

"S-Sir… please have some patience, we are trying to find the cause of it…" the wimpy worker murmured back weekly, resisting under the beefy guy's strong grip.

"Tsk, hurry up." the beefy guy threw the meek worker away and moved a bit back.

"Y-Yes!" the worker quickly scurried away and pressed the camera option in his laptop, opening it up.

His laptop loaded open slowly and the cameras that were installed all around the arena's latest recording were played, all the audience leaning forward on the laptop to check out how the hell did the machine glitch.

Never before has the machine ever had such a glitch, why did it happen only now?

In the recording, everything played in slow motion as suddenly, Cathy had stopped shooting and quickly turned the water gun ahead, aiming at Taylor's target.

While the remaining water was fending off the Alia's attack which still didn't stop even for a second.