

"Beat his ass Macao!"

"You better win Wakaba! I betted most of the money I earned this week for this!"

"Place your bets, people! Macao vs. Wakaba. Who will win!"

"Well look at that, it seems that it's rowdy as ever", Gildarts said as he entered the guild.

Kagura stayed extremely close to me as I followed Gildarts. Is this a good place for a kid to group up in? I began to worry about what Kagura may pick up from these people.


"Gildarts, place your bet here, MACAO OR WAKABA!"

"HAHAHAHA. I'll pass", Gildarts said as he glances at us and he said, "Besides, I need to meet the master. I brought new possible members for the guild".

"Wow, new members", the man said as he looks at me and Kagura. "hmm.. The guild has been getting younger members lately", the man said.

"Really?", Gildarts asked with interest.

"Oh yeah, you weren't here but there were 2 new members that joined the guild. Gray Fullbuster and Cana Alberona, their kids but they have potential to become decent mages", the man said.

"Well at least these two will have people their age", Gildarts said as he excused himself and went towards the bar counter.

In the counter is an extremely short, elderly man. He has black eyes and is growing bald with only the outer rims of his head containing white hair. He also has a thick white mustache. He was dressed in a casual manner, with an attire consisting of a white shirt with a black Fairy Tail stamp in the middle under an orange hoodie. His attire was completed with matching orange shorts and an orange and blue striped jester hat.

The man was drinking his beer as he watched his surroundings. He looks at Gildarts and he said with a smile, "I hope you didn't destroy anyone's property this time".

With a grin on his face, Gildars said, "Hello Master Makarov".

"Oh, who are these people with you?", Makarov asked as he looks at me and Kagura. This made Kagura shy and afraid prompting her to hide behind my back.

"Good day to you, sir. I'm Enzo Lockhart and this girl behind me is Kagura Mikazuchi", I said to the elderly man.

"I recruited Enzo to join Fairy Tail", Gildarts said to Makarov. Gildarts then looks at us and said, "Enzo this is Makarov Dreyar the 3rd guild master of Fairy Tail.

"Hahahahahah. New members! Every member of the guild must have a logo place on them. Now, where would you like to place your Fairy Tail stamp?", Makarov asked me.

"On my hand, I guess", I said as I stretch out my right hand to him. Makarov then places a stamp on it and he shouted afterward, "WE HAVE A NEW MEMBER! LET'S PARTY!".




And just like that the fighting stop and a party happen. What a bunch of weird people.

"Are there any rules that I should know about?", I asked Master Makarov.

"You can only take missions from the request board over there", Makarov said as he pointed to a board on the corner. "Only S-rank mages can take S-rank missions. You need to pass the yearly exam to become S-rank for that. Aside from that", Makarov paused and he looks me straight in the eyes and said, "Always remember that a guild is a family". His seriousness soon vanishes and he returned to his jovial personality and said, "For now let's celebrate!".

Family, huh. It's been a while since I had ever thought of the word. Do I still deserve to have a family? I have killed so many for so long that I was already used to being alone. I saw some of the guild members give some sweets to Kagura at first she was shy but she is a kid after all. She took the sweets and began eating them with a smile on her face.

Maybe, just maybe, I could still have that.

Suddenly at the entrance of the guild a teen appeared, he had blond hair and his right eye seems to have a lighting mark scar on it. He had headphones on and he walks towards Master Makarov with a look of annoyance on his face.Because of his arrival, the mood of the party seem to sour.

"I finish my mission, gramps", the teen said.

"Well done, Laxus", Makarov said with a conflicted expression on his face. Laxus gave me a side glance before he turned around went to the mission board.

"What's your problem?", I asked him. My voice was loud enough that the entire guild could hear it. I didn't even know the guy and he already seems not to like me, I wanted to find out why.

"tsk. Weakling", Laxus said as he didn't even turn to look at me and he just proceeded to look at the mission board.

Seriously? You think that you're powerful? That's the reason why you don't like me. You were looking down at me. Damn someone was never hit when he was a kid. Suddenly an idea came to my mind.

"Who is that Master?', I asked Master Makarov.

With a conflicted expression on his face, he replied, "That is Laxus Dreyar, my grandson".

"He must be strong to insult people like that", I said as the temperature in the room began to drop. Basing on the reaction of the guild members when he arrived Laxus must be fairly powerful, I wanted to see if I was on the same level as him. My body did revert back to my teenage years. I was probably 15 years old from my estimate.

"Care to prove to me how powerful you are, Laxus Dreyar", I said to him.

Laxus turns to look at me with lighting coursing throughout his body.

In the background, I could hear someone taking bets.


Anyway, I would like to thank the people who gifted me their power stones.

To those who want to support me, you can go and check my pat.reon account and get early access to chapters.

pat.reon.com/King_disturb (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

pat.reon.com/King_disturb (remove the dot)

Take care and God Bless.

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