
The thing of the past

A prestigious man of great intellectual,emotional capability lives in the mid east of Texas, he was a clerk in one of the biggest companies in Texas,the company deals with all kinds of cosmetics, the man by name Troy junior the son of Troy,one of the wealthiest man in Texas with a net worth of about $20 million while the son stooped down to the level of saying he doesn't want to eat his father's riches he wants to earn his own money. Troy junior earns a maximum of five thousand dollars a month, troy junior was planning the death of his manager when the the secretary stepped in and saw all that was happening,she tried to run across the door but before you could say jack Robinson Troy Jr had locked the door for no one to come in and go out and he began to threaten the secretary not to mention a word to anyone or else that it would be for the benefit of both of us,the secretary refused to his threat,Troy Jr became angry and thought of the only thing to do is to kill her and act as if he knew nothing about it. As he went towards her,she became afraid of what could happen next, Troy Jr pulled out a knife from his pocket and stabbed her in the belly and the secretary died instantly, Troy Jr had to go out and check if there was anyone on the pathway,but he saw no one,he looked outside his window to check if there were anyone downstairs beside the dustbin area but no one was there, he then found a huge sack and put the secretary inside the sack the he carried her on his back and started his journey to the dustbin on arriving there his boss saw him with a sack that was unusual to the boss because the company don't deal on sacks, the boss called him and he began to run, the boss then suspected that something was wrong and sent his security men after him,when they caught him they found out he was carrying the dead body of the secretary and they brought Troy to their boss,where the boss met him and sacked him immediately.