
The Wolf and the Wolfer : a story of love, tragedy and pain

Sun_flower1987 · 现代言情
7 Chs

The Devil Enters The Fray

'Well-Well look who made the contact this time..'

Said a dark sinister voice on a microphone,

'why do you wish to talk to your sister so badly? Oh yeah it's been 24 hours since the raid on that Wolfer barrack.

I'm sure those guys must be needing backup.

If you go in to fend off any Wolfers who might try to take back our little newly established toy fort,

I might consider... '

25 hours 34 minutes 46 seconds later

'Man these sewage holes stink the worst'

'Quit complaining you big oaf and keep walking' said a young gorgeous beauty.

Her eyes were black, her hairs blonde.

'Jonathan, Sarah we have almost reached', said another voice.

'Seras, what do you plan to do now? We are nearly 3 floors below it into the drainage system' said a young man, he had blue eyes and hairs of similar shade, his masculine build and within his arms was a sword like none other, a blade that looked like it was carved out using crystals.

The base of the weapon was made of silver with some steel deposited on it.

On the blade there were multiple ingrained shards of all sorts of different expensive looking shiny rocks.

Seras was wielding her bow and arrows along side a blade strapped onto her back.

Sarah was in a full body armour without a helmet, despite it looking heavy, she managed to walk in front without looking tired.

'that must be hot' Johnathan referred to Sarah giggling as she stared back at him gesturing as if saying "another remark about the armor pretty boy and you'll be mince meat".

After a few minutes all three went completely silent. They kept on making as less of sounds as possible.

Then suddenly Seras stopped, 'we are here' she said with certainty in her voice.

The rest of the 2 could sense it too,

The smell of flesh rotting.

It had completely taken over the area.

Johnat silently took out a small black box and placed it on a position that had been marked by Seras.

Sarah took out a rifle and pointed it towards the roof.

Ready and aimed...

Then suddenly Johnathan pressed a button and the roof floor where it had been kept at blew off.

A distressing sound and a hymns were audable and at the top there was a large hole.

Without wasting much time the 3 got into the hole above them.

The entire place looked dark.

The area was a huge dark tunnel without any lights coming from anywhere.

The three starter walking as vigilant as possible,

'you do know it's pointless right' Johnathan said in a tired tone.

'the whole idea was dumb, then again it's the most effective when compared to most our options' Sarah looked at the walls as they walked, there were blood stains all over them with scratches.

'this must have been done to create panic' she said.

'why don't we do the same, not like they can tell how many of us have breached' said Seras.

That's when they heard the growls.

Johnathan turned behind just to see nearly five werewolves all black staring at them with eyes full of blood lust.

'unnnh you two, here they come'

Suddenly the wolves ran towards them in the dark, they weren't visible but the sound of their presence was as clear as ever.

Then in a flash, Seras moved.

The next things was 5 werewolf carcasses lying on the floor just a bit away from Johnathan.

They had all been arrowed precisely on the heads.

'woah, why Don't you kill them like this during the hunts?' asked Johnathan out of amazement.

He looked at Seras and suddenly shut his mouth.

What he saw was Seras in her true form for the first time.

Pink and black hair, along with glowing red eyes.

Tattoos and markings all over her.

She looked more of a beast than the wolves themselves.

'wait she was one of the witches too?'

Johnathan said in shock.

'yes and if you had even the tiniest amount of brains you would know by now. Like who stays with a person for so long and not really know anything about them?' Sarah said in a taunting way.

Johnathon said nothing back to her but the bitterness was clearly sparkling on his face, as clear as the day.

Seras soon turned back to normal. She did not say a thing, stayed silent just like she was stayed.

The three continued walking,

Meanwhile somewhere else in the same building...

Some dark figures are sitting on a table all of them surrounding each other.

'Eh so we have been breached, let's see what I'm sensing'

'2 Wolfers with strong connection to source, probably witches. Then there's another one, not so special in terms of power but who knows what he can do.'

'boss should we send in everyone at once and outnumber them'

'No, they aren't the average weak ones, how about we send in those 3'

'Alright then, Golden death it is, fufu'

The man on the chair in the centre said.

They were all coated on darkness but the malice in their voices was as clear as the starless sky.