
Chapter 2

Standing right in front of us was my brother kissing Sasha McGuire, high school cheerleader, hungrily like his life depended on it. She was doing the same thing in return. I made a face in disgust of them not being able to keep their hands off of each other.

Sophie whispered in my ear "Sasha must be his mate." I nodded my head in response.

All of a sudden we were pushed out of the way. We gasped in shock and were about to yell at the person until we realized who it was. None other than the future alpha Joseph Minus, who I thought was the hottest guy in the pack. And following close behind him was his future beta, Larry Blacksmith. Sophie had a crush on him since we were kids and been praying to the Moon Goddess that he was her mate.

We bowed our heads in respect and went to lean up against the lockers. Joseph yelled "Alec did you intentionally dump my sister for this wh*re!"

I have never seen my brother shake like he is doing right now. He got on his knees and bowed his head, whispering "Sorry Alpha it's just that I found my mate and you know how it goes."

It is true, when you find your mate, your other half, you have to be near them and you never choose someone else unless you reject them. I heard that if you get rejected from your mate, it's like you're dying and it's an ongoing pain.

Joseph looked shocked and said " Sorry Alec I shouldn't have yelled at you like that and congrats man on finding your mate. Rise my friend. Oh and one more thing, go find yourself a room." Alec stood onto his feet and thanked Joseph.

Alec grabbed Sasha's hand and they walked away happily. I saw Joseph shake his head and whispered to Larry "Now I got to explain to Rachel why he dumped her and she ain't going to like it one bit."

Larry nodded his head in agreement, they walked by continuing their conversation. We heard the bell rang, Sophie and I rushed toward our math class. I despised math with my whole heart.

After thirty minutes, we went to our second class which was English, which was my favorite class. After an hour went by it was 10:30am. I thought to myself " It feels like it's been 5 hours already." I sighed, getting bored and hungry.

After another hour the bell rang, and we rushed out as fast as we could. Sophie caught up with me, she said " I can't believe that test took us that long." I sighed nodding my head in agreement "Were the teachers trying to kill us with boredom?"

"I'm just happy they are giving us an hour break!" Sophie exclaimed excitedly. I jumped up excitedly with my eyes closed. Not paying attention to where I was going, I bumped into someone hard. I heard a growl, and without having to open my eyes I knew it was Joseph.

"Watch where you are going next time with your eyes open!' He snarled. "I'm sorry Alpha Joseph." I whispered, bowing my head with my eyes towards the floor. I grabbed Sophie's hand and scurried off.

We grabbed our trays and filled them up with mashed potatoes, gravy, steak and some vegetables. We went outside with our trays and sat up on the hill. We would still be able to hear the bell from here.

"So were your parents okay with you coming to stay at my place tonight?" Asked Sophie.

"They were a little disappointed due to it being a family night, but they finally agreed to me staying with you for the night." I said.

"Yayyyy!" She yelled to the whole world making everyone that was outside look towards us. She blushed and looked down at her feet and said, "Oops my bad." I couldn't help but laugh. She glared at me for a few seconds before joining in.

We got so engrossed in our conversation that we didn't realize that Joseph and Larry were standing in front of us. Joseph growled slowly, we looked up surprised.

I asked him "What do you want?" He growled angrily "How dare you talk to me like that with disrespect!"

I trembled in fear realizing what I did was wrong...