
The World of Demons And Gods

Killed by the assassins, Cyrus the master of different martial arts that his family taught had died in a raid by his family's rival killing him and his clan. Losing his hope to seek revenge for his family. On his last breath, a mysterious light came out on his parent's necklace bringing his soul to different space and world. He was born anew in a world full of magic, martial arts, qi's, and mysteries that science cannot explain. Losing his hope to return to his world, Cyrus sees his new family and protects them with his strength, but there was a problem. The necklace of his parents in his previous life was carved into his body causing him to suffer from pain and experienced multiple near deaths! However, it was not enough for Cyrus to stop his aim! This aim is to protect his loved ones, save people from the darkness preventing them to suffer more, and explore the world. With his advance thinking and martial arts knowledge that he accumulated and trained in his previous life, he will use this to fight and continue his youthful life that he has not experience completely in his previous life. "I don't care if evil begged for mercy, mercy is for the goods... But evil? Heh! Death is my answer!" However, Is this is a right path for him? If not, what path he should take? ........................ All the resources I used to make the cover of the book remained to their respectful owners, I do not own any arts that I used for the book cover. ....................... Discord nickname: Dicky_Cummie

Dicky_Cummie · 奇幻
76 Chs

‡※‡Ultimate lie‡※‡

That renowned girl throughout the kingdom and its neighbouring kingdoms is very infamous due to her achievement during the invasion of the Alexandria Kingdom towards the Annesly Kingdom! She was the dark horse at that time and slaughtered everyone on her path like it was nothing at all, and not only that her infamous attack had shaken almost everyone where she could summon thousands of crystal-like swords bombarding the enemy front lines without missing its targets!

She had easily fought five commanders and killed them one by one, and not only that she had fought against the general in that frontline, but that general is also an elder from Shi-Clan that specialized on explosion element who is at late-stage of sky slayer rank! She was almost successful on the fight when suddenly a lady interrupted their fight and that lady dominated her easily with just a few strokes of her silver sword.

On that fight, that mysterious lady had wounded her so bad that it forced her to retreat and never again to appear on that battlefield because by the time she had fully recovered, the war is already over and Alexandria kingdom have gained a huge chunk of land from the Annesly kingdom.

Despite her defeat, people didn't dare to mess her and shaming her right in front of her face because her strength and brutality are already enough to terrify everyone, especially her background as the first young mistress of Éclair Clan!

That's right, the number one clan in the entire continent of Celestia, the Éclair Clan!

Who would want to offend such person and the clan backing that person? They must be tired of living who wants to be courting its own death!

Her terrifying achievements have overshadowed her appearance as one of the most beautiful princesses in the entire continent of Celestia! Not only that, but it also overshadowed her well-known trait of her being upright and have a high sense of justice, a person that hates criminals!

Remembering that 'person's' achievements, Adrian trembled in fear as he looked at the beautiful face of the lady who's been undercover as 'Yuri Ha'. He quickly remembered earlier that her attacks were crazy and despite that she was at the very back on the battlefield, he could remember that he clearly saw gigantic sword smashing those pitiful demi-beasts!

"Y-You're-" Adrian complexion turned pale as quickly kowtowed as he smashed his head at the ground stunning the two people in front of him!


"This lowly one has done a terrible crime that disrupt the peace, please have mercy!" His shout was loud enough to be heard by everyone in the field clearly in which stunned most of them.

"Big bro…" Jim was shocked to see his big brother kowtowing towards 'Yuri ha' and begging for mercy. As a Sky slayer rank, he was the highest-ranking here, yet he was trembling in fear towards the beautiful lady, this is so weird!

Cyrus was extremely shocked to see a high ranked that have a towering figure kowtowing at the lady next right beside him. He hasn't heard much about Krystal's achievement, but seeing a sky slayer acting like this towards Krystal it made him realize how popular this lady right beside him and how much big of a deal this lady is!

It intrigued Cyrus very much but he knew that he has to settle this matters first before he could ask about her achievements in the future.

Seeing the big man acting like this in front of her, she had lost the mood to become serious as a single bead of sweat appeared on the side of her face, with a wry smile on her face she turned to look at Cyrus who had just recovered from the shock, before taking a deep breath.

"Sigh, I don't blame you too much about it and I'm not a type of person who easily takes someone's life when they've done a mistake and you're a victim here too. So chill down a bit." She said with a sigh.

Hearing this, a teary-eyed Adrian looked at Krystal and hearing that he wanted to bawl, but before he could even say something, a fierce glint appeared on Krystal's crimson eyes.

"If you've done another mistake like this just because of your greed, hmph! You'll see." Her eerie voice warned that quickly frightened Adrian, now he doesn't want to cry from happiness but cry from fright instead.

When the plan was settled, Krystal and Cyrus gave Adrian a task to fly back at the city and try to hold the three guilds from discovering the event that took place here and prevents any news regarding this from leaking. Krystal taught Adrian very deceiving lies for the other two guilds for them not to take suspicion in which shocked Cyrus, it made him realized how good liar his new fellow friend is!

