Aegon Targaryen, younger than Viserys and older than Daenerys, seeks the strength to reclaim his family's honor and retake what was unjustly taken from them. Thank you for embarking on this fanfiction journey with me! Your support is incredibly valuable. Remember, you can find early chapters on my Patreon page. Keep an eye out for thrilling updates and exciting adventures to come!
Aegon's plans were taking shape and as he planned Jon Connington was doing his job. It would be years before Jon could send him any worthwhile information, but one part of his plan was taking shape. To keep gold flowing to Jon, Aegon had Ymeer send his portion to Jon in Meereen. The next part worked out as well. With the threat on their lives it was easier to convince Viserys for the need to travel to Meereen. They traveled along the road and after three weeks they joined a caravan heading to Meereen. All three Targaryens had colored their hair black to disguise themselves. Viserys objected vehemently to this, but eventually they were able to talk him into it, with the condition that he could wash it out once they reached Meereen.
After two months of travel they came upon the great city of Meereen. "Wow!" Dany says staring at the pyramid. Her wonder soon ends when she learns about slavery in the city.
It doesn't take long to find a modest house to live in. It is a lot bigger than the one in Braavos. Two days after they get settled in everyone goes into the city. Viserys breaks away from the group to do as he wishes. Aegon, Cade, Dany and their Sell-Swords go to one of the fighting pits. "You aren't going to fight are you?" Dany asks.
"We need gold and fast… This is the quickest way…" Aegon walks up to the Pit Boss, "How much for a free man to enter the pit fights?"
"Five gold Harpies… You win… You get ten percent off the top… You lose… oh well…"
"On you… all first timers get five to one…"
"I wish to sign up…" Aegon says placing the gold on the table.
"Name you wish to fight under?"
"Blood Fire…" Aegon has Cade bet half their gold and silver and on himself. That is twenty three hundred, a thousand in gold and the rest silver.
"Two men enter and one man dies!" The Pit Boss yells.
Aegon enters the pit from one end. "Be careful my Prince…" Cade says.
A slave fighter enters brandishing two hand axes and wears a mask. He roars and the people cheer, "I give you the Unknown vs Blood Fire! Begin!"
They run at each and Unknown swings his left, but Aegon spins around him to the left and slashes him across the back. Ignoring the pain Unknown swings his left wide. Aegon ducks and comes up blocking his right. Then he stabs Unknown in the gut. The people cheer his victory. Cade fights a pit match as well and in one day they have increased their treasury ten times over.
"What in the world…" Viserys says, "Where did all this come from?"
"Pit fighting." Dany says.
They take their winnings to the Golden Harpy Bank of Meereen. "BLOOD FIRE! BLOOD FIRE! BLOOD FIRE!" They crowd chants his pit name as Aegon drop-toe-holds his opponent and stabs him in the back. "GUARDIAN! GUARDIAN GUARDIAN!" They chant for Sir Cade as he kills a Dothraki pit fighter. Then he holds the severed head high.
With every victory they double and triple their wealth. "Now is the time… Now we can buy an army…" Viserys says.
"No now is the time to invest our gold… I have been looking into some very profitable business ventures with quick returns…"
"I am your King and I command you to use that gold to buy us an army…"
Aegon stares at Viserys, "Must I wake the Dragon…" Dany is there listening and watching.
"The longer we wait the more the Usurper grows powerful…"
"Or weaker… if we move to soon it will be our undoing… an invasion takes time and patience brother…"
"Our ancestors overthrew the Ghiscari… They conquered Westeros….They…"
"In both instances they had Dragons… We do not… For now we must rely on our cunning…" Viserys drops it for now, but Aegon knows it was not the end of it. His brother is going to betray him and he needed to prepare for it. Later Aegon meets in private with Sir Cade to discuss matters. Soon the great arena opens and both Aegon and Cade fight in the arena matches. Cade wins a free for all and Aegon wins a two on one match. Three months later the business ventures Aegon spoke of pay off. With the business payoff Aegon is able to establish a small spy ring. Aegon and Cade stop pit fighting to focus on other ideas on the plan to retake the Iron Throne for House Targaryen.
Embark on Aegon Targaryen's journey in "Game of Thrones: The Young Dragon"! Experience advance chapters interactively on my Patreon: