
The World Hidden Behind the Unknown

A world driven to division by selfishness and war experiences change when a human male and a woman of the underworld had a child named Ivanian. In his early years he is sepersted from his family which leads to a so called calamity that he may be fall those around him

LegendaryKing13 · 漫画同人
8 Chs

Chapter 1: A New World

Cold winter air blew harshly against the tree branches that stretched out to sky. Birds that had a stary aura being released from their wings as it flapped soared through the air over a simple but humble hooden cabin that had at least two stories.

In one of the rooms of the cabin several pictures were hung on the wall, each housing a man and woman that seemed to be close. A rocking chair was placed near one of the neatly dusted walls that had a woman sitting on it. The woman had beautiful green star like eyes that glittered in the lit room, braided dark red hair and a simple white dress. Moans echoed from her mouth as sweat ran down her face. Tear began swelling up in her eyes and her breathing became swift, harsh even.

``Just one more push``; a large man with snow white hair and a muscular physique uttered from his mouth. With the single utterance of that word it was clear, this woman seemed to be in the middle of child birth.

He clenched the woman's right hand and rested his forehead upon hers. The woman took a singular deep breath before pushing with all her might. Slowly a head came into sight before the body began showing. ``I see them``; the man yelled before resting his hands near the woman's crotch. Once again she drew a singular breath in before pushing again . This final push was just enough to free the baby from the clutches of the womb and into the mans arms.

Without any time to waste he cut the childs umbilical cord before raising it up and giving them to their mother. The child was a boy that didn't share the same hair colour of his mother or father, instead having black hair. The boy also had similar black eyes and weighed no higher than 7 pounds and 4 ounces.

The woman began crying upon seeing her child for the ver first time. Lovingly, she cradled the baby in her arms before resting her head on his. ``Look how precious he is``; She commented before the man came near and wrapped his right arm around the woman.

``What will we name him?``

An idea came to the mans mind and without hesitation, he voiced his choice.

``Ivanian, Ivanian Gale sounds nice``

The woman begin smiling before leaning on the man. ``Its perfect``; she said as the newborn raised its tiny hands to her.

``Welcome to the world Ivanian``

In this world that most residents know as Ithun there are many supernatural things. There are mythical beasts that walk the land, soar the sky's and swim the seas, there are men with abilities that surpass the capabilities of normal humans, there are people with inhuman characteristics and the most mystical thing "✨Magic!✨".

Magic comes from all living organisms that contain Eros which is quite similar to mana or Chi. Every living being has Eros no matter how little it is, it is still there. Many use Eros to conjugate spells but some use it to strengthen their bodies. These people are called Mages. These mages unlock a special ability upon awakening/growing the Eros with their body. There are three types of magic that these mages use; Astros, Palios and Veridian.

Astros is used to strengthen the body or other weapons and can be used through those weapons.

Palios is the most common form of magic where the mage can use the Eros stored in their core to perform spells. Most times with an arcane focus, example: Magic Orb, Staff, Wand, Etc.

                     And finally

Veridian: It is the most legendary kind of magic and whoever has it gains god-like abilities.

In the western lands stands the kingdom of Randu which is the main kingdom scattered on what the locals call the Golden Lands. The kingdom is a city created due to the hard work of the primal generation. It is governed by a hierarchical system.

                   *  Royals *


                   *  Nobles *



                *  Commoners *



Two year had passed since Ivans birth and he was now capable of crawling on all fours. With this new agility the curious youngling could roam without the help of an adult. Using this he traverse through his large wooden house before ducking into the kitchen where his mother was attending to some business.

His mother, Mira Gale had a weird past but changed her ways and became a stay at home mom while her husband, Von Gale an expert fighter and royal knight of Randu left his job for hia family and now helped villagers here and there.

He crawled under some counters and arrived at his mothers legs. Shed feel his tiny baby hands rest against her legs and swooped him up. ``What are you doing here, didn't I leave you in the crib``; said Mira before sighing. Ivan simple giggled as slobber ran out of his mouth and down his chubby cheeks.

This same incident of Ivan fleeing his wooden crib throughout the span of several weeks, each time appearing at the front window. This was right where his father trained. Even though he had left the military the man was still used to such things and in fact did it fun.

Ivan was entranced by what his father was doing and clapped. Seeing how much fun he was having watching him on the inside Mira ultimately she conceded and went outside with him and watched her husband train. He smiled with each attack his father performed. Mira enjoyed look at her sons happiness and sat beside him on the soft green grass below their feet.


Mira's Journal

Entry 19

It's been a year since Ivan was born and he's been getting more curious and adventurous as the days go by, I guess he's more like me in my early days. He loves his father way much more than me, sometimes I think Vons the one who gave birth to him. Von was the first one he called and Von was the reason he got up and walked for the first time. His connection with his father is unexplainable and there's nothing I can do to separate it even if I wanted to. 

Entry 46

A few days ago I found out Ivan really enjoyed our shopping trips but I think it is because he gets to see all those weapons and battle equipment. 

Entry 56

Ivan made some new friends and they're getting really close. Glad to see he's finally making some friends.

Entry 72

Ivan is now 3 and I bought him this book about magic for his birthday and now.hell sit in his room all day and read. Glad he's doing something besides watching his dad train.

Entry 142

Ivan became 5 and Von is now teaching him sword fighting and basic combat skills. It took Von and Ivan several months but they finally got through to me and I allowed Ivan to train only on one condition; Hell train with Von in the morning and in the evening he'll learn more about magic with me. I know that he's my little boy but I want him to learn what he wants to learn and do what I didn't have the chance to do when I was young.

End of Chapter