
Interlude of A Speedster Part 1

Flying and teleportation were often heralded as the holy grails of movement for powered people, but for Bree Ahearn losing herself in the speed of running was all she needed. The fact that she could use that speed to phase through buildings and run over water just made it even better.

She could cross from one side of the community to the other in under ten seconds flat, and could even make it to the nearby communities without any issues whatsoever. All she had to do was phase through one wall, run across the wastes at Mach 3, and then phase through another at the other end.

Bree wasn't going anywhere across the country today, though. Today she was just patrolling the Quarters of the London community, looking out for anyone that needed to be reminded what justice was in her city.

It didn't take long for the Powered girl to find her target.

With a laugh that was whisked away by her supersonic speeds, she accelerated just that little bit more before skidding to a stop. Her feet dragged through the already cracked and destroyed tarmac that made up the street, the friction creating deep gouges in the ground until she came to a sudden stop with one arm splayed in front and the other behind.

She held the position for a few moments, allowing the wind of her arrival to wash over the area and alert the villain before her to her presence.

She'd practised that for hours in the wastes and was thrilled for it to actually come together properly.

She locked eyes with the lawbreaker before her, a twenty-something with shoulder-length hair and the insignia of the Devil Riders on his leather jacket. He took one good look at her and then did what they all did, he tried to run away.

Bree rolled her eyes, they always tried to run. She never understood why. She was the fastest woman alive. She could run faster than most crafter tech weapons could fire, and that was seriously fast.

She gave the guy a head start, it was more fun that way.

When she burst into action it didn't take any longer than three seconds to catch up, even though she'd given him at least a minute to run on ahead.

She blasted past him and came to a dead stop in the middle of the street, with no theatrics this time, and a grin on her face.

"You really shouldn't have hurt that little girl," She said, her voice measured to show neither the thrill that she was feeling in chasing the guy down nor the anger at the injustice that he had perpetrated.

"I din' do nuffin!" The Devil Rider snarled at her, it wasn't that much of a defence.

"Oh please," Bree snapped, her calm facade faltering for a moment. "A little girl, battered so badly and left on the corner with no one around for miles. If I hadn't been there to rush her to the hospital she would have died. She still might!"

She shook her head at the man, who had started to slowly back away with her, even though he knew there was no chance that he could ever get away.

"What? You thought no one would notice another orphan girl on the street being abducted and abused? You thought no one would notice those swollen knuckles and that general air of pleasure you were exuding?" She went on.

The crook licked his lips nervously. "Alrigh', fine then," He said, bouncing slightly on his feet as if he were getting ready for a fight. "I din' do nuffin to anyone that mattered."

That was the last straw for Bree Ahearn.

She dashed forward in the blink of an eye and grabbed the guy by the shoulders. For a moment she thought about slamming him into a wall, but going at nearly 60 miles per hour and then slamming into anything would be enough to probably break his neck or smash his skull in. Then he wouldn't be able to accept his actual punishment.

Instead, she slowed them down at the last moment and pushed him down to the ground. He slid for a few moments, and then came to a stop, frazzled but mostly unharmed.

"You're obviously a member of the Devil Riders," She said, staring him down with a glare that could have frozen hell. "So, here's what we're going to do you worthless waste. You're going to tell me everything that your Devil pals have been doing, or, I'm going to start breaking things and then you can tell me everything that your Devil pals have been doing. Easy and hard, your choice."

As she spoke she started to vibrate on the spot. It made her voice warble and break menicingly. She knew it was working when his eyes went so wide she thought they might just pop out of his skull.

"Nah, screw you girly, you can't do that to me," He stammered, "There's laws about you Powered lot attacking normals like me."

She cocked her head to the side and started to vibrate even harder, hard enough that he could hear every time her body broke the sound barrier even as she was standing still.

"This is your last chance, scum," She warned, taking a slow step forward that powdered the ground beneath her foot.

"I said screw you," he snarled, spitting in her general direction.

She crossed the distance between the two of them in a nanosecond flat and ploughed her foot into his abdomen.

He flew a good ten feet through the air, bounced once, landed again, and then rolled across the ground until he came to a stop.

He didn't move.

She waited for a few seconds.

He still didn't move.

Bree was starting to get worried, right up until the point he groaned and shakily rose to his feet, before half collapsing against a wall.

"Ready to talk yet?" She asked, her worried face quickly switching into a smirk.

Arrival of my favourite character tbh

MattHarriscreators' thoughts