
I Feel Better

編輯: Atlas Studios

Training was very important.

Experience points were not omnipotent. If he were to compare to a bank, experience points were equivalent to savings. He could become rich through savings, but he still had to learn how to spend money and how to make money.

Learning was equivalent to training and required perseverance.

Previously, the reason why they did not train was because of one, the restriction order, and two, the fact that Bull Two's level was too low, it was almost changing every day.

Even though the data had already been digitized and it seemed like they could continuously level up just by fighting monsters, there was still a bottleneck. It was not as if fighting experience was completely useless.

Every Level 20 was a huge hurdle. Those with slightly poorer aptitudes would be stuck at that level, unable to advance even if their experience points were full.

Even though Bull Two and the others had Mythical-rank potential, they were still unable to escape this fate. In fact, compared to other Tamed Beasts, their bottlenecks were even more difficult to overcome.

Fortunately, Li Song had experienced it in the game and knew how to deal with it. However, things that could be easily obtained in the game were not so simple in reality.

Li Song did not think too much about it. He would cross the bridge when he got there.

They exited the corridor.

It was not quiet outside. There were many people like Li Song on the streets.

All of them were carrying different types of Tamed Beasts and undergoing corresponding training—even if this was a new situation to them, had they never read a novel?

However, Li Song's appearance was like a crane among a flock of chickens, quickly drawing a lot of attention.

If the people around him were all raising good-looking babies, Bull Two would look like a middle-aged ugly man. This scene was completely different!

However, many people looked at him with envy. This Tauren looked very powerful.

Of course, there were also some people who looked at him with pity—such an ugly Tamed Beast must be bringing the master a lot of distress.

Looking at the adorable beast beneath their feet, they felt much better.

Li Song took a casual glance at them. They were all ordinary Tamed Beasts. None of them were too rare. The upper limit was generally not high. Moreover, they all looked to be at Level 1 and were still very cute.

On the other hand, their Beast Tamers also looked very young and inexperienced. They only carried out regular exercises like jogging and push-ups, which were more useful for humans.

With regards to the cultivation of Tamed Beasts, everyone was trying their best.

"Moo! Moo!" Bull Two followed beside Li Song, huffing and puffing.

What it was wearing was a set of armor made by Zerg Five using its "Metallurgical Furnace". It almost covered the entire body, the thickness was about three centimeters, and the density was extremely high. Just this set of armor alone weighed over a thousand kilograms.

Even Bull Two felt the heaviness on its body.

Of course, the price was not cheap either.

Money was also a great help in training beasts…

Initially, Li Song was only doing an ordinary jog. He was still saying, "Bull Two, your body is strong enough, but the problem is very obvious. Your control over your own strength is too weak. This needs to be dealt with."

As he said that, he pointed at the ground that Bull Two had run across. The ground was full of potholes. Under Bull Two's huge three-toed hooves, there were many small potholes. The bricks on the ground were especially cracked.

This was not considered a fast jog. If it was a fast jog, it might be even more serious.

"Moo…" (I understand)

Bull Two naturally knew that Li Song was doing this for its own good. It also worked harder in its heart.

"By the time you are able to control your strength well in this armor, we will end this training session."


Bull Two responded and its movements became gentle, but its speed slowed down.

Li Song shouted immediately as Bull Two's speed increased again. Following that, it lost control of its strength again…

It seemed that Bull Two still had a long way to go before it could control its strength.

Li Song looked at Bull Two's appearance and smiled in his heart.

At the same time, at Li Song's home, Zerg Five was not idle. More than ten mechanical arms stretched out and moved between the pots and pans. A few hands were responsible for washing the dishes, and a few were responsible for cooking.

This was also the training mission Li Song set for Zerg Five.

According to the evolution path that Zerg Five had, multitasking was almost a must for it. Li Song was now training it in this aspect.


The days that followed were as usual.

Daily training, dealing with the nightly release of monsters, and instance dungeons.

As he continued with this cycle, the number of Rock Tossing Lizards that was released increased. There were almost a hundred of them in each area.

However, there were more people fighting now.

There were countless people in Shanghai, so there were naturally many brave people.

In addition to the fact that the first round of the Night Suppression Division trials had ended recently, these highly organized and highly skilled Beast Tamers had also joined the battle early on, causing another wave of commotion.

Li Song naturally did not care too much about this matter.

The biggest impact on Li Song was naturally that the number of Rock Tossing Lizards he could hunt had decreased.

Naturally, he had tried to "snatch" monsters before, but according to his contribution, he had only obtained 1 EXP at that time. He had never tried again after that.

The gains were simply mismatched.

He might even have to face the criticism of a bunch of weaklings, it was really not worth it.

As for the instance dungeon, it was still the main avenue for Li Song to gain experience. The few times after that, he had completed it perfectly, but the rewards were no longer distributed. This made Li Song feel a hint of pity.

Up until now, Zerg Five still had not reached Level 10.

On this day, after Li Song finished his daily training, he returned home and sat down.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

There was a knock on the door.

