I, the suspiciously previously unnamed protagonist, have woken up to my normal everyday life after a strange 'dream' I had when everything is so different, even me. But even when the world and even people have changed, I kinda gotta keep on living, which is confusing when no one notices ANYTHING WRONG with the world.
This is the rest of part 2 which was going to go up yesterday.
I carry the still unnamed magi-tech home and when passing through the door to my room, the now annoyingly familiar feeling of passing into a veil creeps throughout my body. In an instant I'm in the lab from before.
"Welcome back, should I make some tea?" The homunculus from last time asks in an almost monotone voice.
"You are taking this too casually. I keep getting teleported here for no reason y'know. I have something important to do, so can you return me?"
"I'm afraid I cannot do that right now. This is a pocket dimension on the International Space Station. It's bigger on the inside than on the outside, but that also means leaving takes a process. The fact you keep getting teleported in and out at random is completely out of our control."
So basically the Tardis huh...
"'Our' control? Who else is here?"
"He's away right now, but my maker Osiris is normally here working. By the way, what is that in your hand?"
"It's magi-tech I'm making to save my friend, so let me go back so my sister and I can finish it."
"Like I said, I cannot do that. That magi-tech is interesting though. It seems to be a device to absorb MP at a constant stream. While useful I don't see how it could save someone's life."
"It's none of your business!"
"It seems inefficient though, here let me have it." She takes the magi-tech out of my hand (against my will) and brings it over to a workbench. She starts altering it and adding a couple things and brings it back over.
"Now it should work better. I used parts easily accessible down on Earth to make this so you should have no problem replicating it. Oh, seems like your wish is granted, your about to go back."
"Can you at least tell me how you know when I'm going to be teleported back when you apparently can't control it."
"That's easy, there's a timer above your head."
When I look up, there are numbers floating above my head counting down to zero, and are currently at 0:05. How did I not notice that before? The timer reaches zero, and I'm back in my room.
*Knock* *Knock*
And my sister is at the door, perfect timing. I bring over the magi-tech and she begins to replicate it and make a blueprint, just in case it breaks and we need to make a new one. Next she makes a magi-tech to release excess MP into the air, and we are finished with the third prototype.
I'm surprised she didn't ask about what happened to the magi-tech, and how it got finished while she wasn't home.
She decided to call the magi-tech the 'MP Drain Mk.3' and yes she is uncreative. On the bright side, not only do we have a completely functional prototype, but I can finally help William. The only problem is how I'm going to get it to him.
That homunculus said she had her own pocket dimension, which makes no sense saying the only people who have done that so far have done it with Space magic, which as I said, can only be done with magi-tech. However, if I could replicate that with Gravity magic...
I imagine a black hole, a singularity, in which in the center is a place where I can hold everything I need in stasis (too much gravity, and time stops in comparison), and also limit the gravity to a single point as to not, you know, destroy a planet or something.
It took a butt-ton of MP but it opened. Almost like an item box in games, it can hold anything and keep it in stasis, however I haven't tested it and everything I put in there may be crushed by gravity so...
I throw a chair into the singularity to see what will happen and then imagine the chairs gravity being repulsed out of it. The chair, completely intact gets shot out of the singularity. Well, that works. I throw our copy of the 'MP Drain Mk.3' into the singularity, which I oh so creatively named 'Singularity' and left for the hospital. By the way, I moved 'Singularity' into my body so no one can see it. Not that they would anyway with the whole, it's basically a black hole thing. I can't cancel out the spell because I can't close it while the singularity contains matter. That would require destroying matter, which Law of Conservation of Mass says no, so I can't do that.
I know matter can be destroyed with anti-matter but creating that is literally impossible for me. Also, when anti-matter is created, matter is also created to balance out, so it would be pointless anyway.
Also, what is that lab, a Deus Ex Machina? Coming in clutch with the help to finish the device? What is this, plot armor?
By the way, my sister left with the original 'MP Drain Mk.3' to get it patented. Now that I don't have to worry about William, it makes sense. I didn't want to make this for money, but getting more is never a problem is it?
I teleport into Williams hospital room, and give William the 'MP Drain Mk.3', wow that's a mouthful, I'll just call it the 'MPD3'. I tell him to wear it and that it will drain his excess MP, then I teleport out of the room before I'm caught.
I should thank that homunculus, and I also have some questions to ask her. Could I teleport to the International Space Station? It might be just a little too far away. Now obviously I'm being sarcastic about the "a little" part, but still, could I? My MP expense for using teleportation has been going down with every use, so I honestly don't know.
Well, I could try. It would be interesting after all. Without the time limit I could get more answers too. The second time I was there she said it was her personal space, and the third time I learned that personal space was on the International Space Station. Now I know that it the ISS is basically the TARDIS after the fourth time being there.
Well, lets give it a shot I guess. I imagine the room I was in while the ISS, and displacing myself to that area, I can feel my MP draining as I attempt to teleport there. I'm about to pass out when suddenly I'm in the lab, however everything is going black. Oh no, it's mental fatigue. This is the worst I've ever had it, I think I'm passing ou-.