
The Witch Hat's Quest for Curse Curing Magic

The Elemental Witch, reduced to just a witch hat who has forgotten its memories, had been trapped in the ruins for centuries until it encountered Kailey, finally gaining freedom. Kailey, who had ventured into the ruins in search of a cure, thought she had found one. However, it turns out to be a cursed tome, leaving Kailey incapacitated. As a result, the dormant second soul from previous hijinks in the ruin arises to take over her body. After leaving the ruins, the second soul, Aleshia, renames the witch hat to Lucia. During Lucia's excitement over her christening, Aleshia separates from Lucia, leaving Lucia alone. But soon after, the leader of the Green Wolf clan appeared.

Delsuin1 · 奇幻言情
79 Chs


Chapter 9 Combat Kailey was surprised by the question asked by the teacher, but before she could respond. The three students started casting wind-related spells at her. The wind spells flew through the air to attack Kailey. At the last second, Kailey dodged the attacks, although she was stumbling in every direction in panic. When she thought their volley of attacks ceased, she tried to catch her breath. But then a surprise attack of [Wind Arrows] assailed her. The hail of [Wind Arrows] struck Kailey, but instead of being hit, her protective barrier blocked the attack. However, the repeated assaults caused the barrier to collapse in on itself. Kailey panicked and quickly attempted to conjure another barrier, casting another barrier spell, this time adding a reinforcement spell. With the improved barrier protecting her, Kailey could answer the question given to her by the teacher, "I'm not a student here. I was previously in a ruin. I don't know how I'm here." The teacher thought over Kailey's words and accepted them, deciding to help the girl. She tapped into her magic and created a magic circle of solidified mana. She began to chant two types of spells simultaneously, activating magic formation and verbal magic. The two magics combined both water and lightning elements in a two-stage attack. The water reservoir within the circle began spraying in a forceful stream, drenching the three students. She formed a rope from the water that covered them and tied them up. When the teacher finished chanting the incantation, she released lightning from her outstretched hand, striking the water and creating an electrified current. This current resulted in shocking, burning, and paralyzing the students who had been attacking Kailey. With all the problems settled, the teacher could finally contemplate what the girl had just said. With the evidence given, the teacher came to an outlandish conclusion and began formulating a plan to escape from the space, believing the classroom they were in was not where she thought she was. Kailey was shocked and awed by the teacher's power. She timidly approached the teacher to ask if she could assist her in returning to the ruin. But before Kailey could speak, the teacher took Kailey to a door and exited the classroom into the hallway. The teacher took Kailey to the building's exit. Before they could reach the door, the space around them began warping strangely, bringing the teacher along with Kailey.