
The Wyldhardt Saga

Join a lost soul devoid of memories on his journey through reincarnation. He will learn to love and fight for family while forging relationships that last for lifetimes. His name is Kayde Wyldhardt, the firstborn son and Crown Prince to the Adeloria Kingdom. He will learn of his powers, his unique bloodline, and will struggle to gain the strength he needs to protect those he loves while under threat of evil. As his journey begins we will learn of a looming threat from behind the scenes, there lies a force hell bent on reviving a Dark God. As he fights to stop this threat he learns that all is not what it seems.

Cade_Hill · 奇幻
19 Chs

Tier 1 Already?

An endless sea of blood and bone is all I can see as it's up to my waist. The sky pitch black with no stars or sources of light despite how easy it is to see.Off into the distance there is what looks to be a landmass but since it's so small I assume it'll be a long trek.

I begin to make my way through the sea of blood and notices faint cries of pain and woe. I continued on and noticed that as I got closer, it wasn't a landmass I saw but a mountain of corpses. Once I got to the front I saw something I didn't want to believe.

At the front I saw five large pikes and adorning these was the corpses of my parents and my friends. In front of that I saw the most grotesque female demon holding Liliana's half naked body as she tortures her.

Her appearance could be attributed to something like it came straight for a Lovecraft novel. The only reason you could tell she was a she was due to her bare breasts swaying as she laughed in delight to Liliana's screams of pain.

I tried to yell out, to stop what was happening, but I couldn't even move anymore. It's almost like I'm watching a scene play out. As I lament over what's occuring a voice whispers into my ear.

"If you want to keep this from happening, then you need to push your limits and keep a select few close to help them grow."

After that voice disappeared I woke up and sat up while breathing heavily.

I immediately opened my status and saw some notifications.

{Defeated a Named Demon(Halfling)}

{Rewards are being distributed}

{Title's Unlocked}

{Title's Received}

{New Skills Gained!}

{Skills Removed}

{Items Received}

{Relationship Tab Unlocked}


Name: Kayde Wyldhardt

Title: Crown Prince (NEW!), Hero (NEW!), Demon's Bane (NEW!)

Tier: 1

Level: 1

EXP: 09%/100%

Gender: Male

Class: Divine Draken Knight

Elements: Light, Holy, Life, and Nature


Health 6,580/6,580

Mana 6,620/6,620

-Strength 34+200¹+100²→ 334

-Endurance 35 +300¹+100²→435

-Dexterity 34+200¹+100²→334

-Intelligence 36+200¹+100²→336

-Luck 31+100¹+100²→231

Status Points: 1000 →0

(See notes at the end for details)


Elemental Imbument(5), Barrier(7), Taunt(1), Roar(1), Inventory (Max), Dragon Form(1), Dragons Breath(1) NEW!


Light(4), Mana Bolt(5), Heal(5), Natures Call(4), Belladonna(3), Holy arrow(3), Revive(2) UPDATED!

Passive Skills:

Draconic Body of Perfection(2), Weapons Mastery(5), Enhanced Growth(2), Mana Regen(7), Mana Control(5), Elemental Mastery(4), Dragons Heart (MAX), Elemental Resistance (1) NEW!

Bloodline: Angelic Dragon

Blessings: Goddess Hestias Blessing, Blessing of the Goddess Tiamat

I still surprised over the new tab for marriage ingnore it for now and look at my new skills after noticing I lost both Smite and Bash.

Dragons Breath: This skill allows dragons or dragon kind to harness their elements in the form of a breath attack. All dragons can breath fire but this skill allows the user to apply their other elements to the flame.

Elemental Resistance: This skill gives its user the ability to resist any element by 10%. As the skill levels up it adds another 4% per level.

I looked at revive but realized it is self explanatory. Once I finished with that I looked at the Relationship Tab.


Francis Wyldhardt (Familial) 100/100

Mysthia Wyldhardt (Familial) 100/100

Hestia (Undefined³) Love 100/100

Liliana (Engaged) Love 100/100

Hillary (Friend's⁴) 37/100

Tyria (Friend's) 42/100

Gerard (Friends⁵) 40/100

I then closed out the system panel after I got a closer look at myself and my new functions. I barely realized then that I still had Liliana and my mother in the room waiting for me to heal up. I look out the window and see that it's the crack of dawn and lightly shake the both of them to wake up.

I see my mother wake up first and she smiles while giving me a hug.

"Where is Father?"

My mother looks a bit solemn as she gets ready to speak.

"Your father found out who helped the demon and caused the event. It was Duke Thorne."

Liliana woke up as she heard that and yelled.

"My father, but that can't be. He's always been loyal to the crown!"

"I know, that's why he started to investigate harder to see if he was framed. We all doubt that it was your father. That's why we want to make sure."

My mother stands up and leaves after making sure I will comfort Liliana. I grab her hand and bring her close to me and hug her.

"We all know your family would rather die than betray the crown Lily. That's why I will believe your father, even though I've never met the man."

She chuckles a bit after I said that and moves in for a kiss.

"Thanks, I wasn't too close to my father but I still couldn't believe someone so patriotic would do such a thing."

