
The Witch And The Halfwit

When nineteen-year-old princess Ona is abducted on her way to her wedding, her betrothed, Didé scours all of Out-earth looking for her. Dragged to the highlands of Kebo that she knows about only from legends, Ona discovers that her captor is not only a hateable brute but part of an ancient clan of warriors, whose legendary exploits trace back to the Third Era -1300 years before Ona. Perhaps, he is not a hateable brute all the time. As she adapts to her new home, her initial animosity towards the warrior transforms into a fiery passion that puts her in a terrible position with her beloved betrothed. However, her romantic entanglements are the least of her concerns. An ancient darkness is growing, and Ona must find a way to stop it, or the world that she knows will be consumed by the Lightless Dark.

indig0jesse · 奇幻言情
35 Chs

Chapter 30

The morning mist hung low over Erkwood, the ancient forest's towering trunks disappearing into the hazy canopy above. Amid the dense undergrowth, the clangs of clashing blades and grunts of exertion echoed through the still air.

Young warriors, their muscles taut and glistening with sweat, traded blows with practiced intensity. Their faces were masks of grim determination as they blocked, parried and riposted against their opponents. A few female fighters held their own amongst the ranks, their lithe forms carving arcs of shining steel.

All around the clearing, small camps had been erected beneath the sheltering branches. Loved ones bustled about tending cookfires, fetching water, and calling encouragement to the combatants. The aroma of roasting meats and travelled herbs mingled with the earthy scents of loam and pine needles.

On the periphery, makeshift lean-tos provided respite for those who pushed themselves too far. Grimacing warriors sat cross-legged as healers wound fresh linen and applied poultices to their injuries. The dull throb of fatigue resonated through aching muscles.

This was the way of Erkwood in the days leading up to the great Warrior Games of Kebo. Only the fiercest and most disciplined would emerge victorious from the forthcoming trials.

Of course, the blessings of the gods went with them all.

Ona had formed an unlikely friendship with Soko, a young warrior from Tij's group that had abducted her. Despite their initial encounter, Soko had apologized profusely for their mistreatment of her, and Ona had graciously accepted his apology. As they spent more time together, Ona cleverly disguised her intentions by asking Soko questions about Kebo, subtly inquiring about potential escape routes without arousing his suspicion.

With a friendly and nonchalant demeanor, Ona would ask Soko about the layout of the land, the movements of guardsmen. Soko, unaware of Ona's true intentions, would willingly share his knowledge, providing her with valuable information that she carefully stored away.

Through their conversations, Ona gained a deeper understanding of the terrain, learning about the treacherous paths but even Soko didn't know the hidden passages and outlets of Kebo. That information was above his status.

Ona walked onto the training grounds, her presence drawing Soko's attention. He smiled, wiping the sweat from his brow as he approached her. "Princess, what brings you here today?" he asked, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

"I came to wish you good luck for the upcoming games," Ona replied, holding out a basket of food and a waterskin. "I brought some sustenance to fuel your training."

Soko's face lit up with gratitude. "You're too kind."

They sat down on a fallen tree, the rough bark beneath them. Ona pulled out a piece of fruit and offered it to Soko, who took a bite, his eyes closing in appreciation. They chatted and laughed, their conversation flowing easily as they watched the other warriors train.

The morning sun appeared swiftly and beat down on them, casting dappled shadows on the ground. Ona and Soko sat in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's company as they watched the warriors prepare for the games. The sound of clashing swords and grunts of effort filled the air, punctuated by Soko's occasional laughter.

The tension was palpable as Tij watched Ona and Soko from across the training grounds. His jaw clenched tightly, suspicion and ... jealousy? ...burning in the pit of his stomach.

Ona seemed completely at ease, her musical laughter ringing out as Soko regaled her with some no doubt embellished tale of his exploits. The young warrior gestured animatedly, buffing his chest out with exaggerated bravado that made Ona's eyes crinkle with mirth.

But Tij saw through the playful facade. He could sense the undercurrent of conspiracy, the unspoken questions Ona surely posed under the guise of innocent curiosity. Soko was a fool, being expertly manipulated by this enigmatic woman's charming wiles.

A muscle twitched in Tij's cheek as Ona leaned in conspiratorially, laying a hand on Soko's armored forearm as he seemingly divulged some critical bit of information about Kebo. Her delicate fingers traced the intricate designs etched into the metal as if committing every detail to memory.

Tij's calloused hands clenched spasmodically around the shaft of his spear, the wood creaking in protest under the immense pressure. His piercing glare bored into the oblivious pair, shoulders tense and nostrils flaring with each mirthful laugh that mocked his silent fury.

He knew he should intervene, should tear Soko away from her insidious manipulations before lasting damage was done. But something held him back, some desire to see how far she would go.

For now, he could only watch and wait, his weapon quivering with the force of his seething vexation as their intimate tête-à-tête played out before his smoldering eyes.

As Ona and Soko continued their friendly conversation, Tij's gaze was suddenly diverted by Yulu, who approached him with a purposeful stride. "Tij, a word, please," Yulu said, his voice low and urgent.

Tij nodded, his eyes never leaving Ona and Soko, before turning to follow Yulu. The two men walked a short distance away, their conversation hushed and intense.

At the same moment, a superior officer called out to Soko, "Soko, report to the training master!" Soko's head snapped towards the command, his eyes apologetic as he turned to Ona. "Duty calls, Ona. I'll catch up with you later."

