

It took me a few moments to realise that I could actually still open my eyes. It was like my body had forgotten that was something that was actually possible.

When I tried it I felt as if my body might have had the right idea.

One of my eyes wasn't working even after I had opened it, which was terrifying, and the other was blurry and out of focus. I could see things through it, but they were nothing more than shifting blobs of colour that didn't make sense.

I screwed my eyes shut again, trying to beat back the pain, but even then the slight glow of light passing through my eyelids felt like fireworks exploding in the depths of my brain.

I tried to piece things together, but my head was moving like a slug, twitching and slow.

"If you little pieces of crap had any sense at all, then you'd know that if you get the upper hand on me, even for a moment, then you're in an even worse place then when you're on the down, you get me?" Hissed a woman's voice.