
The Pocket Diary.

"Oh, you've come! I guess you met Ms Lennon on your way here." Eric stood up from the sofa.

Hebrew nodded and kept his muffler aside.

"What happened to her? She-she looked a bit." Hebrew paused.

"Off tracked?" Eric suggested.

Hebrew nodded and sat on his wooden chair.

"She was all fine until suddenly she went quiet and stood up to leave." Eric sat down too as he spoke.

"Strange," Hebrew whispered and Eric nodded in agreement.

"Anyways." Hebrew stood up and Eric looked at him.

"I'll go to my room. I'm tired, I need to sleep."

"But what about dinner, I wonder if you have eaten the whole day." Eric was worried.

"Umm...I ate outside." Hebrew lied.

Eric nodded slightly m, though he wasn't quite satisfied with his answer, Hebrew barely ever ate outside.

"Okay then, go sleep. I'll sleep here."

Hebrews turned to go but stopped after taking a step.

"What?" Eric asked.

"You- you don't need any blanket or something?" Hebrew turned around and asked.

Eric shook his head, "You're forgetting something...this is my house too. Though I didn't live here much."

Hebrew scoffed and so did Eric.

"So, it's fine. If I'll need it, I'll get it myself."

Hebrew nodded and went inside his room. He shut the door and quietly sat on his bed. His mind was in chaos once again, he slid his hand in the pocket of his overcoat and took out the pocket diary.

"Martha Stewart." He mumbled.

The diary was in a good condition, with its blood-red cover it seemed extremely persevered as almost all the pages were filled but it didn't seem old in any perspective.

"Rent, 50000." he read in a low voice.

"For school, 10000."

"Daily expenses, 3000 this month."

"Sent to mom, 1000 this month."

The diary seemed more like a ledger account of her expenditure. Hebrew sighed and rubbed his forehead. It seemed she kept account of every month and it made him remember those days back then when he was new to this place. When he had to give out rent spend money on himself and send some money to his mother. When he was just a commoner and normal citizen as Martha was.

He flipped to the back of the diary and one thing caught his eyes.

"Josh Harlow?" He frowned.

A phone number was written alongside the name.

"I thought this was the fake name-"

He paused and looked up in realisation.

"Maybe no one knows his real name?"

Looking at that page, he found an address to a bank and a school.

"I have to enquire about the family. If she has a family. They might be in distress because of her sudden death." He mumbled.

Deciding on leaving he stood up, but he was forgetting something. He hadn't eaten properly the whole day and with his situation, he should thank God he was still live surviving on water.

As he stood up black dots appeared, his vision went blurry and his eyes closed before he hit the mattress.


Here, the girl who had come from her small little town to avenge her father's death had started to grow sympathy towards the man, who she thinks is the culprit. No matter how much she might have tried to shake this thought away, but in the end, it just lingered in her head.

'He has no family. And he has nothing to survive on.' She thought and sighed.

'Even if he had conspired against father, I don't think this is the condition he would've thought to live in. He went to jail for the same reasons as my father. They called him the culprit alongside my father too.'

She rolled to the other side of the bed and closed her eyes. She understood Hebrew now, and she wanted to help him out. That mysterious and quiet man, he wasn't like that always. She knew that now.

"Father, now I know. I am not here to avenge. I am here to give you justice, but I think there is another man who needs justice. Just like you, father." She mumbled, while her eyes were closed.

"He has been suffering way more than I did, father. And now, I'm going to help him, no matter what."


"Have some soup, Eva." Robert sat beside her.

Eva nodded slightly.

Since yesterday she had been doing whatever Robert told her, just to not let him mention Hebrew anywhere. Cause after her fight with him over Hebrew, Robert has been a bit edgy.

Yesterday, in the evening...

"Are you alright?" Robert asked as soon as he opened the door.

Eva nodded slightly.

Robert sat beside her and stared continuously. Making her nervous.

She gulped. 'What is going inside his mind this time?' She thought.

Looking at him from the corner of her eyes didn't do any good. It just added fuel to the fire. He raised his eyebrows.

"Why aren't you looking at me straight?" He asked and she turned towards him abruptly.

"huh?! Why won't I- I look at you?" She questioned back.

Robert scoffed. Grabbing her shoulders he made her turn towards him. His gaze piercing inside her.

"The doctor said when he came to your room earlier, you were not here. Where did you go, Eva?"

His voice was calm yet threatening.

"I just.."

"Don't lie to me, Eva. Just mention the truth that's it. You know I won't harm you."

"Where did you go, Eva?" He repeated.

Eva knew that if Hebrew was mentioned now, Robert will be enraged inside. She shouldn't have followed him recklessly in a public place. She cursed herself inwardly.

"I was just...looking out for the lavatory."

"Uh-huh, and?"

"And?" She frowned.

"The doctor said, you came back quite late."

"Oh! That was because...I got lost. This hospital is small and yet so tricky. I had a hard time finding it."

"Hmm." He let out a small breath.

Rubbing her forearms gently he looked at her again, his eyes warmed up a bit.

"Look Eva, I love you but, I won't rest aside if you do something despiteful. Don't break my trust. Ever!"

She nodded meekly, and he smiled.


"How is it?" He asked as she gulped a bit of soup.

She nodded, "It's good."

Robert nodded in satisfaction and held Eva's left hand in his.

"I'm sorry Eva. I shouldn't have dragged you on the stairs."

He sighed while Eva looked at him, being unsure.

"Ah! But you see, you should be more careful about what you say. Even though we are at home, we are not much safe."

She nodded. That was all she could do. Her one rebellious move and two people could die at once.

Kissing the back of her hand he looked back at her, "Let's go home as soon as you get any better."

She nodded and he stood up, "I gotta go now."

He left the room and Eva just stared at the soup in front of her, having no appetite to drink it.


As the sun arose, Hebrew opened his eyes. Rubbing his face abruptly, he remembered what happened yesterday.

'Did I, faint or slept?' He questioned inwardly.

He looked around and he knew it was the time he should get up.

As he stood up head rush took over his whole head. His vision blurred and he held onto the table.

"Argh!" He groaned at his condition.

"Are you alright?" Eric asked as came running towards Hebrew.

He held him and made him stand properly. Eric frowned as he saw his friend who was trying his best not to lose consciousness.

"I am f- fine."

He stood up straight. "Just a minor headrush."

"Mhmm..." Eric nodded.

"Let me get freshen up, I have somewhere to go today."

"With Jessica?"


"Then?" Eric frowned again.

"Somewhere alone. You- you won't get it."

He walked past Eric towards the bathroom, while Eric stared at the back of him wondering what was going inside his mind.

'What has been bothering you lately, Flynn?' He inwardly questioned.

Thanks For Reading!

I'll try to update daily ik between my busy schedule.

Aislinn_Jaspercreators' thoughts