
The world's No.1 mutant

A bricklayer living an ordinary life, Chen Shao did not expect the mutation to affect his life. The time has come for mutant monsters to sweep the world, shark mutant monsters, the abstract mutant monsters and so on. How can an ordinary man face a brand new life? For fuck's sake, mutant monsters are on 。。。。。。

Rice_dumpling · 奇幻
7 Chs

The arm is a ghost?

"Wake up, Miss Yang, it's me, Chen Shao!

It's your neighbor,"

Chen Shao's voice was getting unstable.

It was as if he had a huge stone pressed on top of him incomparably heavy.

If the pressure is not supported, his chest will be torn apart by the claws.

But Miss Yang as if into the magic, there is no response to Chen Shao's reminders, for her, killing is her only pleasure.

Chen Shao observed that Miss Yang's neck had a huge crack created by the bite.

From there, blood kept flowing out.

Under the tremendous pressure, Xiao Chen felt his arm become more and more sore, and the pain in his muscles went straight to his brain.

Ah! As Chen Shao growled and pushed away with force,

his excessive force caused his arm to change violently,

Only to see from the arm a long sharp sword appeared.

Long sword out of the sheath general straight into the chest of the mutant Miss Yang, a closer look at the heart was the sword pierced.

What the fuck is going on, how did a sword grow on my arm?

Chen Shao looked at his arm and launched a question.

But with the increase in power,

Xiao Chen managed to push Miss Yang away from the top and leapt up from the ground.

But the next scene left him dumbfounded.

Ms. Yang was stabbed at the heart, and blood kept flowing out, like a waterfall in an endless stream.

A few seconds later, Miss Yang's face was pale, her powerless legs knelt on the ground, and her face fell down hard toward the ground.

Chen Shao did not expect the continuous action he just took to kill a person directly.

Blood flying, flesh and blood splattered everywhere.

Surrounded by shocking blood.

Miss Yang's body fell to the ground, making people look very sick to their stomachs.

Very horrible.

If a person appeared now, he would think that Chen Shao had killed someone else.

He is the bad guy.

Chen's back was pressed against the wall and he collapsed.

After a while,

Chen's ears vaguely heard the sound of shouting.

From the slums not far away came a cry for help.

As if the monster had begun to attack the others.

Chen Shao's face became steely and

that bald-headed monster.

Because what is happening now is caused by him.

Into the silence,

Chen Shao noticed a bloodstain on the corridor floor.

Towards this bloodstain he was sure to find the guy who did it.

His face changed slightly, he stood up and

Readjusted his emotions and tried to calm his mind.

Following the bloodstains on the ground, Chen Shao walked carefully all the way over.

The sword on his arm made him feel very creepy.

The sword and the arm are connected together, as if they were their own organs.

The light in the corridor shone on the face of the sword, reflecting a blinding light.

Inside Miss Yang's room.

In the middle of the toilet,there was a corpse lying

Suddenly his body moved, then he stood upright from the floor and opened his eyes and came out of the room with a fierce face.

His head swelled up like a balloon.

A frightening change was taking place.

Chen Shao walked all the way, his nervous eyes looking around from time to time.

The corridor was a mess.

Apparently some people were torn to death by the monster.

Some people closed their doors tightly, not daring to go out.

Some of the doors were opened, bleeding inside, unbearable.

Help! Suddenly Chen Shao frowned and heard a cry for help coming from inside the room.

Turning his head to look, the door should be knocked open alive.

Chen Shao stepped closer and came over.

Inside a monster is tearing the belly of a middle-aged uncle.

The stomach was torn open with the mouth alive, the middle-aged man was immediately out of breath and fainted with a pale face.

Suddenly the monster turned its head, looked at Chen Shao, and

Opened his bloody mouth.

The mouth split into four pieces, inside the teeth sharp as iron needles.

Like gears, it kept turning.

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