
The Wolf and the Wolfer : a story of love, tragedy and pain

Sun_flower1987 · 现代言情
7 Chs



***Sorry guys before we really get into the chapter I would like to apologize for the gap.

I was feeling unwell so I took the day off, I'm sorry of you were reading it and were looking forward for the next chapter. I'll try to be as regular as possible...***


'Where are we really going, it's so boring, this place is boring it smells like those worm Wolfers. Ahhhhh where are those 3, I wanna go back homeeee', said a boy, almost 12 years old, walking in a dark tunnel within another tunnel that seemed as big as a small miniature town.

His hair were black, his build was almost fragile. He almost looked like a skeleton with a few layers of flesh and skin on it.

His face was almost beautiful, peculiar for a boy.

His eyes were covered with an even peculiar blind fold.

Behind him were two men, both completely grown.

One of the two, was a man with a left eye that was shining blue, even in the dark it would glow as of something godly, his other eye was like a wolf's his fur covered his back and tail. In the dullness and the dark his fur seemed like a brighter shade of brown.

His face was partially covered with a mask, his ears were standing as if on guard and hearing something.

A scar ran through the centre of his chest,

A sword resting in a sheath, it's handle having a blood stain that seemed dull brown in the dark.

'hey, why do you always roam around bare chested?'

The other man said looking at Zeak.

'let's go and hunt those Wolfers first, then we will talk about his masculinity assertive behaviour' said the boy in the front.

Zeak stayed silent, observing his two companion's obvious as well as un-obvious moves.

He was guarded, as if he had discontent towards the two people he was walking with.

The other man, was as strange as the boy, unlike the boy, the other man had a gas mask and a tight suit hide his appearance.

He walked slightly ahead of Zeak.

Zeak did not feel much blood lust from him, the real concern was the boy in the front.

'Danny, where do you think those 3 might be by now?' asked the boy, his voice was very low pitched almost like a girl's.

'from what I can feel, 500 metres to our left, we will soon catch upto them', the other man said, silently.

'I see', the boy said with a smirk on his face.

Neither of the 2 really looked like werewolves. if anything, they seemed less likely to be werewolves.

[25 minutes earlier a few steps back at a location close to this...]

'ahhhhh we have been fending them off since all of eternity now!', said the voice of a man who looked in his late adolescence.

He looked masculine for most part. Blue hairs along with blue eyes with a handsome face with tanned skin.

Just your everyday prince charming one would suppose.

'quit complaining, consider yourself lucky, you are one of the rarest Wolfers who get the chance to die by the hands of dead zombies', a girl said in a taunting tone as she hacked something to pieces.

The sound of flesh being grinded to her blade screeched through the dark hallway.

Her jet black eyes completely focused on the roof, she had a tint of malice and hope blended together, shining through them as she gazed at the roof of the large hallway they were in covered with darkness and more and more pathways going into every direction.

'why does she take so much time', Johnathan screamed in frustration as he sliced through hordes of undead launching towards him from every direction.

'we are so lucky these aren't the infectious kind, quit whining and do as you always do you idiot', Sarah said Making some distance between herself and her enemies.

Within the confines of the dark they were, there was still a lot of space for them to move around and not actively hit walls.

This was both a good and a bad thing.

This meant that they were finally deep into the Residence. But it also meant they were deep into the residence, the place that was now infested with their mortal enemy, "the werewolves"

To make matters worse, this was organised movement.

To make matters even worse, the enemy had brought with them a fucking Necromancer.

'unnh-', before Johnathan got a chance to complain again, a shower of blue flames covered the grounds towards the walking corpses.

Somehow avoiding both Johnathan and Sarah.

Slowly the sparks died down, and a lone girl jumped downwards.

One who had been standing on the top, the one responsible for these flames.

Hairs of a mixed shade of black and pink.

Light blue eyes, pink glossed up lips and a face that looked as if something out of a mad genius artist's imagination.

Tinted with fair skin

'well done sweety'

'Oh well I didn't do that well'

'not you, you big oaf. No wait you two, but I meant Seras'

The three of them looked weak and tired.

'been some time since they have been catching upto us, on top of that, this place is completely different from the maps'

Johnathan confessed with a tired voice.

'ah you're right sweety , thanks for pointing out the obvious, also thanks for reminding us we are lost' Sarah said in her usual tone.

'We must be near that control room, that must be the reason why it seems so distorted'

Seras said in an even more tired voice than Johnathan.

'this is the first time in 3 months I have used 2 spells within a time frame of 18 hours, I rarely use magic. I might have managed to awoken the abilities but yet I am usually hesitant with using magic'

'it takes a lot of toll on one's body', Sarah replied...

'you did great Sweety, don't worry. We will push through some how'

'you really need to be so motherly?' Johnathan interrupted, he was silent for some time before just now. Trying to understand the way of the witches.

The witches were special Wolfers that

"W.A.R Front" created, using dark practices and scientifically advanced methods.

The purpose being eradication of Werewolves.

They would take Wolfer candidates with aptitude and train them.

'I remember taking part in the aptitude exam, I failed', Johnathan said with an un-bothered look on his face. He brought out a brick from his hanging bag, he unwrapped its outer covering and started chewing on it.

'not everyone gets picked, only 1 out of every 457 candidates gets a chance', Seras said with a hollowness in his chest.

'Alright you two, let's get going, we don't want whoever it is to come close to us. Besides

A Necromancer is much more lethal when confronted at lesser distances.

The more we stay ahead the better...' with that Sarah encouraged the two, the 3 got up, closing the torch and walking on in the dark towards the control room.

(Why? That's going to be revealed in the later chapters...till then b-bye)