
There is something wrong in my world

Several Eons had passed, the world where Adam lived and had a family had disappeared due to the apocalypse, Adam knew that every creation always has an end. In limbo where life and death do not apply, time is uncertain and even stopped, which should end all forms of anything. But, Adam did not end. Unlike his family, his wife, daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter died one by one leaving him alone, just like his first life. His system had a surprise in store that he didn't know about, a surprise that he would once again enjoy the same things he had almost forgotten. Back in Adam's original world, there was a surprise waiting for him in that world.

Shaywalloppp · 奇幻
19 Chs

Sixteenth experience

On a cold night during the snowy season when it was snowing outside this building, many people were surprised by me kneeling down to say thank you in front of this statue.

I just prayed that all these blessings would bring me understanding.

"Is he going to continue like that? It's been two weeks" The church people began to worry about me who had been motionless just saying thank you.

"Sir, don't you" I finished and got up from my knees, the nun looked at me who was taking a deep breath.

"Thank you for worrying about me, I pray all of you have good luck in your lives" I used Author Autorithy to wish this nun good luck in her life, a white light appeared on her forehead that only I could see.

"Thank you, I wish you success in your activities" I nodded and said goodbye to all the church people, they are good people, hopefully this church will be crowded.

I went out of the church to see the snowfall which was good enough for me to enjoy this gratitude.

The Clock Space power can be used to enter the game world directly or any world I want and I can stop any concept of time.

The power of Author Authority can change anything I want, especially the warning not to flick my right finger to activate this seal.

Or I can also change the plot of this novel, I realize that you readers of this novel are reading my story, I'm sorry if my creator is a little lacking in ideas or a little stray when it comes to creating themes.

But thank you for accompanying me in the previous novel that I tried a second life in the hentai world, Although I can't see and feel you, at least I know you exist.

I'm not going to change the plot of this novel, I'm leaving it alone because I want to know how my creator makes the enemies in the next level more challenging or even boring, but I'm honest that my power is already too beyond reason or out of scale, so it's likely that my biggest challenge will be at level 5 or 6.

After finishing remodeling the warning, I can now activate my abilities again.

I have to go back first before activating it because it's dangerous to my surroundings.

I arrived at the apartment, seeing Selena in my room with Nadie and Xu Xiu.

"Where are you from?" I then sat on my chair and put my watch down.

"From church" Selena raised her eyebrows and pointed to the calendar.

"Two weeks in church? Nonsense" I didn't need to comment, now I just needed to focus on what powers I needed to seal right now.

I then opened a portal to the Limbo dimension where I was once trapped.

"hey, wait" I closed the portal and then cut off my connection with Eva and the rest of the novel.

I flicked my right finger and then I felt my power explode.

I saw a hologram of my System.

[You have activated the system seal and changed the system rules]

[Personal System For Adam

>>>Please seal some of your power<<<<

Name: Adam

Age: ∞

Origin: Human

Achievement (10 ☆): (Father of All Race)(Good Husband)(Sadistic Husband)(Good and Naughty Father)(Handsome Grandpa)(Immortal Grandpa)(Friend Forever)(Demon God Saver)(Goddess Incarnation Savior)(Dragon King Equal)(Dragon King Forever Respect)(Kind Teacher)(Best teacher in our life)(Watch Me Grow)(Look at me! )(Forever loving you)(We still with You)(Scarlet Despair)(Bewitching The Witch Queen)(Luxurious Chest)(Weapon of Wish)(Second Chance)(Nature Godfather)(Redemption)(Fortuna Husband)(Great General of Generosity)(Guan Yin Eternal Gratitude)]

[Active][Sealed][Item] [=]

Maha Jagat (Summon Skill)

An Narr (Summon Skill)

Tian Gao (Summon Skill)

God Alluring Appearance (Skill)

Miracle Heal (Skill)

Dedication of purity (Skill)

Perfect Counter Force (Skill)

Father of Nature (Skill)

Alpha Craft (Skill)

Weapon Embodiment (Skill)

Grand Feast (Skill)

All Knowing (Skill)

God Grand Festival (Skill)

Motion Master (Skill)

Ain (Power)

Camera Man (Power)

Atlas Almighty (Power)

Snap (Skill)☆

God's Treasure Room (Skill)