With a nod, Soko quickly stood and jogged off to answer the summons, leaving Ona sitting alone.

The clash of steel rang out across the training grounds as Ona watched the warriors spar, her eyes following their intricate footwork and powerful strikes. She startled slightly as a deep voice cut through the cacophony beside her.

"Impressive, are they not?" The rich baritone carried a note of pride. "The elite warriors of Kebo, forged in the fires of discipline and sacrifice."

Ona turned to find an imposing figure towering over her, a man whose very presence seemed to command respect. His features were chiseled from granite, a firm jaw framed by high cheekbones. Though his expression was stern, his eyes danced with good humor.

"Forgive me, I am Muchi, nephew to the great Chief Zetij himself." He inclined his head politely. "I could not help but notice your rapt attention. Do you have an appreciation for the arts of swordplay, Princess?"

Momentarily flustered by his disarming charm, Ona recovered with a polite smile. "I must confess, the spectacle is...fascinating. Though I fear my own skills would pale in comparison."

Muchi threw back his head with a rumbling laugh that turned a few heads. "You sell yourself short! Why, with a few lessons, you could be a warrior princess amongst our ranks." His roguish grin unsettled Ona in ways that were wrong to her.

Placing a hand over her heart, she affected an expression of melodramatic shock. "A princess? Goodness, I could hardly manage such lofty airs with weapons flashing before my eyes."

"Then we shall start you on something more...intimate." Muchi's voice dropped conspiratorially as he closed the distance between them. "The way of the blade is as much a dance as it is combat. Fluid movements, anticipating your partner's steps..."

His calloused knuckles traced a feather-light line up her forearm, guiding her hand into the proper defensive stance. Ona's breath hitched at his proximity.

Muchi's dark eyes locked onto hers as he murmured, "Breathe...and let your instincts guide your reflexes." With aching slowness, he mirrored her stance, their forms flowing together.

"You see?" His lips curved upwards. "You're already becoming a natural."

The rhythmic clashing of blades faded into the background as Muchi's intense gaze held Ona's attention.

"You have the instincts of a warrior already," Muchi purred in that rich baritone. "But footwork alone will not avail you on the battlefield of life, my lady."

Ona arched an eyebrow coyly. "Oh? And what other tactics do you propose?"

A wolfish grin played across his lips. "Ah, but where would be the fun in revealing all my secrets?" He traced the curve of her arm with a feather-light touch. "Though...for one such as yourself, I may be persuaded to divulge a few insights."

Stepping back, he gestured vaguely to the west. "Tell me, what do you know of the murky mountains?"

Ona followed his motion with furrowed brows. "Only stories of their unforgiving peaks and hidden perils. Surely you don't mean to—"

"Traipse into such dangers unprepared?" Muchi chuckled. "You underestimate me. No, those treacherous slopes hold many secrets known only to a privileged few."

He leaned in close, his next words a rumbling murmur near her ear. "Tucked in the highest reaches, there is an ancient path—a gateway, if you will. One could use it to bypass our well-guarded stone barriers...to come and go as they please without alerting the watchful eyes of Kebo."

Ona's breath caught in her throat as the gravity of his revelation sank in. This was the chance she had been seeking. But she fought to maintain her composure, to not let the anticipation shining in her eyes give away her desperation.

"You speak in riddles, good sir," she replied with a coy tilt of her head. "Surely you don't suggest I have nefarious intentions in inquiring about such...clandestine routes?"

"Of course not." Muchi's eyes danced with the thrill of their deliciously weighted repartee. "I merely offer food for thought that one with your...expansive curiosities...might appreciate possessing."

As her heart thundered in her chest, Ona forced a demure chuckle. "Then I am in your debt for indulging me. Though I shudder to imagine braving those unforgiving peaks alone."

"Ah, but that's where you have me wrong." His smile was all bravado as he swept her an exaggerated bow. "I would be honored to escort such an intrepid explorer on that perilous trail..."

Ona's lilting laughter intermingled with Muchi's deep chuckle before a familiar voice cut through their banter. "Sir Muchi! I did not mean to intrude."

Soko approached with deferential straightness to his shoulders, offering a slight bow of his head to the towering figure. Though his smile was warm, there was an unmistakable note of courtly formality as he addressed the chief's nephew.

"Not at all, my friend." Muchi clapped Soko firmly on the shoulder, his easy familiarity a reminder of the slight yet ever-present divide in their standings. "I was merely acquainting our lovely guest with the finer points of cultured discourse."

Soko's eyes flicked momentarily towards Ona, a silent apology in his raised brows for whatever dubious "education" Muchi had likely been imparting. He knew better than most the unrestrained charm the chieftain's kin could wield when he put his mind to such pursuits.

"My lord is too modest," Ona rejoined lightly, smoothing over the unspoken undercurrent. "He has been most generous in indulging my insatiable curiosities about Kebo's customs and history."

"Is that so?" Soko's expression remained courteous, but his tone held an edge of protective uncertainty. As a common footsoldier, he could only imagine the kinds of delicate knowledge Muchi might be telling this naive outsider.

Sensing the younger man's trepidation, Muchi swept an arm expansively. "Of course, of course! We were just discussing some of the old mountain paths my father spoke of. Mere trifling folklore, I assure you."

The meaningful look he flashed Ona did not escape Soko's notice. But deference stayed his tongue as he replied with a casual shrug.

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