
chapter 1: meeting belion

I regained consciousness after a while, when I opened my eyes it took a while to adjust to the light, I am organizing my thoughts, but when I finally got a clear view of my surroundings in front of me I saw a faucet of blue and white colors with different shades, this made me jump backwards in shock which caused me to hit my head on a tree.

"Oh my head" I said quickly putting my hands behind my head, "so you are the mysterious person I suddenly got a bond with" said the griffin with a man's voice that showed a confident and analytical attitude.

"sorry for that reaction to seeing you, it's just that I had never seen a creature like you" I said and then let out a small laugh while scratching my head, "don't worry you are not the first human who knows me, your kind looks for my kind to make bonds by force, but what seems strange to me is that yours with me was suddenly formed and brought me here while you were unconscious, you know something of what it could have been" said the griffin calmly.

"I have no idea what happened, in fact I don't even know how bonds are formed, I only know the benefits they bring, on the other hand, I don't remember much about my life now that you mention remembering" I said making up an excuse for him I would not believe that I come from another world and that this was formed by God, "so apparently you lost your memory, you should not be to blame seeing what happened and what condition you were in" said the griffin analyzing the situation, "well What can be done? Perhaps we will find the person responsible later, the most important thing now would be better to get to know each other since the bond will force me to have a relationship with you" said the griffin, leaving the matter of the bond for later.

"can you remember your name" said the griffin, "my name is rythmos, but my last name I can't find anything" I said using the name of my past life, "well rythmos I am belion of the ice griffin race, from now on I will be your link, I will give you a chance seeing that this situation is not your fault" Belion said calmly.

"A pleasure belion" I said standing up, "well leaving the presentations aside I will ask you what you remember about your life, hobbies or something related to magic" said belion as he relaxed his legs as he sat down and was at my level, "I remember my affinities and advanced elements" I said to which belion looked at me with intrigue.

"If you say you have advanced elements, you must be a special gift for the human world, this makes it more interesting" said belion before my answer, "tell me what elements you have including the advanced and basic ones" said belion recovering his composure, "basic elements would be the wind, water, lightning and darkness, on the other hand, my advanced elements would be speed and gravity" I said so that belion's eyes lit up.

"darkness I haven't met many strong magicians, but I know that people use it in illusions or by giving it the form of tentacles at low levels of control, but I don't have lightning, but I've seen what it's capable of and it's scary, I possess the water and wind elements so I know firsthand how to use them" I analyze the elements I possessed, "rythmos you have received some magical training" said the griffin to which I shook my head, "it is normal that people like you are trained at ten years old, maybe your parents were peasants in some distant village according to what I know about humans" said belion upon seeing my information that I gave him to be consistent with what he would believe.

"some problem occurs" I said seeing belion thinking about it too much, "I will teach you to use water and wind rhythms, we will be partners so in the future even if you don't want to you will get into trouble, I will give you knowledge of the elements that I master together with the advanced elements that my link gives you, but this will serve as a base so that you can learn to master your basic and advanced elements that I do not have on your own, but let's leave that aside for now, let's clarify some things first" said belion explaining to me quickly my obligation, "I'll ask you something you want to be in the future considering what you know" said belion this time leaving his calm and entering a tone of intrigue.

"I want to be strong so I can explore the world and be free" I said with determination, "a dream at the level of what I wanted my bond to be, rythmos I will tell you something before everything, we have to meet and train given your condition from now I am your partner and I hope you can live up to your dream" said belion returning to his calm tone.

"I don't know much about this world, but I want to not be a burden to you and that we can be able to achieve a good path together" I said saying a cliche phrase of isekai, "that is the spirit, now we must first look at some things first before we go looking for a place to settle tonight, rythmos you know all the advantages of a bond" said belion.

"I know that it gives you a power, a transformation and a joint domain" I said remembering what the old man said, "it's something very basic, but it will do, take those three things as levels: power is a greater affinity to water, in addition to three advanced elements this is achieved by forming the link for which you already have it, that leaves us with 5 advanced elements that you will have to learn, the other level of transformation requires a great control of mana and your affinities and advanced elements of the beast and the human so once you have learned everything we can continue with that step and the last one would be somewhat more complicated since it requires you to have a domain that only has one in every hundred thousand creatures in the world, I have one, but you have no idea" said belion.

"In fact I remember that I have one" I said to which belion looked at me surprised, "this is incredible without a doubt in the future you will be incredibly strong, this means that when you master all your basic and advanced elements we can create a power that would crush everyone, but maybe the last two steps will be a long time from now, but we'll leave that aside, I'll ask you, do you have anything else you can tell me to help us" said belion.

"I remember they said I was a magical sensor and a genius of training" I said belion nodded, "that being the case, it doesn't surprise me that magical sensors and geniuses are more common than those who have a mastery, so thanks to this, magical training It will be somewhat easier, but with this we will finish the introductory talk, tell me rythmos has any interest in something other than magic" said belion.

"I would like to learn to fight with weapons so that I am not so dependent on my magic and maybe combine magic and physical abilities" I said so that Belion answered me, "I understand I will teach you some things that I know about human training, but most likely It is that you have to forge your own style or it may be that later you meet someone who will teach you" said belion ending with a sigh, "well the best thing now would be to find a place to locate myself and go to a better place to train" Belion said standing up.