

Let me introduce myself. My real name is Zach Alan, but growing up my parents gave me the nickname 'Bear' and it stuck. My long shaggy brown hair didn't help my case. I was born October 29th, 1992. My life was good, but growing up as the biggest and tallest kid in King County has its ups for sure, but everyone looked at you differently.

I'm just starting my freshman year, but I'm 6'2" and 205 pounds and still growing. So far I've constantly been hounded by the football coaches to play for them, but I have no desire to play because I don't want to accidentally hurt a kid. You see, my strength isn't normal for a kid my age.

I could bench press 400 at the end of 8th grade year and I could feel myself growing stronger every time I work out. I know that sounds dumb, like duh you work out, you'll get stronger, but this felt like something more. More primal in a sense. However that wasn't the only abnormal thing about me.

Ever since I was young, I've had the ability to remember anything I've seen once, but it doesn't stop there, if I see somebody do something, I can replicate it almost perfectly on the first try. The second try is dead on perfect. Which may not sound that crazy, but it is.

When I was 12 my dad decided he would teach me how to shoot, so we went to the public gun range. He had brought his Glock 17. Before he wouldn't even let me hold it, I had to receive the gun safety 101. Eventually he showed me how to load a magazine with bullets, how to load the magazine in the gun, how to rack it, and most importantly how to aim.

My dad set the target up at the 5 yard line. As I was aiming at the target, he was giving me tips like don't anticipate the recoil, control your breathing, and gently squeeze the trigger when I'm ready to shoot. The first few shots went left of the bullseye still hitting on the paper, but I lowered the gun.

My dad said, "Don't worry about missing the bullseye. It takes practice to get good at shooting, like most things."

I brought the gun back up, aiming at the target and I just felt something click so I let off 5 rounds. He pulled the target back to us, and said "Those were really nice shots, I pulled the target back to us because at first I thought you only hit one on the target but the grouping is so just really tight making it look like one hole. Damn that's impressive, son. But, let's see how you do at 15 yards."

I repeated what I did at 5 yards, but the grouping was just a tad bigger, not by much though. My dad at this point was flabbergasted, but wanted to see if I could do it again at the 25 yard line which was the max at this range. Nothing changed. I could tell he was proud of me, but he was also a little butt hurt I could shoot better than him at 12 years old.

It's kind of frightening how fast I can adapt, but it has been a major blessing in my life.

3 years went by quickly and I was a senior now. I grew a lot over the years, in 10th grade I was 6'4" then shot up to 6'7" in 11th grade. Starting senior year I was 6'11" and about 345 pounds, which was mostly muscle. I kept my long shaggy brown hair but I did have a thin braid on both sides of my face, and I had the beginning of a beard coming in. (Picture here for the hair only)

I went full fuck boy with a cut in my left eye brow, and combined with my bright blue eyes I was a ladies man, not really.

The first day of senior year started like any other first day, bunching of boring introductions to classes. I was walking to my last class of the day when there was an announcement, "This is not a drill, report to the nearest classroom, suspicious person on campus." and it kept playing on a loop till the radio clicked on and we heard the principal's voice, "Kids listen to me, y'all need to go home. It isn't saf..." *Screams* "Ughhh, somebody help, Miss Dee is bleeding like crazy." *More screams* The radio finally clicks off. Chaos ensued.

Everybody tried to leave at the same time. Parking lot was a cluster fuck, but I didn't want to leave my truck so I hopped the curb and peeled off towards home. On the way home I saw people attacking each other on the streets, it was like a nightmare.

As I pulled in the driveway I saw the front door open, and with what I saw on the way here, my heart sank. I got out with my baseball bat I keep in my truck, and I ran inside closing the door. I saw blood in the entryway, my heart sunk even farther, but I yelled out "Mom, Dad? You here?"

I heard the best thing I could have when my mom yelled, "We're up here."

I ran up the stairs as fast as I could, and busted in their room, and saw my mom and dad sitting on the bed. But, then my eyes traveled down where I saw a body on the floor. I stuttered a little, "Uh, uh mom, dad what happened?"

I looked at my dad and finally noticed he had his gun in his hand, then I looked in his eyes which were a little teary, "I had to do it son, this guy was trying to attack your mother, I had to kill him.. I tried warning him, when that didn't work I shot him, but he just kept coming. No matter how many times I shot him... We had to come in here, and this is where I shot him in the head." He wiped his eyes as he was done speaking.

"Are you guys okay? Did he touch you guys at all?"

My dad stood up with my mom, and said "No, we're fine."

I was thankful, and said "Dad we need to leave. It isn't safe here. The streets are full of people attacking each other. We need somewhere safe."

It seemed to click in my dad's mind he needed to take charge and step up for his family, so he wiped the last of his tears he had, and said "You're right." He leaned over to hug my mom and gave her a kiss, and said "Honey, start packing clothes for everybody. Bear, go down stairs and pack all the food items and canned food that won't go bad right away. I'll clear my gun safe."

I didn't even respond, I just ran to my room grabbing a sports duffle bag then ran down stairs to the kitchen and I just started throwing anything and everything I thought was okay. We didn't have much in the way of canned food so it didn't take long for me to finish so I put the bag down by the front door. And ran back up the stairs to my parents' room. My mom came in behind me with a backpack in her hand. She handed it to me, "I packed some clothes for you, but we still have time till your dad is ready. So you might grab what you need from your room."

I gave her a hug, and said "Thanks mom. I love you."

She smiled and I turned to leave to go to my bedroom with the backpack. I looked around my room trying to think if I needed anything. I ended up only grabbing my deodorant, when I heard my father yell for me, "We're leaving, hurry up!"

