
The Walking Dead: A Survival Tale

A man dies and is reincarnated in an alternative universe in the middle of the 2000s. Although it's a different universe from his own, things are pretty much the same, with very few differences. Using what he knew about some events, our protagonist uses his knowledge to become a billionaire. He was satisfied, as he had everything he wanted. Until... 'Congratulations to you for owning the one and only SHOP, where you can buy food, weapons, ammo, and many other things to help you on your journey through the Apocalypse!' An interface/message appeared in front of him, deeply confusing our protagonist. And the content of the message wasn't good either. ''Apocalypse !?!? What is happening!'' A few days later, news started to show some crazy people biting others. ''... That's bad, isn't it?'' ------------------ The Image is AI generated; I own nothing. All rights belong to their respective owners.

Pop0 · 漫画同人
70 Chs

54 - China

It didn't take long to reach China, as the X15 had a top speed of 7000 Kh/h.

Above the clouds and unable to even see the ground, Jonathan wasted no time in hovering the jet over the point and attaching a parachute. Then he put the X15 in the INVENTORY and began to fall through the air.

' I knew it from the start, but the INVENTORY is very useful...' Looking at where the point was, Jonathan began to guide his body towards it.

Finally able to see the ground, since the jet was above the clouds, Jonathan was shocked by the number of zombies in the area, ' My God, this is absurd!'

Even though Jonathan had traveled a lot through his country, and through other countries to get to China, he had never seen such a concentrated number of zombies.

' It's as if no one had killed even one zombie. At least could be a sign that this is where patient 0 is.'

The point was apparently on a huge building, and now, seeing the state of the street, Jonathan decided to land on the roof of the building.

'It's a good thing I noticed the state of the street, otherwise, I'd be screwed.' In a cold sweat at the thought of what might happen if he had landed on the street, Jonathan landed on top of the building.

Putting what was left of the parachute in the INVENTORY, Jonathan armed himself to the teeth with armor that could withstand gunshots and bites, along with powerful weapons, since pistols no longer worked and a flashlight.

Jonathan then looked around to see where the exit was and found it soon after. Of course, it was looked so he grab- shot the door until it opened.

Jonathan carefully made his way into the building, because his only source of light was the flashlight and he didn't know if there were zombies inside.

He went down a couple of stairs and saw the number on the side was 72, ' Fuck me... I have to search 72 floors?!'

The point only guided him to the building and nothing more.

Cursing his luck, Jonathan made his way towards the 71 floors, seeing as the 72 was the rooftop.

Arriving at the 71, Jonathan made a few noises, to see if there were any reactions, but thankfully, it seemed the floor was free of zombies. He even noted that the floor was spotless, with not even a single drop of blood.

Knowing that he was looking for patient 0, so a person, Jonathan made fast progress in this area, as it looked like an office. 

After 10 minutes or so of doing that, Jonathan knew this wasn't it. So, before leaving, he grabbed a few computers around the area, ' Well, it doesn't have electricity here, but maybe it contains things related to the zombies, if here is where patient 0 is.'

Finally satisfied, Jonathan made his way towards floor 70. There, the same process happened, not a single sign of patient 0.

69 floor, nothing.

68, nothi-

67, no-

66 -

Finally, on the 30 floor, Jonathan saw something that made him pause and put him on high alert, ' Blood...'

Blood meant someone must have died there, therefore, there must be a zombie there.

Now more on edge than before, Jonathan made his entry to the 30 floor. Strangely, it still had electricity, ' What the hell...'

Putting his flashlight on the INVENTORY, Jonathan started to search around the place to see if there was any sort of info. He looked at one of the many computers around the area and decided to use it.

But of course, as soon as he turned it on, it needed a password. Jonathan smiled evilly and pulled something out of his INVERTORY, ' BEHOLD, FRAIL COMPUTER! AN ITEM EXCLUSIVALY FROM THE SHOP.'

It was a USB drive. Jonathan immediately puggled it in, and amazingly, the computer opened instantly.

Jonathan smugly put the USB away, ' The SHOP sold this for 1m and I bought it on a whim. It allows me to bypass all locked devices. I didn't think I would ever use it, since, well, we are in the apocalypse and a blocked computer wasn't a top priority, but I'm glad I was rich.'

Feeling good about his decision, Jonathan started to look around the files, to see if there was anything related to patient 0 but soon was shocked by something else.

The desktop image was something he knew very well from his past life, '' ... Why is the Umbrella corporation logo here?!?''

Jonathan was blown away by this discovery, ' This can't be! When I was old enough to use the internet, I used to search for evil corporations that appeared on the media on my old earth, and Umbrella was one of them. But it never appeared on my searches!'

This truly surprised Jonathan as if he knew that Umbrella existed here, and with his money, he could somehow try to stop them before they fucked things up.

