
Chapter 4 The new girl

They all whipped their head in the direction of the voice and saw a girl wearing a blue dress that made her blue eyes more obvious. she had her black hair tied up perfectly at the back and she was holding a dead bird. when she saw she had their attention she continued "I parked those there for personal use. I'm Allison why are you here?". Amanda put down the backpack and said? "oh we are so sorry we were on this school excursion one minute the next thing we knew it started raining and we decided to duck here before our teachers find us and we'll go back "Allison looked at them for a few minutes and said which "fair enough. you must be Pam ". she said nodding at Pam but before Pam could reply Amanda said "yes and I'm Amanda and this is Tara ". "okay I will let you stay here till your teachers or whoever finds you. you can share my meal for the night as well ". they looked at each other and Amanda said "no thanks we'll just eat the energy bars we have in our backpack. thanks for letting us stay ". "suit yourself ". Allison replied and stalked off to pick up her backpack. " ooh and sorry about your backpack ". Pam added. "mhm mhm". she nodded and continued packing her stuff together

Amanda Pam and Allison and how's seated around the fire she made. "so you guys are friends huh? ". Allison asked turning the bird which she was grilling "yeah we're best friends. childhood friends matter-of-factly is that like a penguin ? ". Pam asked. "no it's a .....". "guys I tried calling my mum but there's no signal. I don't think anyone will be able to find us ". Tara said interrupting Allison. Amanda placed down her soda and took Tara's hand. "relax T, I'm sure they'll find us tomorrow this place is close to our route anyway ". yeah and if they don't come find us will just use the GPS on our phones to return back home I'm sure the signal be restored by then ". Pam pointed out. "great idea Pam. now you just have to relax eat your energy bar and just go to sleep all will be well tomorrow " Amanda agreed." you guys don't mind me asking the name of your school? ". "no it's actually our Town's high School. New Salem high "Tara said looking at her friends to make sure she hadn't messed up they neither have her a disapproving look nor an approving one they just focused on Allison to know why she asked . patience paid off." wow that's the school I'm going to or about to ".