
The Ways: Path of the Enigma

I tread into the deepest, darkest secrets of the universe. Amidst the storm I listen to the voice of reason. My path is not held down by anything else but myself. For I am my own body, mind and soul. My will shall penetrate all of doubts and fears I face. All life shall know my own name. ----------------------------&&&&---------------------------- Currently on heavy editing. This is my first book and I am really eager to make my story clean, not perfect but acceptable. So please if you have any inputs, insights or advices you are free to do so. Please forgive my grammar too as english is my third language. My vocabulary is limited and I consider writing this as a learning experience. I do research on my words a lot and will use new ones if necessary. Thank you and have a good time reading. Approximately 1500-1800 words per chapter. Story is slow-paced.(maybe) If you guys want to have a discord chat maybe you could strike me up and say it to my face. (I'm lonely so plz...) Also if you aren't lazy to read the Prologue here it is: In the beginning, loud screams and wails echoed throughout the void, supernatural powers spread out the lands and in turn, evolved the surrounding creatures into monstrosities that devoured and prey on the weak. Humans and other intellectual species hid in the dark, fearing what they may become if they stand face to face with the horrors across the lands. Though the time that passed through the lands made the beings impatient and tried to devise a way to kill the horrors. They made tools, crafted plans and waited. They had succeeded and from the corpse of the first horror they brought down brought blessings to the people making them have the morale and ingredients to make artifacts which was made to kill the monsters. They had brought down many monsters with their breakthrough and made a place for themselves in the surface. Humans were the first civilization to fight the horrors whilst the elves cower in the protection of the tree's leaves and the Dwarves hid deep into the crevices. Though scared they also found a way to fight the monstrosities in their own traditional way. Until one day the age of the supernatural came. Powers came to be and their users brought changed to the lands, exiling the horrors into the Forsaken Lands as they claimed the surfaces for their own. The First Emperor of Humanity brought to light the spark of humans, whilst the First Elven King revitalized the lands. The First Dwarven Enchanter crafted legendary artifacts. Finally bringing the Brilliance and Pale Era. These are the Recorded Legends in Grandia Lands, some legends were left untold as the First Rulers suddenly vanished. However people had already forgotten about it only to be told as storytimes for children but there is a prophecy that they would return, and that is the day the whole lands will end.

Abandoned_Destiny · 奇幻
17 Chs

Chapter 10: A Resolution.

Waking up in the morning, I refresh myself with some cold water from the sink, looking at myself through the mirror I tried to smile but it only reflected a creep.

Styling my hair to my liking and brushing my teeth with an outdated version of a toothbrush I was now just a teeny bit confident at my smile.

Walking down the hall the students looked at me strangely, I shyly smiled at their faces. Raising both my eyebrows at them.

Arriving at class I saw Rizu and Dairia together with the green-Haired girl called Ivery. They were having a discussion which I didn't listen to. Fully focusing on the next class that Mr. Harian would teach about the supernatural power called Faith, I was a bit intrigued by it due to its source signify that it came from a god or deity.

Mr. Harian got inside through the door and brought someone new. It was a middle aged woman who had a attire that was made from silk, though it was black and had shiny intentional dents engraved. She walked inside like an unfettered being that already transcended the heavens(Just a joke), her smile was reaching her ears and her hair was fashioned in a way that it made it look longer that usual.

"Hello everyone! I would just like to introduce to you, Madame Sheirha. She is an expert in the supernatural power called Faith and will be teaching us what Faith is." Harian squinted at her while she just ignored him and directly spoke to us

"Greetings, Sons and Daughters of Grandia Lands, I am officially here to grant you the basic knowledge of the supernatural power that is based on Faith, moreover I will show you its uses and importance to learn it. So I hope all of you would listen to what I'm saying as the knowledge I bring is only permitted to be known by people who is aligned to the Church of the Night."

"Faith is based on our willpower, our ability to believe and persevere through the unknown without breaking the mind. Only a few people could harness it and those people who can are called Stray Acolytes."

"The reason we dub them as strays are because they can only harness the power of faith on a certain limit that they can only used their powers for healing and light, yet joining a church empowers those so called strays and are promoted to an acolyte of their designated church. I for one am entitled an Acolyte of the Night however that was in the past and I was promoted to a Retainer of the Night."

"Joining a church gives the Stray Acolytes a method or a direction to their pathways whether it be the path of the Bearers, a pathway of which makes them hold the power of wielding the symbolic power of their churches meaning, if your church is of the night, then you have darkness at your side. The path of the Guardians or Paladins, a pathway that involves the ability of strengthening themselves and their allies, and also providing a excellent resistance to damage. Lastly the pathway of the Herald. This pathway's ability is unlike any of the supernatural power pathways as this gives the user the aptitude to make themselves lighter granting them the ability to fly, move faster than the wind and can temporarily make themselves impervious to physical damage."