It slowly started to make sense to Jonathan, ' They must have hidden their existence... come to think, I never played or seen a RE game here... FUCK ME!'

Cursing his past self about this mistake, Jonathan immediately grabbed his cellphone, one of the few that had internet, thanks to being made by the SHOP, he searched about Raccoon City but was relieved that nothing showed up.

' Even in the RE universe, they didn't manage to hide it, so it seems Raccoon City doesn't exist here. So this is a different universe?'

Jonathan then searched for the Redfield sibling, Leon, etc.

They didn't exist here, or maybe their identity, just like Umbrella's existence, was hidden. 

With no more info about this, Jonathan could only speculate things,' So, I'm in a mix of the RE universe and the TWD one, where things are different here and there... FUCK!'


With this newfound discovery, that, somehow Umbrella existed here, Jonathan knew something must have gone wrong on their end, ' Unlike the RE games and lore, it seems that here, Umbrella didn't manage the apocalypse that well and lost control. I hope all members die and don't cause trouble for me.'

Knowing the chance of that was minimal, as this place still had electricity, meaning someone could potentially be here, Jonathan started to read the files in a flash.

 It contained nothing much, so he took out the computers of the other floors and, using the electricity here, he checked them one by one.

30 computers and a LOT of files later, Jonathan finally saw something important. ' METEOR ZUBA.'

After looking through it, Jonathan knew a little about it, ' So, it seems a few years ago, a meteor crashed in Paris, and the government, alongside Umbrella, started to study it. Something must've gone wrong and they created the zombie virus... The meteor must be on Paris then.'

It seems, once again, greed fucked the world.

Knowing that patient 0 probably was in Paris, Jonathan still decided that he would look around the remaining floors, as they could contain more info.

After making sure there was no more important info on the files, Jonathan headed out towards the down floors. He equipped his flashlight once more and continued his way.

Looking around the lower floor, Jonathan noted that more and more blood was around but no sign of a corpse,' Strange.'

Around the 10 floors, Jonathan finally saw something, ' A zombie! And if there's one here, and it sees me, I'm fucked.'

As they now had a hive mind, if this zombie saw Jonathan, he would alert the other, ' So I have to kill it before he sees me... But, the zombie didn't react to my flashlight at all, which is strange.'

Ignoring that, Jonathan took aim and fired a shot toward the zombie's head.

With a muffle BANG, thanks to the silencer, the zombie fell down and died. When Jonathan checked the body, he noted the bullet barely entered the brain. He sweated, ' They are incredibly durable! It almost stopped a bullet from a rifle!'

A pistol would leave only a dent. Sighing, Jonathan searched around the 10 floor, but, just like the others, nothing was inside.

Until he arrived at the 2 floor.


Jonathan was going normally but with caution to the 2 floor, and as soon as he turned around on the stairs he paused instantly. He could see that this floor was packed to the brim with zombies. 

This time, Jonathan knew he could not do anything about this, ' There must be at least 100 zombies in there... If, only IF, I was able to kill all of them, with their hive mind, all zombies around the area would come here... I would be in danger.'

Jonathan didn't think he would die, as he was literally a master of running away, but it would be extremely dangerous. 

But, Jonathan was conflicted, ' This is the last floor to search, as floor 1 was the entrance of the building...'

Left with no choice Jonathan took a deep breath and was going to think of a plan, but SHOP out of nowhere said, ' DETECTING THAT PATIENT 0 ISN'T HERE. IT'S RECOMMENDED THAT THE HOST GO TOWARDS OTHERS THE OTHER POINTS.'

' NICE!' SHOP had just saved Jonathan a lot of trouble and he started to make his way towards the rooftop once more. After he arrived there, he would take one helicopter and search for an open field to use X15 once more.

But, just as he turned around, one of the nearby zombies moved, after noticing Jonathan. Of course, the chances of being spotted with 100 zombies around versus 1 zombie were higher.

Jonathan, who was on high alert, shot it before it could arrive close. But, he knew it wasn't time to stop in one place, as the zombie noted him, meaning every single zombie around the area noted him. ' FUCK!'

After immediately starting running, Jonathan could hear the horde start to move towards him. He knew if he didn't think of something now, he would be fucked in seconds, because, unlike the undead who did not tire, he did. So, in a race to the 72 floor, he would lose, and badly.

So, he started to throw grenades down, to stop the zombies. He knew it would potentially damage the building structure, but now, he didn't have the luxury to care about that.


Jonathan didn't stop to look at the results, because it would be meaningless, as more and more zombies would follow him, so he just continued running.

Arriving at the 10 floor, Jonathan paused. He was breathless, almost colapsing, '' I -- can't go--- on like --- this!''

With almost no visibility, Jonathan looked down and could still hear the zombies behind him. ' I'll have to make stops to recover, but with each stop, they get closer and closer.'

