
The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

After saving one world from a demon god and earning the trust and admiration of a perverted goddess who wants to be his plaything, Sol's terrible luck causes him to get summoned again to another world with her almost as soon as he returns to his own. However, this time around he refuses to take on the role of a hero. Instead, he decides to challenge a pantheon of gods as a side quest while living as a simple and misunderstood man under the protection of his goddess who took his place as hero. Unfortunately, even without trying Sol can't avoid attracting trouble and is constantly getting dragged into epic battles against the gods without even trying because of his cocky personality and bad habits. But that's fine too, if the gods want to fight then he'll gladly take them on and plunder them into ruin!

Rowan_Eternal · 奇幻
317 Chs

A Desperate Queen

"Are you looking down on me?" Sol raised a brow at Ikaris and watched her fumble for her words.

"N-no, that is not what I meant-"

"You just said this world is doomed, that means it is doomed in spite of my presence, isn't it?" He asked again, and she sighed and held on to him again calmly.

"You have all my power at your disposal, there is no threat too powerful for you to face, regardless of what world you find yourself on,"

"Yeah," Sol scratched his head looking at Han speaking down to the queen because she had gone on her knees. "It's a pity we're stuck here," He looked around at the other three heroes.

"Stuck?" Ikaris gave him a skeptical glance. "The human queen just said that she had the power to send us back, at the expense of her life, but still..."

"I'm not going to sit back and watch this poor woman get taken advantage of by that guy of all people, Han Young is a parasite, I don't know how he ended up here, but I won't sit idly by and watch him ruin an already perishing kingdom.

"But, this goes directly against what you said earlier, about not wanting to get involved in their affairs," Ikaris contradicted him immediately.

"Obviously it does, but I do not plan on directly interfering if that's what you mean, I just don't want to be hailed as another hero, once was more than enough, I'll keep an eye on things from the shadows, as it stands, I can still feel all my magic, so I don't see the harm in dirtying my hands every now and then, but I'd rather just relax and do absolutely nothing, and if Han gets his way, there's no way in hell this place survives,"

"Hello again-"

"This witch is persistent," Ikaris hissed at Eris as soon as she tried approaching them. "What do you want now?"

"I'm hearing voices in my head," Eris answered worriedly. "Telling me to do weird things,"

"Ah, the system,"

"System?" Ikaris asked again, remembering that he had mentioned it before.

"Well, right now, I can see the names and levels of everyone in this room, all of us who were brought here are level one, the queen is just thirteen levels, and most of her guards are about level fifty, which gives me the impression that level 100 is not that big of a deal since they're in this kind of trouble," Sol explained, and saw a glint of Eris's inner nerd leak out as she adjusted her glasses and clutched the edges of her blouse.

"When you say system, do you mean... Magic system, like real magic?"


"Are you sure?" Eris asked again.

"Pretty sure, I can see levels and names above everyone's heads," Sol answered nonchalantly.

"So we were really summoned to another world, a magical world?" She gawked.

"That'd be correct,"

"Oh my goodness," Eris turned her back and walked off and then spun embarrassingly and thrust her palm outward.

"What is she doing?" Ikaris asked, watching the girl repeat the action over and over again.

"Probably trying to utilize magic now that she believes she is in a magical world," Sol answered with an amused chuckle. "That'll keep her away from us for a while," He looked toward Han and the queen again as they conversed in the presence of her guards and the other three heroes, two females and one more male, making their number a total of six. "Well, let's speed things up a bit then," Sol cleared his throat and then raised his hand.

"Pardon me, your majesty," he called, gaining everyone's attention and Han's disapproving glare. "Just how powerful are these enemies you want us to lay down our lives to fight for you, and what kind of benefits can we get from risking our necks like that, we've never fought any kind of war before, I personally don't want to fight at all-"

"Shut up you coward-"

"Watch your tone you snotty shit-stick!" Ikaris snapped at Han as soon as he spoke. "Sol is speaking, that means you be silent and stay listening," She huffed, causing Sol to grab her and cover her mouth in a panic.

"Ikaris, this isn't the place to play fangirl-"

"What did you just call me?" Han started stomping over to them.

"If you want to play your part, then allow me to play mine," Ikaris winked at Sol and then turned to Han again.

"This isn't earth right, then nobody's gonna give a shit when I smash your pretty little face in... Wh- aaah!" Han's threat turned to him screaming when Ikaris grabbed his arm and bent it behind him, bringing him to the ground in an instant.

"I am not comfortable touching this filth, so let me be clear to everyone here, Sol Vestic is under my protection, there's nothing I won't do for him, no length I won't go to, so whatever demon army you have that you think will destroy your country, I'll eradicate it, that demon lord you think is so powerful, I'll destroy that too, so don't take empty promises from this shit-bag, I'm the best here, that's a fact." Ikaris declared, kneeling in Han's back when he tried struggling.

"Well, o-okay then," Queen Vermon gulped at how this seventh person dealt with one who was supposed to be many times stronger then her.

"Ugh," Ikaris stepped on Han's head and walked back to Sol, holding out her hands and creating a cleansing light to rid herself of the touch of someone who was not Sol. "Gross,"

"You can already utilise magic, without having learnt?" The queen gasped, walking pass Han and approaching Ikaris carelessly, in response to the careless approach Ikaris stood before Sol protectively, but raised a brow and looked at Sol confused when the queen fell to her knees before her just as she had done with Han.

"Of course I can, as I said, I am the best,"

"Brave Hero, please, help us!"

"You do not need to-"

"I absolutely must!" The queen held her forehead to the ground as her subjects also went to their hands and knees. "We are helpless, without the aid of the hero, we will all die, please, lend us your strength!"