
The Way of the Wolf

It started hundreds of years ago, a war between good and evil that swayed the delicate balance of life on Earth. One side born of a sinister transaction with pure evil, the other a way to eradicate it. Through the generations, the battle continues. *** Wolf. That's what she was. A feral, growling, yet majestic creature with incredible power. They were born for this, created for this very moment. They were the light to banish the darkness and reinstate the stasis of the Earth. With the Guardian Games just around the corner, Lexi Vance only had one thing on her mind... Bringing that Victory back home to Moss Creek! But the Universe had other plans. She never thought that she would find the other half of her soul. The one with whom she was meant to be. She also never considered herself one to take a choice mate. And she certainly never thought he would be an alpha... Would the peace of the werewolf world last? Or would everything come crumbling down to nothing?

Jennifer_6047 · 奇幻言情
8 Chs


Many, many moons ago, when the first of the implausibles walked the Earth, chaos was the only incessant norm. The sons of the night, blood-lusting immortals, were born from the union of a power-hungry prince and the devil himself in a trade that would change the world.

Selling his soul for power and immortality, the misguided prince was only aware of his mistake when the Devil's demon appeared to deliver a bite that not only gave him exactly what he wanted, but more than he'd bargained for as well. An enhanced, immortal body that would never suffer the sicknesses and diseases of humans, ageing included, was that of his dreams.

But the laws of the universe state that all living things must eventually die, their bodies returning to that from which it came to provide for those that come after. It is the cycle of life. If it cannot die, then it is by definition, not alive.

The prince realized the true depravity of his new master's contract when it was discovered his new body required a piece of the humanity that it lost in order to survive. It required the life that he no longer held.

And what is the life-source of a living creature?

It's blood.

The price of the transaction was greater than he could have imagined. Not only was he to become a parasite on the back of the human race, but certain physical restrictions existed to parallel the power that was bestowed upon the immortal. As evil as the very one who created him, "the dark one" as he became known as, had naught but a black hole where his soul had once been. A black hole that oozed evil and darkness as though it were the portal to hell itself.

And as light is the opposite of dark, so does light banish all darkness, laying bare the things hidden within. This is the natural order of the universe attempting to balance the scale of life.

Because of the unfiltered hatred and darkness that was "the dark one", his body could no longer stand the light, forever dooming him to do his bidding in the black of night.

As time progressed, he discovered that with the right amount of blood transference, he could create more beings like himself. One by one, sons of the night were born until the world was scarred with their existence. Chaos ensued and their unquenchable thirst for blood was more than the balance of nature could handle.

The moon goddess looked down upon the Earth and her heart was shattered by what had become of her night. The serene lunar rays that once graced the tranquil landscape below were now witness to the horrors and depravity that ran rampant in the shadows, hiding from humanity.

And she could not stand idly by as everything she held dear was destroyed.

For the first time in her existence, the moon goddess left her throne among the stars and walked amidst the insanity. Feeling firsthand the terror of the people she watched over, she knew what had to be done.

In an effort to restore the balance, she found a willing participant of human form, and gave to him a majestic, powerful creature that could annihilate a single blood-sucking immortal with one bite of its powerful jaws. A creature that she'd admired from above for millennia, and one that sang it's song of loyalty to her glowing orb every night.

A wolf.

Of course, it was no ordinary wolf. It was a wolf that would become a part of him. One that would only surface when needed and would remain within him when not. A truly magnificent beast to roam the night and eradicate the ones that threatened the stasis of the world. He was the guardian of the night.

But not just him. There were more... Seven more to be exact.

Together, the eight took down coven after coven, maintaining the immortal population and allowing only those without a violent past to survive. Once some semblance of order was reinstated, the power of the wolf within needed to be tamed and brought in check or the balance would be tipped in the opposite direction.

Working her magic again, she split the souls of the wolves in two, creating for them female counterparts that she placed within other humans. Each wolf would have a soul mate. One that is the other half of the same whole. The two becoming one when the mate bond is established and empowering them both, together as strong as the original wolf.

As generations were born after them, the ancient feud continued through the years with lulls that last for decades at a time, until the balance is again tipped in either direction and a restoration is needed.

And this is how it all began.