I, the suspiciously previously unnamed protagonist, have woken up to my normal everyday life after a strange 'dream' I had when everything is so different, even me. But even when the world and even people have changed, I kinda gotta keep on living, which is confusing when no one notices ANYTHING WRONG with the world.
The first battle of the round is over, pretty easily at that. Gotta say I underestimated my teammate a little. She can actually hold her own in a fight. I still can't let my guard down because I don't know how she will fare in the later rounds that aren't fighting.
But still, I guess I can trust her a little with this. My only question is why she only transforms into a cat? Kind of strange that she can't do anything else. After all, Transformation magic is known for while not being as adaptable as a Shifters ability, still being crazy effective in the hands of a master.
Whatever, it's none of my business, as long as she doesn't throw the tournament I don't really need to know.
I decide to watch some of the other fights going on to see who I might be going up against, and for the most part, the competition is kind of overwhelming.
It's not like the other people aren't good, they probably grew up at the top of their class, however when compared to someone like Jane Tear and Carl Flame, they don't seem as strong.
On the other hand, I saw some pretty serious competitors, luckily it seems like they are mostly on the other side of the bracket, and saying that this fighting round is only going until we have one hundred competitors remaining, I'm not really worried about it.
A couple of hours pass, and FINALLY it is mine and Sasha's turn to fight. Our next competitors are a couple of people the same age as us. And yes I mean a literal couple, I saw them, ahem, y'know in the restroom when I went to pee. What a time, am I right?
One is a short green dude, who I guess is probably a goblin. And no, they are not monsters, (those are practically extinct, remember?) just a small species of human. The girl looks a little taller, with pale skin and sharp fangs, a Vampire I guess. While they suck blood, they tend to stay away from human blood because they're actually pretty respectful.
Other than that, one specializes in Metal magic, the goblin, and the other in Lightning magic, the vampire, a good combination, both of which are Middle tier magic that is probably at the harder end of their tier.
The battle starts and the fighting begins. I start with a simple attack, trying to push the goblin out of bounds by increasing the gravity of the wall behind him.
He pulls a chunk of metal out of his pocket and turns it into a spike, stabbing it into the ground. Taking this chance while he's immobile, I float over to attack him. Suddenly, his spike turns into a rod, and my hair starts to stick up.
Quickly floating out of there, the spot where I was standing getting hit by a large lightning bolt, that's crazy, is the girl trying to kill her boyfriend!!! Wait, he's okay! That's crazy control over electrical currents she has. She even prevented the heat from hurting him, is that possible? That must have taken crazy amounts of training.
I yell over to Sasha to buy me some time and get back to fighting the goblin. Deciding not to drag this battle on anymore, I negate the gravity around him and using the same technique to make me float, force him up high into the air. He tries to anchor himself with Metal magic, but I create a small 'Singularity' to absorb a tiny bit of the spike, and it breaks in half.
Now like fifty meters into the air, he surrenders understandably, I can drop him at any time after all. I make him float outside the fighting ring, and float over to back up Sasha.
She is currently dealing with the vampire, and obviously can't dodge the lightning strikes. To prevent them from hitting her, she is trying to mess up the vampire's aim by scratching the eyes, and throwing dirt.
I decide to use the 'Singularity' to absorb most of the lightning strikes coming at her, and then try using the same floating technique I beat the goblin with on her. She tries to prevent it, but there isn't really much you can do to prevent flying away without something solid to grab onto or a way to exert force, which she has neither.
I float her out of the ring, and we win the second round. I know that the battle sounds like it was complicated, but to be completely honest it only lasted like a minute. I know I said I didn't want to drag on the battle, but fighting people is not as fun as it sounds, so it felt like longer, y'know?
"The winners of this round are Jess Heart and Sasha Lano!"
And just like that, the third battle is approaching. So far the battles have actually gone well, and I've been able to try a couple of new things. One thing I have learned though is that I do not enjoy fighting that much.
I mean, it's bearable, but there are other things I would much rather do than this. I have to in order to get into the school I want, but I would much rather be reading or watching anime. The only positive is that because this whole tournament may take like a week, I get to take excused absences off of school.
Some people still recognize me from the whole saving the school, helping people around town, and kidnapping stuff. But, luckily I've been left alone a little, so I don't think I stick out that much.
Random Competitor's POV:
"Did you see that girl completely obliterate the competition?"
"Yeah, she's crazy talented, I didn't know you could do some of that stuff with Gravity magic, she straight up absorbed lightning!"
"I heard she saved her entire school, and escaped kidnappers all by herself!"
"She's looking! Hurry pretend you didn't see her! We do not want to get on her bad side, she might be one of the most talented people here!"
"Seems like everyone is avoiding her, I wonder why?"
"Probably because they feel intimidated, I mean for someone around our age, maybe a year younger, she is able to have the level of understanding over her magic even most adults can't reach."
"Yeah, that's fair, let's just stay away from her for now, okay?"