

Well, this is gonna take a while. Like I said before, my body hasn't completely rejected my soul, because I am still in my body, as can be told from my ability to hear. Also, the fact that I can think means that my brain still works.

Well, there isn't much I can do right now, so I'll just wait and try to think of something to do. I lasted a month in a single room, how hard can this be?

... Okay, it's a lot harder. It's already been a day, but I can't take this! Seriously, I wish I could just wake up already! Maybe I can check my MP circulation? That could possibly at least give me awareness. I still can't use magic, but simple MP circulation shouldn't be a problem.

Calming down and sensing the MP within my body, the shape still seems the same, and my soul does in fact still remain within it. However, the connection between the two is about to snap, like seriously, if it was a rope, it would be hanging on by a single thread. I'll try to repair the connection, it should buy me time before I lose my body... that would be bad.

Well, this damage seems like it was done a while back, and only worsened recently, so I am probably right about the Shift being the cause of this. However, while the connection was damaged from the Shift, it wasn't cut off, which means there has to be a factor that caused the last bit of damage.

It could have happened during the competition for Spectrum University or some random person on the street. Nonetheless, with my current understanding of MP, I can probably fix this connection, however, if I don't fix the root of the problem this will only happen again.

My only assumption right now is that it was caused by the Shift, and my body doesn't currently fit my soul from it being changed so much, but doesn't that mean my soul wasn't affected by the Shift?

If other people's souls weren't affected by the Shift, then they would also lose connection like me, however, that hasn't happened, which means somehow my soul wasn't affected by the Shift, just like my memories.

I imagine the connection between my soul and body as a rope and slowly thread the rope back together, I can feel it working, but because I don't understand the science between, y'know, someone's soul, this will have to work, even with the excessive MP expenditure.

It takes a few days but the connection is finally fixed, I can feel that the connection is still shakey, like it could break at any moment, but slowly my body and soul are adapting to one another. I'll just have to wait this out.

"Jess, oh my gosh, you're up!"

"Good morning, Mom." Man, I feel so weak, I guess being in a pseudo-coma does that to you.

"Doctor, Jess has woken up! It's a miracle!"

After a lot of tests and stuff, I hear why they are so surprised. After my family walked out of the room, they were told about the chances of me waking up from this, and apparently, if my soul was completely rejected from my body I would practically be dead, I'd be in a state similar to brain-death... happy that didn't happen.

Well, the amount of people who wake up from the condition I am currently under are around one in ten, and those who make a complete recovery without repercussions are even rarer. However, there have been people who have miraculously woken up from this with more MP capacity than before!

Remember when I said increasing your amount of MP is almost impossible? There is a reason I said almost, the only way to increase the amount of MP you have is to, well, die. Yep, the only way to get more is to die.

Being brought back to life, such as after cardiac arrest, can increase your MP. It's so risky no one does it, but there have been times it's made people's MP increase by a factor of up to 150%!

Both good and bad news, my MP did increase, however since I recovered so fast, I didn't get max benefits of almost dying, so I only got an increase of 100%. Now, with my amount of MP that is a lot, but still. Also, doesn't that mean I'll live twice as long now? AHHH!!!

Well, past that, I'll need to constantly repair the connection between my body and soul for a while. I'll make sure that the connection is strong every night before I go to sleep. If this happens again I don't know if I'll survive.

I do wonder though, now that this has all happened, I wonder if the Shift has ever happened before? I mean if it did I would have no way of knowing because my memories would probably change if it had. I was extremely lucky to remember in the first place. Wait, what if the Shift is what causes the Mandela effect!

Just kidding, but that would be funny. The Shift has probably not happened in a long time, but that's just a gut feeling.

"Okay Jess, in a week you will be able to return home, until then we will monitor you to make sure that your symptoms don't return. You may have woken up, but the separation of your body and soul hasn't gone away just yet."

"Yeah..." Trust me doctor, I know.

Wait, this doctor looks similar, and so does that nurse... there's no way.

"You finally recognize me? It is I, the mighty Osiris! ... I guess that RUBY is here too."

I knew it... of course, it had to be him. Also, Osiris is the nurse! Of course RUBY is the doctor, hah.

"After I found out that your soul had been rejected from your body, I just had to know what had happened, so I only have one question for you Jess, do you know the difference between science and magic?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Just answer the question!"

"Well, science is the study of how the world works, and magic is creating phenomena with the help of MP, so if I had to say, they are separate systems that support one another?"

"That is where you are wrong, a lot of teachers and other scientists and magicians seem to have that idea too, but it's wrong. There is no difference between science and magic, magic is just simply science that we don't quite understand yet, something just beyond the comprehension of humans, maybe always out of reach. My goal is to cross that border."

"That's cool, but why are you telling me this now?"

"Because your soul may be the key."


"Your soul is so strange, it almost seems like it doesn't belong in this world, every soul I've ever seen has a color, I may be blind, but the trade-off is my ability to see one's soul. Whether it be blue, red, orange, purple, yellow, etc. However, your soul is different."

"What do you mean?"

"No soul has shape, people often associate gender, identity, and all that with the soul, but that's giving too much credit to the soul. A soul, through my research, isn't what makes you who you are, that is none other than you yourself who decides in the end. However, yours is white, a mixture between every color, and on top of that it has shape, constantly changing, I can't even comprehend quite what it is though."


"I'm not finished, this difference of your soul, along with some catalyst may have caused the separation you are suffering from. Okay, you may now speak."

I guess there really is something beyond simple luck behind my memories of before the Shift. My soul is special? Why? My soul is white? I guess if you take every color of light and put them together you get white, that's why a glass prism works, it splits white light into separate colors...

Then there is the shape... a shape, but it can't be distinguished? What, is my soul some fourth-dimensional being? lol. Well, I will find something out eventually.

"I have a couple of questions for you!"

"Well, I gotta go loser!" And suddenly Osiris and RUBY are gone, wait, did he just stick his tongue out at me!