
The Way of the Wolf

It started hundreds of years ago, a war between good and evil that swayed the delicate balance of life on Earth. One side born of a sinister transaction with pure evil, the other a way to eradicate it. Through the generations, the battle continues. *** Wolf. That's what she was. A feral, growling, yet majestic creature with incredible power. They were born for this, created for this very moment. They were the light to banish the darkness and reinstate the stasis of the Earth. With the Guardian Games just around the corner, Lexi Vance only had one thing on her mind... Bringing that Victory back home to Moss Creek! But the Universe had other plans. She never thought that she would find the other half of her soul. The one with whom she was meant to be. She also never considered herself one to take a choice mate. And she certainly never thought he would be an alpha... Would the peace of the werewolf world last? Or would everything come crumbling down to nothing?

Jennifer_6047 · 奇幻言情
8 Chs

Cole Connors

The late afternoon sun showered the territory in hues of oranges and yellows, casting graceful shadows across the ground, and creating the most beautiful scene for the mating ceremony of two of Moss Creek's members.

Just like humans had weddings, wolves had their own ceremonial tradition for when mates found each other and accepted the mate bond as the Moon Goddess had intended. Two mates would be officially bound together before the pack, their connection witnessed, acknowledged, and respected by all other members, and blessed by the Alpha himself.

Lexi smiled as she stood beside her father, next to the Alpha, and facing the crowd as they all looked on the joyous union taking place before them. Her salmon dress reached to just above her knees with a slight flare at the hem, the rich color accentuating her olive complexion and contrasting her black hair that was tousled down her back in gentle waves. She smiled at the couple, her heart full at the sight of their love and devotion to one another. She was genuinely happy for them. It wasn't every day that one found the other half of their soul.

Most would be jealous, but she was just happy.

The Beta's daughter had never expected herself to be one of the lucky ones that found their mate. If they weren't within your own pack, then it was very rare that it happened at all. Of course, that didn't mean that they weren't out there somewhere, but where would one even begin looking?

So she just accepted the fact that she would be like many others and marry outside of the bond, if she married at all. Truth be told, she wasn't exactly overly excited about that notion either. The idea of being a strong, independent warrior and the next in line for Beta of her pack was all she could hope for.

And that was just fine with her.

The two bonded wolves completed the reciting of their vows and Cole, the rather young Alpha of Moss Creek, nodded his approval with one of his award-winning smiles. The rest of the pack cheered, and the newly mated wolves raised their hands in excitement as the reception had officially begun.

Her father clapped her on the back, his black slacks and coordinating button up shirt matched the darkness of his hair perfectly as he grinned and followed the new couple back toward the pack house where a plethora of food awaited.

Lexi returned his smile and nodded as she watched his retreating form. She wasn't exactly in the mood for all the mingling. Her thoughts were focused on more training, wanting nothing more than to ensure that her mind and body were in the best possible shape for the games in less than two weeks. She had complete faith in her team and knew that they would bring home the victory regardless, but she wanted to make sure she did her part to make it happen.

"Wow. You're really concentrating there aren't you?"

Startled by the voice right next to her, she turned to see Cole smiling down at her as they faced the direction of the festivities. A small laugh escaped her throat.

"Oh, you know me, Alpha. I'm always planning something." She returned his smile and took in the way the setting sun gave his short styled, copper hair richer hues. He was not a bad looking wolf to say the least. A bit young for Alpha at only 32, but he did his job well and kept the pack safe. So, who was she to judge?

He tossed his head back, dark brown eyes closing as he let out a bark of a laugh. "Oh, I do know Lexi Vance." He stepped in front of her, his hands instinctively sliding into the pockets of his khaki slacks and shook his head. "And if I didn't know any better, I'd say that she was currently trying to figure out ways to improve her run time."

Lexi narrowed her eyes at him and smirked. "Now whatever gave you that idea?" she asked as she stepped around him reluctantly to join the party that was now ringing out across the pack territory.

Cole turned to walk beside her. "Oh, I just know you. And I know that you are going to stop at nothing to make sure Moss Creek comes home with the big V these games."

She gave a small laugh. "You're not wrong there." A sideways glance to him showed his dazzling smile as he looked at her with more than just mirth in his eyes. What it was, she couldn't be exact. Maybe it was just a fondness that the two had shared through the years, or maybe it was something more intimate.

She did know that she found slight discomfort in the sight.

The music and voices from the festivities grew louder as they neared the main building on the Moss Creek Settlement. Wolves and their families chatted, laughed, danced and just enjoyed the occasion in general, bringing a warmth to Lexi that started in her chest and radiated throughout her being.

Ranked members in werewolf communities were able to communicate with their packs in ways that mere humans could never imagine. The invisible bond that held a pack together and brought about a sense of loyalty and respect toward their leaders, also gave them the ability to sense and experience the feelings of other members. The stronger the wolf and bond to the pack, the more those feelings were evident.

And right now, Lexi was feeling the general consensus was happiness.