Big Bang Lord (Power)☆

Reaper Army (Power)☆

Slayer (Power)

Third Eye of Sorrow (Power)☆

Clock space (Power)

Author Authority (Power)

Divided By Zero (Power)

True Eye Of The God (Power)

Emotion Affinity (Power)

Unity (Power)

Holy Worthy Seed (Power)

Universe One (Power)

True Divine Body (Power)

Breaking Beyond (Power)

Living Transcendence Elemental (Power)

4-D Being (Power)

Transformation (Power)☆

Summoning (Power)☆

Supreme Infernal Being (Power)

Supreme Celestial Being (Power)

Ascended Enlightened Existence (Power)

Uni-Transcendence Divinity (Power)

Messiah (Power)

Anti God (Power)

God Love (Power)

Death Blade Frostmourne(Item)

Blade of Exiled Chaos(Item)


Lunar Guidance(Item)

Solar Embrace(Item)

Adam Family Heirloom(Item)

Pandora Box (Item)☆]

Thank you, apparently they are all here.

All of my items manifested and I smiled to see that they could be free here.

I had to combine some unnecessary powers because they overlapped and merged them all into Pandora.

[Queen of the Valkyries Pandora, a goddess born from the materialization of the pandora's box that became your weapon, now has a life and soul and mind of her own. With the abilities you have combined, Pandora has become one of the strongest companions you have]

I combined Big Bang Lord, Slayer, Snap, 4-D Being, Transformation, Summoning, Divided by Zero, Third eye of sorrow and star upgrade.

plus Breaking Beyond all my summons including Reaper Army and other Summoning skills increased drastically in power and anything that broke their boundaries.

A woman with angel wings appeared, with a very majestic and majestic armor.

"Master" Pandora's soft voice in my ear really calmed me down.

"Pandora, congratulations on your birth. How is your body?" Pandora stood in front of me and nodded.

"For this body is just like any other woman, plus master's power is increasing all the time and is connected to me. I am happy to be able to walk together with master" An assumption that we would walk everywhere in the same steps became strong.

"Thank you, now may you shift a little" I tried to summon the spirits of all my family in this necklace and they appeared.

"Adam! Father! Grandfather! Great-grandfather!" Their voices made me nostalgic, I then hugged them one by one.

I enjoyed this moment again that I missed while Eon was trapped in Limbo.

I told stories and spent time here with them.

I didn't bring them back to life because I knew they were at peace there, they were happy to hear that I had returned to my original world and wished me success in my current life.

"Don't be rude to new women" I laughed at mifuyu's joke.

"They are not as lustful as you, thank you" I kissed all my wives and kissed all my children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren.

"Call us again when you miss us" I nodded because you were the family I had hoped for.

They disappeared one by one and left, Mifuyu ran towards me and kissed me warmly again, she let go of the kiss and cried sadly.

Don't be like that mifuyu, I really don't wish to leave you anymore.

"Take care adam, we always love you" Mifuyu disappeared and I burst into tears, after wipe it i look at her dim light.

"I love you all too, Goodbye" I looked at Pandora who was also sad, I wiped her tears and stroked her head.

"Thank you, I know you saw my history with the ability of your eyes. thank you" Pandora nodded and she returned to me, all my weapons returned to me.

I then checked my system again.

[Personal System For Adam

>>>Thank you is good word<<<

Name: Adam

Age: ∞

Origin: Human

Achievement (9 ☆): (Father of All Race)(Good Husband)(Sadistic Husband)(Good and Naughty Father)(Handsome Grandpa)(Immortal Grandpa)(Friend Forever)(Demon God Saver)(Goddess Incarnation Savior)(Dragon King Equal)(Dragon King Forever Respect)(Kind Teacher)(Best teacher in our life)(Watch Me Grow)(Look at me! )(Forever loving you)(We still with You)(Scarlet Despair)(Bewitching The Witch Queen)(Luxurious Chest)(Weapon of Wish)(Second Chance)(Nature Godfather)(Redemption)(Fortuna Husband)(Great General of Generosity)(Guan Yin Eternal Gratitude)]

[Active][Sealed][Item] [=]

Maha Jagat (Summon Skill)

An Narr (Summon Skill)

Tian Gao (Summon Skill)

Queen Goddess of the Valkyries Pandora (Summon Skill)

