
The Wyldhardt Saga

Join a lost soul devoid of memories on his journey through reincarnation. He will learn to love and fight for family while forging relationships that last for lifetimes. His name is Kayde Wyldhardt, the firstborn son and Crown Prince to the Adeloria Kingdom. He will learn of his powers, his unique bloodline, and will struggle to gain the strength he needs to protect those he loves while under threat of evil. As his journey begins we will learn of a looming threat from behind the scenes, there lies a force hell bent on reviving a Dark God. As he fights to stop this threat he learns that all is not what it seems.

Cade_Hill · 奇幻
19 Chs

Awakening Ceremony

I woke up full of energy as I realized that today is the day! I can finally awaken and gain my system! I jumped out of bed and began to get dress appropriately as Liliana comes in.

"Young Master, your parents are requesting your presence for breakfast."

"Tell them I'm on my way"

I continue to get dressed as she bows to me and leaves. I sigh wondering when she will open up to me. I begin to look at myself in the mirror. I have Platinum Blonde hair like my mother and Golden eyes that shimmer with a metallic luster from my father. I am wearing a plain white dress shirt with gold cufflinks. I have a black suede double breasted vest on. My pants are a charcoal grey pair of jeans with a dark gold stitching. My shoes are black polished dress shoes. Now don't get me wrong, even though my kingdom is like a medieval era the clothes have become more modern.

'I better look away before I become an obsessive narcissist'

Since I finished getting ready I leave my room and make my way down the hall. As I arrived at the dining room two butler open the door for me and enter behind me closing the doors as I take my seat close to my mother.

"Don't you look great today my dear."

I smile at my mother and my dad gives me a thumbs up. Then he gives me a serious look.

"Your awakening is going to be held at the Church of Hestia."

Why does that name feel familiar?

"When will we be going father?"

"In an hour so make sure not to eat too much."

I nod my head yes as my mother starts to comb her fingers through my hair. She smiles at me and gives me a kiss on the forehead. We both then go back to eating our meal. After about 20 minutes we finish and get ready to ride in our car. As it pulls up I see a crest on the side of the vehicle. It has a dragons head blowing fire downward with two sword behind the head. And the crest is in the shape of a shield.

"Father is that our family crest?"

He nods his head yes while ushering me in. As I sit down he sits across from me and my mother next to me. As we feel the car begin to move I look outside due to the fact that I've never left the castle before. I'm left in awe of how beautiful this city looks. It looks like what our new minister of architecture calls a modern town. As we near the Church I can see a crowd building on both sides of the street cheering at the arrival of the royal family.

"Why are they cheering for us father?"

"Well my son it is due to the fact that for generations our family has made it our solem duty to enrich the populace so that none falls into poverty. We have strived to make possible job opportunities and made sure to introduce new ideas that would encourage our country to flourish. As of this moment we have more jobs open to be filled than there are those to fill them. Also it doesn't hurt to have the best military in the continent."

After hearing my dad speak I become exited for the future, I want to see what heights humanity can reach in the future. Though by then I'm not sure if I'll be human anymore.

As we arrive I can see 2 priests and what looks to be the Cardinal. As we get out my father speaks.

"Cardinal, I didn't expect to see you here today."

He smiles and then looks towards me.

"I just wanted to see what kind of monster you might've created."

"You're worried, that my son might be more than you could handle?"

I see them have a staring contest burning holes into each other's heads. Then they both laugh at each other while holding onto each other's shoulders. I look to my mother for help.

"They are old friends from their academy days. Though I have no clue why they are laughing either."

As they stop laughing the Cardinal looks at me.

"Welcome to the Church of Hestia Crown Prince Kayde Wyldhardt. Come inside, it is time we do your ceremony."

As he turns around we all begin to follow behind into the church. Just like the outside the inside looks like it's carved out of marble with intricate patterns and images adorning the pillars. On both sides of the floor are pews of ebony with sophisticated designs showing simplicity with wealth. In front of the pews is an intricate magic circle with a beautifully designed woman in the center.

"Crown Prince can you sit on one knee in the middle here with your head down?"

I do as he says and make my way to the middle. As I put my head down the priests and the Cardinal all start chanting. As they do I see the circle begin to glow and activate.

Once it does I find my consciousness slipping.

"Welcome to my home, or should I say it's nice to see you again?"

As I came to I opened my eyes and I sucked in my breath. In front of me was a woman of such beauty that I've never met anyone who can compare. Well except my mom and Liliana of course. She chuckles as if she can read my mind.

"You won't don't need to remember anyway. You are here to awaken right?" She walks up to me with a small orb of light on her index finger and taps the middle of my forehead. The orb gets sucked in and I noticed how I don't feel pain.

"You thought it would be painful? An awakening is meant to pull out what you already have. Not to force anything into you. If it did that it would mean there is something damaging your very existence. Try and say status."

I spoke the word and then the window of a status board came into being.


Name: Kayde Wyldhardt

Gender: Male

Class: Angelic Paladin

Elements: Light, Holy, Life, and Nature


Health 100/100

Mana 100/100

-Strength 10

-Endurance 10

-Dexterity 10

-Intelligence 10

-Luck 10

Status Points: 10

(Everyone starts at ten, it's the average for newly awakened.)


Elemental Imbument:

The user is able to add the properties of any element he may be able to use onto his weapons and even his skills. Effects may vary depending the elements used.


The user will strike an enemy with 120% of attack power. This skill can be used with any weapon the paladin can wield.


The user casts a wide shield like barrier in front of himself. It is attached to the forearm and lasts as long as the user has mana.

Passive Skills:

Body of Perfection:

Despite its name this skill brings your body and spirit to the peak of what your body can handle. It's benefits increase as you get stronger and evolve.

Weapons Mastery:

This skill allows one to have an ability to comprehend the use of any and all weapons the palading so choose to wield. Once the Paladin gains mastery of enough weapons there is a chance for this skill to evolve.

Enhanced Growth:

The user of this skill helps one level up faster. Currently the limit is .5x the current rate. As one levels and tiers up this skill will grow as well.

As I scrolled down to look for my bloodline I found a prompt at the bottom.

*Does User wish to awaken Dragon Bloodline (Mythic)?*

What does Mythic mean??

I hit yes and then i see ERROR. Wondering why it says that then I find out why.

*Users body has insufficient strength to awaken this bloodline. It is recommended that user gets stronger before attempting this again. User shall be notified when he gains sufficient strength to do so.*

After that explanation I hear the Cardinal cough into his hand.

"What have you awakened?"

"Angelic Paladin"

Everyone is surprised at my statement. Curiously I ask what's wrong.

"Nothing is wrong child, your class is just an unknown. It's the first of it's kind so there is no help that can be given to further understand your class."

As I nod in understanding I make my way to my parents and my father speaks up.

"Has your bloodline awakened?"

I explained to him what the system said to me.

"Then that means your bloodline is just that powerful. I guess there is a lot of training in your future son."

I groan at the prospect. My mother embraces me and takes me back to the carriage. As we leave I see my father and the Cardinal talking as the doors close.