
The world is about to end? So what?

- Why do you think that i care? -- Kerren answered while looking at her. - You're supposed to! This world is your home... -- she could barely talk at this point. /// PLEASE READ MY REVIEW TO THIS NOVEL! /// - Oh? My home? Well... That's too bad then, my home is going to be destroyed... -- he pretended to think for a while -- Right! -- he exclaimed -- I'm just going to find a new one! Why bother saving one that is filled with cockroaches and wasps? -- his gaze fixed on her face, as if he was pointing at her. - You dont understand!.. You cant leave this world... We're locked here... -- she revealed, it didn't surprise Kerren at all. - Uh... Stop thinking too highly of yourself, it's you who cant leave it -- he countered her reveal with his own -- Also, why dont YOU sacrifice yourself for the sake of your home? -- he asked back. - I'm not strong enough, the barrier wont work for long!.. -- she tried to find a reason behind her hypocricity. - Well, you'll have to choose between that and looking at your planet being absorbed by that tower -- he looked at the giant pillar in the sky. -- Wait, i think i forgot to tell you something... -- he looked back at her -- I was the one who summoned it here... -- he smiled happily.

DaoistBadWriter · 奇幻
93 Chs

My crystals... gone!

Around an hour or so later Kerren finally completed making a mine-field out of the dungeon.

It wasn't hard since mana-bomb was a really simple spell, but maintaining so much of them at the same time was kinda... Well, if he had a head it would've hurt a lot, but...

His feeling right now was strange. He felt that everything around him was faster, somehow... Or was it he who was slower? He couldn't wrap his head around it, but as he removed some of the bombs, without detonating them, of course, his head became clearer!

That meant that it was a mental toll that bothered him! Well, it wasn't all that bad, at least he knew that 289 bombs was his limit!

He didn't worry about not covering the whole dungeon though, those bombs that he placed first were already "mature" and almost doubled in power!

And, since those were mana bombs... They would make a chain reaction that would annihilate the whole dungeon if just on of them blew up!

Of course, those bombs weren't normal ones, Kerren wasn't st*pid, he made it so only he could make then blow up.

Thus, he was safe even if someone stepped directly on them or even attacked them with spells!

On his way he didn't find any more secret rooms thought, it bothered him a lot. He could say that he walked around the whole dungeon now, and if there wasn't a place he didn't check!

That could only mean that either they're weren't even there, or someone removed them from here! However, was it even possible? He didn't try to move those entrances...

Well, it didn't really matter as he already had a plan in his mind! Trying it wont really hurt...

As such, he began preparing! His first thought was a concealment barrier, similiar to one that hid the facility with the Dragon Heart, but he remembered that one of the secret room didn't allow him to make those.

Maybe it was also a hint he needed to remember? Usually those rooms didn't give any useless information at all, and every room, if there were several, were direct hints to conquering the dungeon!

As such, he only used methods that worked. He knew that getting too close would trigger the mosquitoe to attack, so he needed to make a sneak attack!

-* Distract, attack... enjoy the reward!

Yeah... That's awful... Still, though, he wasn't wrong! It was a great idea!

However, he was afraid that if he placed too much mana crystals it would attract unwanted attention... He wasn't the only person in this dungeon after all!

What if some people felt that giant mana lump he's about to make? Should he just kill them as they approached?

It was a good solution to the problem, he decided to do just that... If that ever happened, though...


After some time his giant pile of crystals was ready! Sadly, those were almost all crystals he had left!

Well... Saying that it's giant is a bit... too much, it was big at best, but still, it was enough to attract the mosquitoe!

That flying guy appeared out of nowhere once again, along with his copies, or clones... whatever it was!

This time, however, nothing stopped them from sucking out all of the mana inside those crystals!

Kerren ran back as fast as he could in hopes that he didn't do all that in vain. After all, if he lost all of those crystals now... It'll be a huge blow to his finances!

He didn't even have a method to get more! Selling armor or raiding dungeons was out of the question, he was just a "normal" student now!

Thus, if he lost this chance... He will need to think of another solution!


After a minute of watching his finances disappear Kerren located a strange mosquitoe! It was somewhat far from the main... pack?... and it didn't even approach the pile!

However, he could see that it changed as other mosquitoes absorbed more and more crystals! It was becoming bigger and bigger!

Not to a great extent, of course, it was still a size of a normal mosquitoe, but it definitely was getting bigger!

After watching it some more and making sure it was the real one... Kerren started preparing his spell!

It was the most complex spell he had ever casted! It had several layers of concealment on it, he tried to hide it as much as he could!

However, it wasn't it vain! The mosquitoe didn't move even after the spell was ready!

Kerren released it!

It didn't fly in a straight line like all of the other spells Kerren used, but made an explosion right where he wanted it to appear!

Kerren's "breating" became still. He couldn't wait to see the result of his spell!

Why couldn't he? Well, because the spell was a bit... powerful, to say the least, there was a cloud of dust all around the place!

He, however, was concerned that he didn't see a system window that would notify him of successfully killing the boss...

Did he fail? No, it couldn't be! His plan was perfect, so where's the window!

As the dust cloud settled... He saw that nothing was there! Not even his pile of crystals remained... So how could the mosquitoe survive!?

Kerren was insanely angry right now! Not only he lost all of his crystals, he couldn't even...

[[Congratulations! You have killed the gatekeeper of [Floor 1; Boss room]!]

[Rewards: Key [Unique]]

[Key [Unique]: Grants access to the boss room of [Floor 1] in [Outer Tower: Permit] dungeon!]

- What?

Kerren couldn't help but say out loud!

The mosquitoe wasn't even a boss of this floor!? So it wasn't as easy as he thought it would be... More than that, what's wrong with the name of this dungeon? [Outer Tower: Permit]?

What tower? What permit? Is the system insane or something?..

Kerren tried to remember if there were any towers in his previous life... There were none! Moreover, why did he need a permit to enter it? Was that some sort of a challenge tower or something?

Whatever it was - it didn't matter, now he knew what Yusaya was after! She wanted to enter this tower ot whatever!

But... Why did she say that the reward from the first floor is just a rock? Was it not the permit he needed or something?..

If so, why was the dungeon called like that?...

Ahh! There's too many questions, and little to no answers!

twonate sumfwin... :3

pwety pweave? ;3

DaoistBadWritercreators' thoughts