Through the peephole, Li Song saw a middle-aged man standing outside the door. He was dressed neatly and stood upright. He had an extraordinary bearing and a hint of authority.

As if expecting Li Song to look at him from the peephole, he smiled at it.

Li Song raised his eyebrows.

He had seen this person's photo through his secret channels.

Zhao Chengfeng.

"They've finally come after all." Li Song sighed to himself and opened the door, asking: "Hello, who are you looking for?"

"Looking for you." Zhao Chengfeng's eyes shone brightly as he looked at Li Song seriously.

Li Song was surprised by the man's frankness. He turned and let the man in.

After Zhao Chengfeng entered, he looked around the room. It was ordinary and nothing could be seen. However, the cabinet placed in the living room was rather conspicuous and out of place.

He did not see Li Song during the first assessment.

This disappointed him, but it was within his expectations.

After three days of consideration, he still could not suppress the urge in his heart and directly came to face Li Song.

But before he came, he did not even know what to say. Only when Li Song opened the door and saw his face did Zhao Chengfeng come to a decision.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Zhao Chengfeng, and I'm now the Minister of the Night Suppression Division in Shanghai." Zhao Chengfeng turned around and faced Li Song. His body was upright, and his voice was steady and loud, making this matter seem a little serious.

"Yeah." Li Song nodded. He was not good at dealing with people who were too serious. He walked past Zhao Chengfeng and picked up a teacup from the table, replying: "Minister Zhao, there's only tea at home. It's the most ordinary Dragon Well tea."

Zhao Chengfeng sat at the table and sized up Li Song, "You don't seem surprised at all?"

"I know you." Li Song placed the tea in front of Zhao Chengfeng's table and sat down gently.

Zhao Chengfeng ignored it and looked at Li Song, "Why don't you join us? With your strength, I won't decline even if you ask to take my position."

His frank and direct attitude surprised Li Song. He pondered for a moment and said, "I'm not interested."

Zhao Chengfeng fell silent.

He stood up and walked to the balcony. He sighed, "I've been a soldier for thirty years. I love this country."

Then, he turned around and asked, "Li Song, what do you think of Shanghai?"

"It's still alright," Li Song said, "It's still stable after the calamity. There are many things waiting to be done, and it's natural for there to be many capable people emerging."

Zhao Chengfeng calmly said a string of data: "As of now, more than 40,000 people have died in Shanghai. The crime rate has risen by 47%. There have been a total of 760 cases of murder, theft, robbery, and rape. More than 982 people and Tamed Beasts have been killed in such cases, while some crimes have yet to be solved. Their murderers are still on the loose. Perhaps, while we are talking, a crime has already been committed again."

"The law-enforcement team can kill criminals, but they can't kill the darkness within people's hearts."

"We lost more than 40,000 innocent people. In just a few days, the bodies in the crematorium have piled up like mountains. The incinerator is running day and night, and massacre is happening all the time. Many corpses are left unattended."

"Li Song, this is a war."

"Even so, do you think it's alright?"

Li Song was silent.

"Is this good? No, this is bad."

"Three months later, the beginner's protection will end. How many people do you think will survive?"

Before Li Song could reply, Zhao Chengfeng replied, "Less than one in ten."

"The troops have tried to get out of the protective circle. Tanks, planes, special forces, robots. We've tried everything."

"We tried to detect the difference between the two sides, but an 800mm caliber cannon can only kill monsters below Level 40."

"We have lost all our confidence since then."

"If cannons cannot bring peace, we can only try to defeat them using their methods."

"We've calculated the experience points. The monsters killed by the cannons can still give experience points to be stored up as reserves. After three months, the average level of the whole nation will reach 20."

Li Song: "…"

Saying so, Zhao Chengfeng turned around and looked at Li Song, "That's why we need you. You're special."

"You're clearly just an ordinary person. You're clearly just a single person, yet you're able to stay at the top of the world rankings."

"After obtaining power, you still hid your strength and identity. If you come out in the open, the benefits are even greater, right?"

"You possess extremely powerful strength, yet you did not overstep your boundaries."

Li Song opened his mouth and was about to speak.

However, Zhao Chengfeng had already grasped the initiative, "You don't have to rush to give me an answer."

With that, he turned around and left the balcony, "I know you have a way to contact me."

Li Song watched as he walked to the door step by step, wanting to open it. Suddenly, he turned around and looked into Li Song's eyes. With a complicated expression, he said, "You shouldn't have hacked into that car again. There were traces left on it. Otherwise, it would have been a perfect crime."

The atmosphere plummeted.

"Do you really feel good after killing all of them?"

Zhao Chengfeng's gaze was not sharp. In fact, it had become calm. He looked like an elder in his fifties caring for his juniors. However, there was a look of inquiry on his face, as if he really wanted to know the answer.

A long time seemed to have passed. Li Song's emotions were released as he revealed a gentle smile.


"I feel better."

Zhao Chengfeng was slightly startled. He shook his head, turned around, and left. However, four words remained in Li Song's ears.

"Don't do this again."