the mistress dislikes the landlord. The house is not good. Your husband wants to buy her a single-family villa on Huaihe Road. The villa is quite expensive. Does your husband's money go to the mistress, whether you live or die?"

"When you file for divorce, you will suffer, and he will live happily outside, and your son will be a nanny for the mistress. He will not fight back when hit or scolded. He will not be able to go to school. He will even take the civil service exam."

The man was watching a show, but Feng Xinyao's words were like a fire, suddenly burning him.

Zhang Tiantian, who had been persuaded by him, suddenly slapped the man in anger.

"Did you give all your money to that bitch? I have worked hard for you. If you treat me like this, I... I will die with you."

As she said this, she picked up the ashtray on the side and pointed it at the man.

Wang Kun quickly grabbed her and snatched the ashtray back.

This is a new ashtray he bought, and he hasn't even used it a few times.

A colleague came to help pull people away, but Min Wangyue had already stood away to avoid being affected.

Feng Xinyao was still standing next to him. The man then said he would run away with the mistress tomorrow. Men's words are deceiving; no matter how nice they say, all the money is spent on the mistress, and the wife doesn't spend money. Why let him have sex for free?

The man was so angry that he wanted to hit Feng Xinyao, but Feng Xinyao pointed at the surveillance camera and became arrogant. "If you have the ability, come here."

Wang Kun advised her to keep her mouth shut and wondered if she wanted compensation. Feng Xinyao then shut up and looked at the man proudly.

The man was so angry that he pointed his finger at Feng Xinyao and told her to be careful when going out.

Feng Xinyao said to Wang Kun, "Did you hear that? He threatened me, go and arrest him."

Min Wangyue shook his head, but he felt it was strange. It was the first time in his life that he had seen such an arrogant and fierce woman.

Is she really not afraid of the other party dealing with her?

Wang Kun also wanted to curse, but thought of Feng Xinyao's strong record and stopped talking. Although he is a policeman now, he also has a psychological fear of Feng Xinyao.

Zhang Tiantian forced her husband to transfer the money on the spot, and the two parties signed a settlement agreement. When Zhang Tiantian left, she still glared at Feng Xinyao and Min Wangyue, and the man glared at them as well, as if to say, Be careful when walking at night.

Zhang Tiantian looked back at her husband. She thought she was on the same page with him, but Feng Xinyao said, "Hey, I heard that the mistress is moving today; won't your husband help her move?"

Zhang Tiantian was immediately stunned. She glared at her husband, pulled his ears, and left.

Feng Xinyao sneered and said, "Fight with me. Even if Roaring Sky Dog comes, he will cook hot pot for me."

Min Wangyue lowered his head, calculated Feng Xinyao's money, and transferred the amount to her on the spot.

Feng Xinyao did the math and found that she received less compensation than she spent on home appliances. She always bought things at a discount. Did she make a profit? No! 

Min Wangyue didn't say much, turned around, and left the police station. Feng Xinyao also wanted to leave, but was stopped by Wang Kun.

"I didn't have the nerve to expose you just now. When did I say that the mistress was going to buy a single-family villa? You are spreading rumors."

Feng Xinyao shrugged and said, "I also heard what others said. It's not your turn to catch those who spread rumors."

"Who did you hear such a rumor?"

"Who else could it be? Your grandma."

Grandma Pang is not so powerful. Grandson, let's arrest your grandma!


Feng Xinyao got up early and stood on the balcony, holding a telescope, to watch Min Wangyue running in the community. Then she discovered that she was not the only one snooping; there were also girls in the buildings opposite who were staring.

Min Wangyue is a piece of delicious Fahai meat. Although everyone can't get it, it doesn't prevent them from looking at him.

Ah, she just appreciates beauty.

Min Wangyue seemed to be aware of it and raised his head to look in the direction where Feng Xinyao is. Feng Xinyao was so frightened that she quickly retreated and squatted on the balcony obscenely.

Grandma Feng teased her, "If you liked it so much, then go seduce him."

Feng Xinyao said, "I'm too pretty for that; just look at me; there's no need to do anything, and men will line up for me."

Then Feng Xinyao asked her if her things were ready. They're going to leave for a wedding banquet in the afternoon.

Grandma Feng said that there was no need to prepare anything. These days, money is given as a gift, so there is no need to prepare gifts. It's just too much hassle to prepare anything.

Originally, they wanted Feng Chen to drive, but he was busy with business and had no time.

Feng Changyu's training class was open, and he couldn't take a break in the past few days, so he left the drinking and courtesy to Feng Xinyao and Grandma Feng. Duoduo wanted to go out together, so Feng Xinyao threw the dog at his father.

The grandma and granddaughter drove out. Feng Xinyao found that grandma also brought a fertilizer bag and a bucket. She didn't understand: "Why did you bring these? You don't need such a big fertilizer bag for packing, right?"

"You will know when we get there," Grandma Feng said. 

Feng Xinyao then found that Min Wangyue was also driving out.

After driving on the highway for about an hour, the two of them arrived at their destination.

In order to tell everyone that she had a second grandson, her aunt specially booked the banquet at the Hua Hotel, the largest hotel in Pudong.

It is said that they make seafood, which is very valuable.

Feng Xinyao asked in a low voice, "She keeps doing weddings one after another, and her relatives don't complain?"

Grandma Feng smiled: "It was a special three years when her eldest grandson was one month old. Now that the situation has improved, it is natural for the two grandsons to have a party together. Otherwise, when will the family get back the gift money that goes out with them?"

She said that and looked at it again. Feng Xinyao said that her father had given wedding gifts to relatives over the years, hoping that he would be able to take them back when his daughter got married, but now it seems that there is no hope.

As they talked, the two entered the restaurant. The decoration was quite decent. There were roll-up photos of two fat dolls at the door of the banquet hall. They were so cute. Another banquet hall opposite is used for wedding banquets.

Feng Xinyao feels that women will be dominated by estrogen when they get older, and they will unconsciously like chubby children. She used to be annoyed when she saw children, but now she likes this little thing very much.

A lot of guests had come. Grandma Feng saw some familiar people and found a place to sit. The host was greeting other people, and her aunt was chatting with relatives she didn't know.

As soon as Feng Xinyao sat down, a relative asked her about her identity. Under Grandma Feng's introduction, Feng Xinyao called people one by one, and a group of relatives started asking her about her marital status.

Feng Xinyao looked at her strange relatives with curious faces, clasped her toes on the ground, pretended to be stupid with a water glass, and let Grandma Feng deal with the enemy's artillery fire at the front.

The relatives knew that she was unmarried, so they tried to persuade her again, pointing to the young women at other tables and saying, "Your cousin's children are all in kindergarten; your cousin has a second child from her second marriage; and your cousin has a third child from her third marriage."

Feng Xinyao looked at a familiar face full of maternal glory at the next table. She remembered that this cousin was only a few years older than herself. Is this her third marriage?