
The war of the 8 princes

The calm confident eldest prince. The blood thirsty 2nd prince. The cross dressing 3rd prince. The shy timid 4th prince. The cold calculating 5th prince. The freedom loving 6th prince. The peace seeking 7th prince. The playful prankster 8th prince. This is a tale of struggle and intrigue, alliances and backstab. 8 princes and only 1 can ascend the throne.

PowerFantasyMC · 奇幻
24 Chs

[7] Tears

A single Chinese lamp hung above their heads, its dim yellow light providing a small spotlight below.

"So you just let them go on purpose my prince?" Ye-Li said with a questioning voice.

"Best not to whack the bush and alert the snake." Wang-Yi waved. "Anyways, how was the first day of work for you two?"

"It went alright." Ye-Li answered first. "The chief city planner gave me a quick rundown of the job, and gave me an individual office room."

"I am glad to hear that." The prince smiled. "Tomorrow, would you mind giving me a tour around the city?"

"No problem my prince." Ye-Li said with a small smile.

"How about your day Shu-Wen?" The prince turned to Shu-Wen.

"Well, I gave a brief introduction in the council meeting, but none of the other senior scholars talked to me after that. Though several other scholars came up to me."

"Oh?" The prince raised aneyebrow. "What did they say?"

"One offered to buy me fruit, another invited me to have tea at his place."

"How did you respond?" The prince rubbed his chin in curiosity.

"I declined all of them of course!" Shu-Wen said with a tired whimper.

"I feel bad for the guys." The prince chuckled .

"Stop teasing me my prince!" Shu-Wen squinted her eyes and blushed.

Everyone laughed, which made Shu-Wen's face grow even redder. Then out of nowhere, came a knock on the door.

The laughter stopped, and everyone turned their eyes to the door.

"Who is it?" The prince called out.

"I-It's your servant Shi-Er-Wa! Governor Jin told me to come and deliver midnight snacks to the prince and his followers."

After a brief pause, the prince said:

"Come in."

Shi-Er-Wa stepped into the room, holding a wooden box in her hand.

The prince sized her up carefully this time.

Shi-Er-Wa appeared to be in her teens, she had a tall mature build, long silky black hair tied up into two buns. She wore a white Chinese dress with flower patterns on it.

"I-Is there something wrong with your servant, my prince?" Shi-Er-Wa's said with visible panic.

"Nothing, you can just place the box on the table here then leave."

"Y-yes…My prince…." She said as she walked forth and placed the box on the table. And while performing the action, she couldn't help but wince.

"Your servant shall depart now, and interrupt my prince no further." Shi-Er-Wa bowed and was about to leave.

"Wait." The prince called out.

"What orders do you have for me my prince?"

"I order you to sit next to me."


"Sit." The prince's tone was final.

With visible hesitation mixed with fear, Shi-Er-Wa awkwardly made her way towards the prince. Lin-Lin moved aside to make room for her.

Once Shi-Er-Wa sat down, she looked down at her legs and fell silent as a doll.

"Lift up your forearm." the prince said.

Shi-Er-Wa slowly lifted her arm, and before she could fully lift her arm, the prince caught her wrist, and examined her forearm.

"Just like I thought." The prince's voice dropped.

On her forearm was a sizable purple bruise.

"Who did this to you?" The prince questioned.

"N-no one! Your servant is a clumsy servant! I dropped a box on my own forearm, while I reached for it from the top shelf!" Shi-Er-Wa voice was on the verge of tears as she clenched the hems of her dress.

"It's ok. You can tell me the truth. I am here to protect you." The prince said softly.

Shi-Er-Wa trembled for some time, and when she looked up again, her eyes were glassy like a sad puppy.

"R-Really?" Her voice half whimpering half choking.

"Yes. Lin-Lin, please get the medical box and treat her at once."

"Yes my prince." Lin-Lin answered as she went to fetch the medical box.

"I will make you my personal servant from now on. Now tell me who did this?" The prince looked her in the eye.

"You're too kind my prince!" Tears poured through her eyes like water breaking through a dam.

As she cried, Lin-Lin began helping her wipe her tears.

"It was governor Jin who did this…" Shi-Er-Wa said between sobs. "But it was because I was being a useless servant! Please don't tell him!"

"I won't." The prince said sincerely.

"R-Really?" She turned to face the prince again, her tears marks still visible.

"I won't." The prince reassured her again.