Aegon Targaryen, younger than Viserys and older than Daenerys, seeks the strength to reclaim his family's honor and retake what was unjustly taken from them. Thank you for embarking on this fanfiction journey with me! Your support is incredibly valuable. Remember, you can find early chapters on my Patreon page. Keep an eye out for thrilling updates and exciting adventures to come!
Things were starting to settle down in the Capital. Already repairs were being made to burned buildings. Some of the city watch had remained loyal to the Targaryens and to compensate for those killed in battle both Baratheon and Lannister troops patrolled the streets of the city. There is a curfew in place as loyalists to the Targaryens paint three headed red dragons on the walls.
Robert Baratheon had been crowned King by the High Septon. He had been paid to say that is was the will of the gods. Robert holds court to issue out rewards and punishment. "I name Jon Arryn Hand of the King…" He says in a booming voice placing the pen of office on his tunic. "Lord Varys Master of Whispers… You shall maintain your position and serve me…"
"I vow to serve Robert Baratheon the one true King of Westeros…"
He names Sir Janos Slent Lord Commander of the City Watch, "I name my brother Stannis Baratheon Lord of Dragonstone and Master of Ships…" Sir Barristan Selmy remains Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.
"Tywin Lannister… In the beginning you fought for the Targaryens… Then you switched sides and delivered this city into my hands… How shall I reward you?"
"My daughter Cersei is young and beautiful your grace… She will give you many sons and daughters… I ask that you make her your Queen…"
"Send for your daughter Lord Tywin I will look upon her… Sir Jaime Lannister step forward…" He does and stands next to his father, "They call you Kingslayer… You stabbed the Mad King in the back… And now I am King… What would you have of me…"
"Only that you allow me to serve as a member of your guard… I also ask that you make a place in court for my brother Tyrion…" When Jaime says this Tywin Lannister looks at him.
"It shall be…" Later after making declarations and issuing death sentences Robert is able to be alone and relax. Both Eddard Stark and Jon Arryn are there. "Well we did… The Targaryens are gone and I am King… Fuck!" He looks at Eddard, "I should have let you take the Iron Throne…"
"You were the one who killed Rhaegar…"
"May he burn in all seven hells…" Robert replies.
"Well I will be leaving tomorrow for Winterfell… I have a wife and a young son waiting for me."
"Not so fast… First you will stay to be at my wedding to the Lannister girl…"
"King Robert Baratheon married… I hope you treat the girl properly Robert…" Jon Arryn says.
"Yes of course… I remember what you taught me about wives… Happy wife happy life…"
"There is more to it than that…"
He raises his hand, "Not another lecture Jon…"
"I will say this and close my mouth… You are still in love with Lyanna…"
"She was mine!"
"If you truly loved her you would not have been bedding every woman who smiles at you… You are a King now…"
"A King should do as he pleases…"
Jon shakes his head, "The Lannisters are rich and powerful… They will make great allies… and she will bring a large dowry to the crown… Make her life with you a good one… Don't throw Lyanna in her face… and by the gods try to forget Lyanna…"
"I will never forget my beloved Lyanna…"
Cersei Baratheon arrives in the Capital a month later and is formally introduced to the King at court; Jon Arryn advices Robert to make the wedding a public affair, to boost the morale of the citizens. Tywin Lannister pays for the entire event, which is held in the garden two months later. At the wedding feast the King gets drunk and calls for a bedding ceremony.
"Damn you are beautiful…" He says climbing on top of her.
"My lord…"
"How does it feel to be fucked by a King…" In a few minutes he is done and passes out on top of Cersei. "Oh Lyanna…" He says and falls asleep. Cersei lays there unable to move him from off top her and she starts crying. Several hours later he farts and gets up. "Oh shit I need to piss…" He stumbles off her and makes his way to the privy butt naked. When he returns Robert grabs Cersei's leg and pulls her to the edge of the bed.
"My Lord please I am tired and sleepy…"
"And I am feeling very healthy again… Look at my cock… I will explode if I don't put it somewhere…" Ignoring her pleas he enters her again. "I want to feel your mouth around my cock…" She reluctantly obeys. After two more times he eventually falls back to sleep. The next day Robert awakens to an empty bed. He pulls the bell for the servant, "Where is my wife?"
"In the garden having breakfast with her brothers your grace…"
"Bring me some food…" Later he goes hunting. And when he returns to the Keep Robert meets with the small council. He is informed of the Iron Born rebellion. "Stannis I will march out and fight the Iron Born… When I have driven them from the mainland you will sail on the Iron Isles… Kill all of Balon Greyjoys sons… except the youngest… Bring that old shit back to Kings Landing so he can bend the knee…"
"I hear you are leaving my Lord…" Cersei says.
"I am in two days… The Iron Born are in open rebellion… I will kill many Iron Born…" He starts fondling her. This time Robert is gentler with Cersei, more affectionate. The Iron Born Rebellion lasts six months. It ends with an invasion of the Iron Isles and the death of Rodrik and Maron Greyjoy. Theon the youngest is sent to Ward at Winterfell to make sure Balon remains loyal. Balon is bought to the Capital and forced to bend the knee before Robert Baratheon.
"Let that be a warning to you Balon Greyjoy and all those Iron Born shits… Step out of line again… and the Iron Isles will no longer be known as the Iron Isles… It will be known as the Blood Islands… Now get the fuck out of my sight…" A year later Cersei gives birth to a son and names him Joffrey.
Embark on Aegon Targaryen's journey in "Game of Thrones: The Young Dragon"! Experience advance chapters interactively on my Patreon: