
CHAPTER 1: The beginnings

"You look like you're in some deep trouble this time" a guy says as I peer up from the file I was not so discreetly staring at. It is my file, which means they have either decided to finally kick me out of the school or they just need another reminder of why exactly do they have to tolerate me despite every single 'situation' I've caused. Not to be all smug but it's said I am the best thing that happened to this college in years. Afterall, I'm the only 16 year old who is not only studying but acing a course that makes well grown adults break a sweat. In my defence, I am not a wannabe or a typical rich brat who just wants to be a troublemaker to gain attention. I only cause trouble when I am absolutely certain of my actions. How is it my fault that the system sometimes just doesn't seem good enough.