
Chapter 37: History of Universe.

Waking up in a cold sweat, August tried to stand up but found himself unable to do something like that because of the recent exhausting battle. Staring at the ceiling, August thought about the words that Unicorn had said to him.

(2 face man shall not reach his goal, upon reaching it, the new sun shall never rise, and white chill shall come and destroy the world. Shall you and 2 face man follow the path, the worlds will die, the order will break, and the existence will shutter.)

'Clearly, it is about someone who hides his real identity and has another actual personality that he keeps hidden from others. Can it be him? That is possible, but all the mages have 2 faces. This clue is too vague to make an accurate assumption.

Alright, let's just skip this part for now. New sun, who is it? It is the one that inherited the gene of Elder Blood, but who is the one that is the carrier at the moment? And what the heck does Elder Blood grant its owner? This is really frustrating. A long list of questions with so few answers. I guess I will have to search for them once I set on my adventure.

I shall not trust Vilgefortz. On the outside, he looks too good and every time being around him; I get this feeling that I get when I need to fight someone. Alright, I guess it is time for me to sleep and prepare for lessons with him. Why the heck did I even agree to that? Ah, forget about that, August.


But before we see how August learns the process and art of magic, let's take a step back and see what magic actually is.

One clever dragon Villentretenmerth said, "At the base, there is an idea, a conflict of powers such as chaos and order. It is very simple. Chaos is danger, the side which serves as an aggressor, while Order is the side that is under the pressure and requires defence."

But how did magic come to be? What is it made of?

The magic plane results from the conflict between order and chaos. Because of that conflict, leftover powers formed a force called magic that drifted in space.

But not only magic resulted from the clash. Other planes appeared, such as the physical plane, a plane of elements composed of 4 elements: Air, Earth, Water and Fire and the plane of demons were born: creatures that are well versed in such a thing as magic.

A plane of elements served as begging for the existence of the planets. 4 different elements mixed and formed millions of plants. Those that formed in balance bloomed with life, while those that failed to reach a balance turned into something like wastelands without oceans, endless seas with nothing but water, endless deserts and land of storms.

Magic power was drifting in the infinite cosmos without a lot of interaction with the physical plane of existence. No living being could perceive small amounts of magic that was present in their worlds, therefore remained unknown.

But one day, everything changed. A race that goes by the name of Aen Undod was born. They were extremely gifted with such a power that allowed them to live for thousands of years and also perceive and study to use magic.

At first, magic had few applications that they could use, but as time went by, something that none of the Aen Undodexpected to come came. Cataclysm called White Chill, a process in which their entire planet turned into a cold hell.

Having no way of solving their problem, Aen Undod was forced to learn how to apply magic in a wider range of applications. They studied and experimented with things they could do to find a better place to live. To travel in space using magic.

Once Aen Undod discovered a beautiful creature that knew how to use magic the best. They were the creatures that were born from magic itself: Unicorns. Being desperate, Aen Undod seeks their help to create portals to other worlds.

Unicorns agreed, they were pure by nature, creatures believing in the best. They helped Aen Undod to create portals connecting different worlds, where life of all kinds bloomed. Making it possible for the Elvin race to travel between them.

The result of unicorn work was a handmade whirlpool of planets that had life on them. Thousands of worlds where different living creatures lived now were connected to each other.

But later they found out that the Elven race did not bring development into a different world, instead they enveloped them in wars. Exterminating the natural population and taking everything race once owned for themselves.

Unicorns were not happy with that outcome and closed the portals that connected different worlds, resulting in the inability of an elven race to travel and conquer. The result of this was a war that started between those races. AenUndod and unicorns.

The Elven race was divided into 2. One wanted to live a peaceful life, while another wanted to continue their conquest. Elven race, in attempts to create portals between different worlds, caused the conjunction of spheres that were included in the whirlpool made by Unicorns.

Their rituals broke the order of the universe, making it impossible to repeat something like this. The result was a lot of different creatures flooding one world. Because the order was broken, magic power that never was in abundance in the physical plane of existence filled it entirely, allowing other races besides elves to harness the power of magic.


I want to get this half kinda chapter out. I will release another one when I finish it. This is more of the history telling rather than a chapter, I know. But I wanted to show it to the readers since it explains how magic came to be and a few of August's thoughts.

While all the things above are no cannon since in Witcher there is no explanation of what magic actually is, so all I can do is collect all I could from all the sources possible and give you the overall idea I have of the events that took place.

I hope this makes sense since I introduced Unicorns. I deem it important to give their backstory a little and show how everything kind of started.

This also allows assuming that overpowered kinda creatures that appear in the Witcher world are actually from another plane of existence, e.g., demons. And because they are built different, they possess this kind of power.

Thanks for reading this chapter. I will get back to writing an actual chapter.