God Alluring Appearance (Skill)

Miracle Heal (Skill)

Dedication of purity (Skill)

Perfect Counter Force (Skill)

Father of Nature (Skill)

Alpha Craft (Skill)

Weapon Embodiment (Skill)

Grand Feast (Skill)

All Knowing (Skill)

God Grand Festival (Skill)

Motion Master (Skill)

Ain (Power)

Camera Man (Power)

Atlas Almighty (Power)

God's Treasure Room (Skill)

Reaper Army (Power)☆

Author Authority (Power)

Clock Space (Power)

True Eye Of The God (Power)

Emotion Affinity (Power)

Unity (Power)

Holy Worthy Seed (Power)

Universe One (Power)

True Divine Body (Power)

Breaking Beyond (Power)

Living Transcendence Elemental (Power)

Supreme Infernal Being (Power)

Supreme Celestial Being (Power)

Ascended Enlightened Existence (Power)

Uni-Transcendence Divinity (Power)

Messiah (Power)

Anti God (Power)

God Love (Power)

Death Blade Frostmourne(Item)

Blade of Exiled Chaos(Item)


Lunar Guidance(Item)

Solar Embrace(Item)

Adam Family Heirloom(Item)]

Seal a few and reorganize everything.

Leaving only reasonable Powers, for an unreasonable one like Ain, Breaking Beyond and Uni-Transcendence Divinity are not good reasons to activate.

I used Author Authority only when necessary, I realized that Breaking beyond had already increased my strength and skills before and now that all the effects were permanent, it would be even better.

I returned by opening the portal from limbo, seeing Selena crying and Nadie and Xu Xiu comforting her.

"What?" Selena came up to me and slapped me, I held her hand back easily.

"What are you doing, Hah! Leaving so suddenly that even we and all the goddesses and gods couldn't track you down. You don't know how I felt when you were consumed by the Portal, I was afraid you wouldn't come back." I hugged Selena warmly and then stroked her head gently.

"I have very important business but thank you for worrying about me. Thank you for caring about me" I let go of Selena's hug and then looked at the ceiling.

"I'm home" I smiled sweetly, Eva and Pixie could see my smile.

"You scared me, welcome back" Eva then looked back at me with pleasure.

I then sat on the edge of my bed and these three people looked at me thoroughly.

"What's wrong?" They then realized and looked away.

It seems like the effects of Emotion Affinity and Charm of Divine body are really working, I have to be a bit cautious about this.

"Your power is different, it is like we are trying to see something that in veil yet you arent there for some reason" A good assumption from Nadie, I nodded and stood up from my bed to make a snack.

I took my remaining food ingredients, I made my body into two and helped each other cook. after finishing I served it to them and I also tried it.

It turns out that my food is more delicious than usual, meaning the effect is real for Breaking Beyond.

The three of them then consumed my food quickly without saying much until a moment when I was surprised myself.

Selena kissed me on the cheek and left my room in a hurry, I rubbed Selena's kissed cheek and smiled.

"Adam, I'd like to ask permission to go home" Nadie left through the window, Xu Xiu then saluted and said goodbye to me without speaking.

I just chuckled at the behavior of all of them, I put on my White outfit and went to conquer some A Rank dungeons to thoroughly test my new active power.

If Emotion Affinity helps me with work how about fighting? And the results were very unexpected, my attacks became fatal when it was just a mere touch.

I will definitely raise this level but I also feel the feelings that the sentient monstrosity I saw has.

"Im scared, Please spare me" Despite It cant speak but their genuine emotion was sent at me, Fear, sadness, Sorrow, All negative feeling even positive feeling like this.

"Thank you for sparing us" Yes, those are the feelings of this monster colony that I have forgiven because they are literally innocent.

I felt all those emotions as I had once felt them, I didn't read Selena, Nadie or Xi Xiu's emotions because I guarded their privacy after all.

I was as usual looting the Diamond Chests in every Rank A Dungeon scattered around the world.

[Your achievements are recognized by the evil gods and goddesses, they expect you to speed up the difficulty level soon]

[Goddess Eva is pleased with your increasing strength]

[All the gods and goddesses wish you to continue becoming stronger]

I smiled at this hologram for a moment and then I walked out of this dungeon.