At first, Cyrus proposed a white lie for those people to half believe and would doubt later just to give some time, but Krystal protested that his lies were pathetic and weak, that it could work for abducting children but not those old geezers of the guild masters.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, her lies were a bit extreme that would feel like a punch right in the throat if one heard the truth behind her lies. A lie that is opposite to Cyrus, the victim would doubt first before believing completely on the lie that she had set up falling right through her trap, an endless pit.

Her plan was to make Adrian deliver a piece of news to the two different guilds that the top group mercenaries of their respective guild have been taken liking by the young master from the Éclair clan thus forcing them to join to be the servants of that said young master. When doubt arises, Krystal would step on the scene and would not hesitate to use her identity as the first young mistress of the Éclair clan and confirmed that she had taken 'liking' of their men and thus serve as his servants.

With her background, achievements, and well known 'scary' personality, no one would dare to doubt her words! It's a perfect plan to prevent those guilds for prying over this matter!

"I didn't think that you're this decisive. To think that you're using your status as a triumph card for eliminating doubts for that lie." After telling Adrian to make everyone prepare to leave the mountain, he sat right next to Krystal with their elbows touching each other as he laughed and shaking his head due to absurdness.

She was laughing faintly as she looked at Cyrus but when he sat right next to her, so close that both their elbow is touching, her crunched sitting position suddenly sat straight up.



The two turned quiet because Cyrus felt ignored when Krystal didn't respond to him meanwhile Krystal was fighting inside her heart. If others turned to look at those two, they would notice that there are beautiful and handsome teens sitting so close to each other like a couple watching the field where men have started preparing their stuff to leave after gathering the monster cores of the beast. These two seemed to be enjoying their own silence.

But deep inside, these two were fighting too hard due to awkwardness.

Actually, the fallen tree where they sit is shaped 'v' thus their position made them stick together. And Cyrus, being careless he had made their situation worse.

Taking a silent deep breath, Krystal finally won over her nervous feeling inside her heart, she watched at the bunch of wounded men preparing to leave.

"So, what do you think about that lie?" She asked softly that only two of them could hear.

Finally heard her speaking, Cyrus sighed in relief before adjusting himself a bit.

"It's pretty good, I mean, really good. I believe no one would notice about that lie at all."

"That's true… I really don't want to make things complicated that's why I have chosen that decisive choice."

"Won't it be bad if your clan knew something about this?"

"Nope, not all. My clan, as I've said, we're very eccentric compared to other clans and even noble families. We like to party a lot, laze a lot, and you could say that we have a goofy tendency. Aside from cultivating, we spend most our time in idling around, especially the old generation of the clan. And if they heard that I used them to make other people believe about the lies I made, then they would be gladder to help me and make fun of it. That's why I said we're bad at leading a country." Krystal smiled as she was amused when she talked about her family.

Cyrus wasn't very surprised because he had already noticed that Krystal has a very unique personality that can be hardly found anywhere, she has many sides that he had seen already during these two days being her companion, and he knew that there's a lot of her that he hadn't seen yet. But to think that her entire family was very eccentric, he couldn't imagine how rowdy those people are.

"Your family seems fun." Cyrus chuckled as he stared at the sun on the horizon, he couldn't help to remember his own family. Inside his heart, he was feeling a little jealous of Krystal's family having the privilege of staying and enjoying peace.

Because for his family, there's no such place as safe haven for them as they will be constantly in danger as there are many powerful enemies wanting to rip them apart due to their hatred, especially the countless enemies that his parents have made during their time as divine cultivators and even here in lower planes, there are many people that could be a threat to them.

And Cyrus was aware, that in this barbaric universe, he soon would create enemies and build great hatred towards him. That's why he decided to find things that could hasten healing his cultivation quickly and build up strength to protect those important to him. As he was thinking of those things, he unconsciously gripped his fists tightly.

Cyrus wasn't aware that the lady right beside him had been staring on him. Krystal had clearly seen that sad gaze then soon turned into a sharp and resolute gaze. Which awed her a little as she watched his impeccable handsome face, especially that brown eyes and because of the sun on the horizon, it added natural shine into it. For Krystal, his eyes were the most attractive than his face, even if didn't have a handsome face as long he has those eyes, it feels like nothing matters as long it stays there.

At this moment, aside from Lily, Clair and his mother, Shane, Krystal unknowingly joined their group that finds Cyrus' eyes were the most attractive features on him.

Soon, she removed her gaze away as she stood up and was noticed by Cyrus.

"Yep, they're fun. In the future, I would introduce you to them, what do you think?" Krystal softly said without looking at Cyrus.

Cyrus was stunned for a moment, before smiling, "Alright, I will be waiting for that moment." He was interested to meet the strongest clan in this continent, especially now knowing that they have eccentric personality, so why not meet them? And it will be from the future and by that time, he absolutely believes that he is already strong enough to be recognized by many powers in this continent.

But unknown to him, after accepting her offer the lady in front of him have a beautiful sweet smile on her face, she can't wait to introduce him to his family as her first boy-friend she has made outside, especially to her late parents.

'I bet those old geezers would finally stop making fun of me when I introduce my very first friend! Hmph!' Krystal laughed inside her head.

"Sister Yuri and Brother Cyrus, we're ready to return back the city!" Jim shouted as he ran towards them making the two noticed him.

Rushed romantic development? You'd be surprised in the future.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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