Jonathan would never admit it, but this whole situation was a first for him. He never felt pressured to fight against zombies, but the environment here, with no lights and no exit in sight, made him apprehensive. Of course, if things get really really bad, he could immediately jump from a nearby floor, but even then, he would need a high altitude for the parachute to work, and below him was an ocean of zombies.

Regardless, Jonathan didn't stop. After resting for a total of 20 seconds, he set a few mines he took out from the INVENTORY, and continued up ahead.

40 seconds after he left the 10 floor, he heard an explosion. Jonathan flashed the side and saw it was only the 17 floor. ' FUCK!'

Putting a few more mines around, Jonathan continued running. He also took out a few things to make a barricade, but those too got destroyed really fast.

This chase of cat and mouse, with Jonathan stopping to rest for a few seconds once every few floors, continued until the 65 floors. This time, before Jonathan could set the mines down, a zombie attacked him.

Jonathan, who only had his flashlight as a reference, managed to dodge the charge and was about to shoot this zombie when another one appeared and pushed his gun away.


'' SHIT!'' Jonathan knew his situation was dire, so he went all out. He took out a Saiga 12 and started to blast the zombies who were getting close.


This made the one around him die, but he could see more coming, so Jonathan continued rushing up the stairs. But, he was bothered by the lack of sight, thanks to the darkness, so he took out a few more flashlights and put in parts of his body.

It did make things a lot easier to see, so when Jonathan turned around to check where the zombies were, he saw a mouth coming towards him.

Jonathan only had time to raise his gun and pull the trigger, making the zombie fly a few meters. Jonathan got up but before he could continue running, he felt something grab his foot and started to drag him down the floor.

With no other option, he shot once more, only to realize it had no bullets. He immediately switched to one with bullets but it was too late, as he was dragged down by one zombie.

To Jonathan's luck, there were only a few zombies on the floor he was dragged, so he quickly shot the arm of the one holding him and tried to keep running but was soon stopped by another zombie that jumped on his back.

After falling to the floor with the zombie on his back, Jonathan turned around just in time to stop a bite with the Saiga. The zombie, however, didn't stop with just that, as he tried with passion to at least scratch Jonathan.

But, the armor saved his life, as it was a barrier that was almost impossible to nails to break it. Regardless, he didn't want to take any chances.

Jonathan could feel more zombies approaching, so, while using the Saiga as a gag on the zombie, he took out a pistol.


While it didn't kill it, it made it let go of the Saiga and Jonathan used this opportunity and shot its head off.


After getting up, Jonathan didn't look back and continued ruining.

 He knew he couldn't lay mines now, since the zombies were too close and the explosion would blow him away, so JOnathna's only option was to keep putting things in the zombies' way.

He had started doing this before but with only a few objects. But now, with the zombies so close, he started jumping over heavy things, like sandbags he used to test things way earlier, a car, and many more things.

He didn't know if it was because of that, but Jonathan managed to arrive at the roof. He wasn't in good shape though, as he almost died back there. He leaned against the destroyed door,' If I wasn't wearing this armor, I would be dead.'

Of course, the armor was heavy and Jonathan possibly could run faster without it, but it had saved Jonathan's life just now.

Not taking any chances, Jonathan barricaded the door, the same one he had destroyed to enter the building, with a few cars. He knew it wouldn't hold long, but it should be enough for him to turn on the helicopter and fly away.

Jonathan took the helicopter out, jumped in the pilot seat, and turned it on. The spinning blades of the helicopter, which normally were fast, looked like it was in slow motion.

Soon after, the helicopter finally started to fly, just as the barricade was destroyed. A few even tried to jump on the helicopter, but only managed to skydive a few hundred meters towards the ground.

After flying away towards somewhere safe, Jonathan finally breathed in relief. He, however, didn't stop to rest, as the next evolution was just around the corner, ' While patient 0 wasn't here, I did find out a few things, mainly how Umbrella exists in this universe. I didn't find Raccoon City thought, and this is weird, as in every iteration, it was a constant on the RE lore.'

' So, maybe I'm in an alternative universe, where they merged TWD and RE, but only a few things from the RE existed here. Or only Umbrella, because of reasons unknown to me, exists here.'

' That would be amazing... or only the good things from the RE universe exist here, like .... like ... FUCK, RE doesn't have a single good thing about it.'

Cursing his luck, Jonathan focused on his task, ' Where I'm doesn't matter, the important thing is to find the cure. I can think of this after all that.'

Ignoring the new info, as he didn't have the luxury to search in detail about it, Jonathan continued on his journey to find the cure, ' Paris, here I come!'

Only Umbrella (for now, maybe?) and Nemesis will be included from the RE universe, so don't expect Leon, Claire, etc.

Maybe I can write an RE fanfic in the future, but for now, this is what I've got.

As always, thanks for the support!

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