[Since the enhancement requirements are met, the difficulty level of the Dungeon Level is increased to Level 3, continue to be strong our Hope]

This notification spread outwards to the entire earth population and made a drastic stir.

Some Hope tried her best to become strong, while my persona white sold my loot that I had opened, for the closed chests I didn't need to sell them.

My wealth was growing and the news of me conquering 90 Rank A Dungeons, 130 Rank B Dungeons in one day was a huge sensation.

In a quiet apartment in this complex where many crows were wandering around.

Me, Selena, Nadie, Xi Xiu and another woman sitting with us, a tall white-haired woman with tattoos on her body and a face full of wolf-like vigilance.

"Rank 1 Hope Norway, Vigdis Skad. A God Slayer. Welcome to my cramped apartment" Selena pinched me, I ignored Selena's pinch.

"I heard you were White's student, I wonder if you really have the God Force like the report said" Vigdis looked at me with a very fierce gaze like a predator ready to prey on anything.

"It's true, White is my teacher, and he is now in front of you" Vigdis raised her eyebrows with a strange look at me, Nadie was looking at me seriously as well as Xi Xiu.

"Where? I don't see him" I brought up White's costume and mask on my face and then uncovered it with my face.

"Does this answer your question?" I also used White's voice and everyone was shocked except Selena who already knew White was me.

Then Vigdis attacked me but her body stopped completely in the air, not moving at all.

"Such a fierce woman, Its a shame you are not as fierce as Selena nagging at me" Selena pinched my thigh hard this time even using her Skill.

"You are white?" I nodded to Nadie, Nadie had a mind break, Xi Xiu was just silent translating what just happened here.

"If this is over" I clapped my hand then everything returned to normal again without any problems.

"I'm going to bed, good night" I then walked to my bed and covered my body with the blanket.

"White, we are not done yet. I must defeat you as my supporter order" I turned to Vigdis who was looking at me with a gaze full of competition.

"You're just a pawn by that evil god, you're not a human but a puppet with a mind, pretty pathetic you know. while I got all the supporters from gods and goddesses to evil gods and goddesses all of them at once, and they let me do anything even torturing you here they will turn a blind eye about it. so don't threaten me with a good time" I then summoning my Headset and closed my ears, playing a melodious sleep song.

"Ezgod, Guard me. I don't want my hands get dirty by killing helpless women" Ezgod appeared from his portal and looked at these 4 people with a serious look, I nodded and started to fall asleep.

"As you wish my lord" Ezgod stood up straight showing a very strong aura like a World Raid Boss.

"So ladies, if you can comply with my lord's order for not disturbing his sleep. i will treat you as my lord lover but otherwise don't blame me when you don't exist anymore" Selena hearing this blushed and left my room, Nadie followed Selena and Xi Xiu also left.

Vigdis saw Ezgod with her power and Vigdis's World, Reality, Mind and Soul were shattered into pieces, Vigdis trembled violently because in front of her was not a human, monster, or god even a goddess who gave her power.

A GOD. A True God that will destroy this entire creation out of whim, Vigdis felt so terrified that her body refused to move at all.

[Your god wants you to leave here immediately, your death will be absolute if you still challenge that person]

[Your god says that you were foolish enough to lie in front of the goddess Eva Hope]

[Your god will not help you if White is already torturing you here, leave before it's too late]

Vigdis retreated by dragging her body, Ezgod just smiled at Vigdis' expression and Vigdis went to the next room.

"You're too domineering General Ezgod" A man and woman appeared from the same portal Ezgod used.

"Supreme General Iki Ryo Wo, Supreme General Alene, Greetings" The three people greeted together.

"This world is interesting with some ants watching over my Lord, I wonder what challenge could make my soul stir" Iki looked up at the sky as well as Ezgod, while Alene sat beside me watching me fall asleep.

"Don't mind them, Our Lord doesn't need their "Weak" power. As long as we are together with Our Lord, subjugating the entire universe to various universes is the most enjoyable experience" Iki laughed at Ezgod's ultimatum, Alene touched my cheek and I growled. Alene was startled and fell to her knees beside me.

"Supreme General Alene, you are overstepping your bounds. control yourself not to disturb our lord sleeping" Ezgod and Iki shook their heads at Alene's behavior.

"I'm just curious."

Enough for mass release because i will update in Other fanfic, So good bye and have a nice day

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts