
Mundane? As If (Part 3)

He kissed Kalista on instinct causing her blood to enter his body, after a few seconds, he crumbled over in pain, his eyes glowing as faint whispers could be heard all around and the ghost-like image of a massive nebula appeared behind him, he slowly composed himself and looked around

"What is this feeling?"

"I have no idea, you're an original, I'm a royal, the difference in power between you and I is like heaven and earth respectively, I can't even begin to comprehend how you feel, it might take you some time to stabilize the power, you can call us Eclipse and you can come to us anytime"

"Leave. all of you"

After hearing these words, she felt a cold sweat as she ran away 'How'd he know the others were there?' A myriad of thoughts flooded her mind as she fled

The second they left, Nebula went to the Dark Clan main base and waited in the conference room all night, when morning came, the clan leaders opened the door and saw him sitting in the high chair, Nebula, what are you doing here? you have to leave"

"Be quiet old woman, I thought it was awfully fishy when you invited me back into the clan and treated my long forsaken family with such tact, turns out you've been keeping some nasty fucking secrets"

"That is no way to talk to your elder's young man"

Nebula, kicked his foot up onto the table and spoke his next works with a hint of disdain "bite me"

"Young man you have ten seconds to vacate the premises," a much younger woman said furiously.

"you have ten seconds to sit the fuck down and start talking" Nebula coldly retorted

"Or what?" a middle-aged man said with mockery

"Or I start killing indiscriminately, maybe I'll just start by hurting you a bit and seeing if that makes you realize the gravity of your situation"

The young woman started counting"

"Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One"

"Last chance, leave or die," she said coldly

"Which of you cowards wants to take the first shot at me," he said with a shrug

The young woman pulled out a gun and shot him

"AUGGHHH Fuck" he said as he held his chest and pretended to pass out


After a few seconds, the woman spoke "Such a waste of good talent, if only he had been more patient, it seems we need to wait even longer for another rebirth"

After she said these words, she heard a burst of faint laughter and turned her head to her shock, Nebula was laughing rather cynically, he raised his hand and the crushed bullet fell out, then he opened his eyes and rushed to her, He grabbed her gun and crushed it before, doing the same to her hand"

The lady screamed in pain and looked at him in fear "As you can see, I've had the benefit of meeting Eclipse now sit the fuck down"

Then the five other leaders went to their seat, leaving the sixth on the floor in pain, he turned to them and calmly spoke "Talk"

The old lady spoke first "Our clan is of course as you may have figured out yourself from careful observation, not mundane, to be quite frank, we are mostly a clan of Midnight Ravens, Nephelim who hunt supernatural creatures that break the law, what we never expected was for the reincarnation of the very first vampire to be born into a family of Midnight Ravens, quite unusual, yet the soul chose you so we had no choice but to exile your family, it was only after I took over as the head that I was able to undo the exile, after all, having you as part of our clan would help boost our status significantly"

"That wasn't so hard was it?"

"You fucker, you completely crushed my ha-" The young lady was about to finish her sentence when she was grabbed by the throat, pushed into a chair and pinned down "Be. Quiet... the adults are talking" He then bit his wrist and poured blood onto her hand, instantly it healed and he sat down

"You healed her?"

"of course I healed her, it's not like I MEANT to crush her hand"

"T-that wasn't your intention?"

"Why the fuck would that be my intention, I just want information, harming you would be rather counterproductive unless you were unwilling to comply, besides I like her, she's the only one out of you fuckers with any backbone"

Hearing this she couldn't help but feel rather proud of herself, especially after witnessing his power

"I've said my piece, now let us dispense with any hostilities because I don't want to have to kill you all, good bye"

"WAIT!" The lady from before walked up to Nebula "Sir, my name is Xia Kalperia, I wish to serve you, after seeing your power with my own eyes, I truly believe that my strength and status would improve drastically if I served under you"

Nebula turned back to his grandmother and spoke: "Do you mind if I steal this one?"

"By all means, if she wishes to follow you, we won't stop her"

He then grabbed her by the hip and dashed out of the room and Clan base, within no time, he reached his home "drink this" he bit his wrist and handed it to her.

After drinking it she could feel her body change and soon enough she became a Noble Vampire

"Thank you, sir" She was now certain that what she had chosen was the right decision, this young man could make her future extraordinarily bright.

"Follow me" he got on his motorcycle and handed the spare helmet to her, he went directly to Club Midnight

"Sir, why are we at a nightclub?"

"you will see in a second and call me Nebula"

Nebula walked up to the guards and smiled, he then pointed at Xia, "she's with me" he even gave them a tip and did the same for the second set of guards, when he arrived in the room, he was greeted with familiar faces

"I see you're back, and who is this?" Klaus asked with a smile on his face

"Sir, my name is Xia, I am Nebula's new servant"

"I see you turned someone only a few hours after becoming an original, very talented indeed, to what do I owe the pleasure"

"I'm aware that you're in charge, right Klaus? I want to join Eclipse, I feel like this is where I belong"

"I have a Royal and an Original willing to follow me now I am deeply grateful to you, you would be raising Eclipse's status greatly, shall I procure a room for you two?"

"yes, please, please make her room not far from mine, I don't trust Kalista around her, she might rip Xia apart or perverse her in ways I rather not imagine in the company of others"

After hearing these words Xia hastily said "If she is that bad I'd rather we just get the same room with two beds, now I'm scared"

Klaus laughed and did exactly that, he got a room that especially had an extension for servants in it

"Tonight, we will go over the specifics, for now, get yourself acquainted with the place, I will have my more capable vamps go collect your belongings, so what do I tell your mother and sister?"

"Tell them where to find me and tell them I said novacaine or they won't trust you, then tell them and show them the truth please, they can keep a secret to the grave.

"Great, I'll head out now, thanks a million for joining"