The two climbed the wooden steps ascending the front of the pack house and stopped on the porch just before entering. She gave him a warm smile, one that showed her content in the evening.

"Shall we?" Cole asked, gesturing to the festivities inside.

She couldn't help but let her smile widen. She'd known him her whole life, both of them being a part of the higher ranks in Moss Creek had put them together at many pack functions and events. Their families had taken turns hosting the other for dinner at least once a week for the past twenty-five years. Not to mention, how many times they'd gone on trips together, observing their fathers and learning the way of the wolf the way as it should be done.

Cole had always been as close as a brother to her, and not once had it ever gotten awkward until the day that he had become Alpha. When his father was killed, the young leader had been forced to step into his role at an early age, much earlier than most. Twenty-eight years old, with no mate wasn't typical for the leader of a powerful pack like Moss Creek. But he'd filled the position well, picking up exactly where his father had left off and continuing on without a hiccup.

Unfortunately, his early rise to power without the chance to look for his one true mate, had thrown a little uncertainty into the equation. It was customary for the Alpha to have a mate, regardless of whether it was his true mate or one that he'd chosen for himself. An Alpha needed a counterpart to help him lead.

A Luna.

Whispers had been passed around that Cole had been eyeing the single population, subconsciously selecting a female to fill that very position for him. Of course, the vast majority of it was just wishful thinking amongst the pack bachelorettes, hopes and dreams that they might have a chance at landing the strong and handsome Cole Connors.

And she was not counted amongst them.

As attractive as he might be, the thought of anything romantic between the two of them just felt odd to her. Cole was the guy she fought with on a daily basis, argued and trained with. He always stood up and protected her when she needed it and tried to scare her on those long nightguard shifts. He came to her with ideas and for advice.

But he was not on her radar for a list of potential mates.

Cole opened the door and swung it wide for her to enter. The smell of cookies and cakes, burgers and steaks, candies and crumpets filled her nose and made her mouth water. She felt his hand graze the small of her back and she fought the urge to stiffen slightly.

An almost forced smile on her lips, she glanced at him over her shoulder and made her way toward the kitchen, where she was sure her father would be hiding out with her mother and the rest of the she-wolves who were likely to be there.

Rounding the corner into the massive kitchen and dining area, she noticed that the Alpha was no longer behind her. He'd been snagged by the newly mated couple for a photo opportunity, to which she was slightly relieved.

"Hey pops." She said with a smile and plucked a grape from a wire basket on the counter to pop it into her mouth. "What's shaking?" She asked playfully.

The Beta raised a brow at his daughter and cast a sideways glance to his wife. "I'll never understand the younger generation." He said with an eyeroll.

She laughed and snatched another grape.

"Where's Cole?" He asked, looking over her shoulder.

She'd be lying if she said she had no idea what he was doing. She knew all too well. In fact, Lexi was sure the majority of the pack knew too. It was no secret that Rex had been putting her and Cole together at every opportunity. He was hoping that if the Alpha did choose a mate outside of the bond, then it would be his daughter.

Of course, it did make sense. An alpha would want to choose the highest-ranking counterpart possible, and she was the most senior, single she-wolf in the pack. They were close to the same age, had known each other their whole lives. They had history.

Lexi Vance was the logical choice.

But she was almost positive that it was something she wanted to avoid...

If he asked, she would likely say yes out of her duty and her loyalty to her pack. It wasn't like it would be the worst thing to have happen. She would be well cared for, have a strong and handsome husband, and she would be the highest-ranking member below the Alpha. It really wasn't such a bad thought.

Yet still, the idea made her a little uneasy.

What she was holding out for or scared of, there was no explanation. It just didn't feel right.

Lexi caught her father's eye dart to the side behind her and then quickly looked away. She couldn't help but smirk.

"Don't even think about it tank!" She said with a laugh as she spun around.

The giant bear of a man with dirty blonde hair stood just steps behind her, his arms out as if he were going to wrap them around her.

"What?" He asked with a disappointed look as they fell to his sides. "How did you know? I was completely silent!"

She laughed and playfully pushed his large, barreled chest. "Because I know you and your games. You won't get me that easily."

He narrowed his eyes at her before slowly turning and moseying back into the crowd.

Most would be terrified of the wolf simply because of his sheer size. One didn't need to see him fight to know that he could demolish just about anything that stood in his way. But what most didn't know, was that even though his body was huge and muscular, so was his heart. He was a gentle giant most of the time.

She shook her head and laughed. He would never learn.

Sighing to herself, Lexi glanced around the room at all the happy faces, laughing and communing. It was a lovely sight, but her mind just wasn't in it. Even Tank's antics hadn't helped her forget about the upcoming games. She needed to be focused, on top of her game.

And this wasn't helping.

Grabbing one more grape, she gave a small wave to her parents and excused herself out the back of kitchen and escaped into the night air. The familiar sounds of the forest hit her sensitive ears in a sweet serenade that she knew and loved. This was her home. This is where she belonged.

In the strongest of the werewolf packs.

And she was determined to bring home that trophy so that the rest of the werewolf world knew it too.