I wipe away her tears. Afterwards I wait for her to calm down before I speak again.

"To get away from such a disturbing topic, what level are you now?"

She smirks as if she's done something impressive.

"I am now Tier 1 level 1!"

Now that she said that I noticed her hair took on an earthly color with the tips being the color of grass, her lips taking on a green hue, her ears becoming pointed like an elves while not so prominent. Her eyes haven't changed but her figure also became more voluptuous. Not chubby mind you, it's just that her feminine assets above and below gained a larger size.

As I keep looking she blushes and covers her chest.

"You pervert..."

I laugh as I act like I've been hurt by her words.

"I just didn't think that you would change that much. I thought only your hair and ears would change, not your whole body."

"Why did I level up so quickly? The fastest to hit tier one was in 5 months, not one or two days."

"I can't tell you yet, but it is related to me."

As we keep talking the staff of the Infirmary check on me one last time after I asked to be released. The staff become flabbergasted as they find nothing wrong, as if I wasn't fighting for my life the last couple days.

As they discharge me Liliana grabs my hand and takes me to a nearby restaurant where we find Gerard, Hillary, Tyria, and Elda all seated at a table waiting for us as if they knew I got discharged. As I sit I begin to talk.

"Am I right in assuming that all of you have hit tier one like Liliana and I?"

They smile proudly just like Liliana did. After that we all celebrate hitting this milestone so early. As we are eating our feast of a breakfast the doors to the restaurant burst open.

"The King is making an announcement! He has called for the people to assemble at the town square!"

Then the knights see me with my friends. He makes his way over and then sits on one knee while bowing his head.

"Crown Prince, your presence is requested by the king and queen. They also instructed us to bring your friends along."

We all get up and we follow the knights after paying for the food despite the owner trying to say it's on the house. As we leave I can hear everyone mumble as they stare in awe at all of us being escorted out towards the portal leading to the town square outside the academy.

We were teleported to the room adjacent to the throne room. As we made our way through the castle I noticed how we were being brought to the balcony overlooking the town square. As we arrive I see the crowd roaring in excitement. My mother comes to us and tells us of how my father hyped up the crowd.

As we stop right behind my father he speaks once again.

"Hear me people of Adeloria! We have found that an ancient evil is on the rise. The cult of Xuria is back, but fear not since a new hero is in our midst! My son, while in a dungeon was betrayed by a party member. This same person turned out to be a Demon! After My son and his team dispatched said evil they were dragged out of the Dungeon saved by my son who passed out from his wounds."

As he stopped I remember that I have his corpse in my storage and pull out his head. I walk next to my father and raise it up high and then I heard a collective gasp and then people started to scream at the sight.

"This demon was helped, he gained access to the school while disguised and none were the wiser. We've managed to find the traitor!"

He waves to the guards to bring someone up.

As they do I see Liliana tense up. Then we see who it is, as it turns out it was not her father but somehow the teacher of our combat class.

"This mans name is Gris Ulris, he was once known by a different name. Before you knew him as such his real name is Durian Thorne! After he was exiled he used magic to have his appearance permanently changed while concocting his plan of revenge."

As that announcement was made the entire crowd roared with rage towards the man labeled a traitor.

Then my father waved his hand and Durians appearance changed from a seemingly ordinary man to a monstrous creature that looks like it's made from nothing but shadow. You can see the outline of his shape but his face is obscured.

"This is what he is, just like the boy he is also a member of the cult of Xuria! As I speak I have my royal army investigating the whole kingdom and rooting out this darkness. Know this my people, this is not over and we will not stop until I say we do!"

Then my father pulls out his sword and cuts off his head. As the head separates his body starts turning to ash and we see a purple and red orb floating around. As my father gets ready to destroy it we see it fly towards a hand.

"We can't have you doing that now can we?"

We see a woman with Grey skin, Crimson colored hair, and violet eyes. She is wearing a dress that's extremely revealing. On her head are two goat horns curving into a circle.

She waved bye and winked at me as she disappeared.

My father who's about to yell furiously calms down and speaks to the people. They calm down from the spectacle that has occurred as he talks.

"The Goddess Hestia has given the people an Oracle! She has deemed 5 worthy of being called a hero! My son Prince Kayde, his Fiancee Liliana Thorne, and their friends Hillary Duncan, Tyria Highborn, and Gerard Thorne!"

He calls us up and the crowd goes wild to that announcement. We all are waving to the crowd and Liliana grabs my hand.


¹ These are the stats he gets for each level up, he gets a standard ten per level versus the 5 other classes gain. Though his party as long as they stay with him get an additional 5 stat points each level too.

² These are from his blessing with Tiamat which gives him the additional +1 to all stats every level (refer to chapter 10)

³ This is due to the unique connection that Kayde has with Hestia. Whether or not it'll be something more though is due to you the readers. (Let me know if you want a harem)

⁴ This is how any and all new companions (female preferably) will be after they have a strong enough connection with the Protagonist.

⁵ Any and or all guys our Protagonist encounters will always be friends if they get close enough. (I'm just not into the idea of same sex relationships personally)