"This is the only basic knowledge I can share with you, anymore would violate our contract with the academy."

"Alright I guess that does it, thank you Madame Sheirha for informing us of the supernatural power called Faith, but if I would ask...Can you demonstrate your power to our students?"

"There is no clause in our agreement about this but I would love to."

"Younglings, Be honored to witness the power of Faith in your own eyes!" Sheirha chanted fast and raise her hands. The Giryotes gathered in her hands quickly before being absorbed into her body. After a second, she enveloped herself with darkness. The silent and chilling darkness looked through the room, making everyone uneasy at the supernatural power that seemed to have awakened fear in their hearts. Though it didn't last long as Madame Sheirha disperse it quickly however that scene made everyone except me tremble.

"I do apologize to everyone affected by it however I am just exaggerating my powers to all of you. in truth the darkness I hold isn't really that scary, look at this." Sheirha again made a fast chant and release a darkness that felt rather tamed and cute as it twirled at the fingers of Madame Sheirha.

"Darkness is our friend in our lonely liv-"

"I think that enough Madame Sheirha, my students are enlightened to have you as a guest to our class." Madame Sheirha's words were interrupted by Harian who seemed to have glared at her.

"I would like to thank Madame Sheirha for her extraordinary representation of the church of the night's power. a round of applause to her everyone." Everybody clapped their hands, the others clapped annoyingly hard enough that my ears seemed to have survive a grenade.

"I think that is all the teaching we could impart to you so until then!" I glanced at Harian whispering to Sheirha and I've noticed that the academy and the church seemed to have a problem with each other. Thinking of Madame Sheirha's last sentence it seemed that the church of the night poaches students inside of the academy making them have a falling out.

Though I'm not sure if there are other factors that made the academy act strictly to the church however I can only assume that things could get dirty once someone schemes to make them hate each other more than they should already but... it wasn't my problem.

Thinking of ways to avoid being dragged into a mess by what I thought previously, I didn't notice that someone was talking to me.

"Hey...! Nice to meet you...I'm Tomas Lavesty, though my friends in the farm called me Tom so I guess you can also call me that...!"

"Tom? Oh hello I didn't notice you there I only heard that word."

"It's alright...Tom's my nickname, I'm just trying to be... friends with you." Tom had brown hair, dark brown eyes, he had a healthy body however he was sort of trembling as he awkwardly tried to offer a handshake. I didn't reject the poor bloke in his attempt to befriend me though.

"You don't need to be tense around me Tom! I'm actually a friendly person as long as you don't betray me or sell me out then I'm fine with you."

"Is that so..."

"Yeap, oh and yeah I do wonder, are you in the same class as me? I often forget faces a lot so I'm sorry if I didn't know you immediately."

"It's fine...I understand, I just didn't know were this amiable though, I thought you were a loner like me however you are an exception to my experiences..."

"I understand and I also would like to apologize in advance if you feel weirded out by me! hehe...Don't try to understand me if you don't want your head to hurt, sigh I can be unpredictable sometimes..."

"I see, I see. Do you think I'm...ugly? I already tried to talk to the...others but they don't seem to notice me or maybe they just don't care for me at all..."

"You look just fine, though we with a little bit of fix on your style then maybe you could stand out a little bit."

"I could...?"

"Yes, you can. I'm just like you in a way. I do procrastinate a lot of times due to my insecurities but at the end of the day. I know that I have what it takes to stand out, I just need to be confident about it and strive to improve that, the same could be said to you. My friend."

"T-thank you, I think I needed that."

"Sure, sure as long as it helps you."

"Uhmm...I would just like to ask though, I saw you at the first day that you were friends with the future elites of the class, I was just curious why you didn't talk to them the next day..."

"That's simple, they betrayed and sold me out, so I unfriended them. Also future elites? what does that mean?"

"Umm...Future elites are students whose performance exceeds the average students. They are elites because they outshine everyone in everything we the average students do."

"So it's just a title?"

"Nooo... it's actually a way to get someone to sponsor you, elites are the first to be picked from the class to be a disciple of an esteemed individual of the lands."

"Whoa... I didn't think that would have importance that much but to the average student it would be a dream come true huh..."

"Right, that's why I'm actually surprise that you actually unfriended potential elites..."

"I don't really care that much about it, and also I live a life that make things like Power, Fame or Money be unsubstantial to my dream."

"Dream? What's your dream?"

"That...I probably need to think about."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Abandoned_Destinycreators' thoughts