
Chapter 47: Cade and Rose's Ex

Cade stood outside what was a modest house. It could fit inside his, but it wasn’t what he’d expected. He’d thought that Rose’s ex-husband would live in squalor. He was a bum for not providing child support, but Cade had assumed it was a financial decision.

Based on the cleanliness of the house and the BMW in the driveway, Rose’s ex was just a b*stard. He could probably afford to give child support, but he refused. He must have out lawyered Rose.

Cade shook his head. He couldn’t imagine why anyone would leave Keegan behind. The boy was smart and fun, and Cade loved the little guy from the moment he’d met him. Rose had done a great job with him.

“You want me to go in with you?” Flynn asked.

He’d asked his Beta to back him up not knowing the situation he was entering. “No.”

“You won’t beat him up, will you?”

Cade glanced at his second-in-command. “Not enough for him to call the cops.”