I ran out of my bedroom, putting on my backpack. They were waiting for me at the top of the stairs. My dad was holding his guns in a duffle bag, and my mom has their suitcases. Once he saw me, he led my mom down the stairs and I followed behind. At the bottom of the stairs I grabbed the food by the front door, and we made our way to our connected garage, where my dad's 2008 Tahoe awaited us. We walked in and he opened the trunk doors and we started to load everything. My dad stopped in the middle of loading the trunk and grabbed his holster and put on his belt, then he put his Glock 17 in the holster. He looked at me for a second then handed me my own holster which I equipped to my belt as well, and when he was about to hand me my own Glock 17 to me, he pulled it back a little and said "You only use this if your mom's life is in danger or your own! Don't make me regret it, son." and he handed it to me which ended in my holster a second later after I brought the slide back to see if it was loaded. It was.

We got the trunk loaded up and I got in the backseat, while my parents got in front. My dad pressed the garage door opener he had attached to the visor. And he pulled out of the garage and started driving, and I asked "Where are we going?"

I saw my dad look at me through the rearview mirror, and he said "When you were just a young kid, I was a veterinarian's assistant before I got my current job. The veterinarian, my boss Hershel Greene treated me like a son, and he lived in the country on a farm. I'm hoping he remembers me and lets us stay till things blow over."

We got lucky and managed to leave town without any major problems. But, it was terrible, people were killing each other, cars were on fire, and police were nowhere to be found. A few times, my dad had to swerve to miss somebody running in the streets but that's about it. We got to a town called Senoria about an hour later.

As we were driving through the town it seemed like whatever was happening, in King County had just started here. My dad looked in the mirror at me, and said "We're almost to..." He snapped his head towards a building and saw an older woman and a younger man running from the Mini Mart. Then he saw someone break through the glass window from the inside and start to chase them. He stepped on the gas to get in front of them, as he was hopping out of the truck he yelled at me "Stay in the truck!" Once fully out of the truck he pulled his pistol out, and started yelling at the man chasing them to stop. He wouldn't, so my dad put 2 rounds in his chest, then the head with 1. Then he looked at the woman, "Annette, we need to get to your farm. It's not safe here, were you guys hurt?"

"Oh my God, is that you Paul. Thank you for saving us. We're fine." She ran up to hug him.

After they let go of each other, he said "Hop in the back with my son, we can come back and get your car later." Then they hurried to the Tahoe, and got in. My dad then peeled out and we were driving again. As we were driving my dad said, "Annette, and Shawn. Meet my wife, Kim, and my son, Zach. Guys, meet Annette and Shawn Greene."

Annette was sitting in the middle, and put her hand on my mom's shoulder and looked up to see my face, "It's a pleasure to meet you guys."

My mom and I both said "Nice to meet you guys too." Shawn just gave a little head nod. We made small talk the rest of the trip.

We turned on to a gravel road, and about 5 minutes later we were turning into a farm. We pulled up to the house, and got out. We started to head to the front door, when it swung open and an old man started to jog down the steps, "Oh thank God, you're both safe. I saw the news, about the random attacks. The government has put us on a lockdown, saying we should stay home and keep the doors locked."

Hershel and Annette embraced at the bottom of the steps, and she said "We probably wouldn't have made it home safely if it wasn't for Paul."

Hershel just now noticed we were there as well when she said Paul. He looked at my dad, and said "Well, if it isn't my favorite assistant." He walked over to my dad and stuck out his hand, my dad returned the gesture and they shook, and Hershel continued "I can't thank you enough for saving my wife and son."

My dad, replied "It was no problem, but I do have a selfish request."

Hershel put his hand on my dad's shoulder, and said "If you guys need to stay here for the time being, you are more than welcome to. We have an extra bedroom for you to use, and your son..." He looked at me, and it just registered in his head how big I was, "Can sleep on the cou.. well actually my couch might not hold up" He stopped to think and turned towards the house, "MAGGIE, COME OUTSIDE REAL QUICK." He looked back at me, and said "I'll have Maggie show you where we keep the old cot, and you can grab it."

"Thank you."

The door opened, and I saw the prettiest girl I've ever seen. Apparently I had my mouth open because I felt my dad nudge me, and then I saw Hershel looking at me

As she was walking down I noticed she kept staring at me, but I didn't let it get my head because at 6'11" you get stares all the time.

Maggie reached us, and asked "Dad, whatcha need?" Seemly not too bothered by us 'strangers'.

Hershel gestured to me, and replied "Since you know where the cot is, I need you to show Zach so he can grab it." Then he gestured towards my mom and dad, "This is Paul and Kim, Paul was my old assistant. You might remember him, but you were pretty young back then. For the time being they'll be staying here with us due to the craziness happening, and when it blows over I'm sure they'll leave."

She replied, "Okay." and looked towards my parents, "Hi, I'm Maggie. It's nice to meet you."

My parents said their hellos, and Hershel said "Well, with that settled let me show you guys the bedroom." And then he led my parents inside along with Annette and Shawn.

I looked over to Maggie, and she was already looking at me, and I said "Hi Maggie. I'm Zach, but people call me Bear."

She cracked a small smile, and said "That's fitting." and turned around and waved for me to follow her. I ran up to her to walk besides her. She led me to a small shed and then she opened the door, and said "I put it in here, give me a second." She had to bend down to move some stuff blocking the entry, and out of nowhere she looked behind her while bending over, and caught me staring. I quickly looked away, but it was too late. She asked, "You see anything you like?"

Without thinking I responded, "Yes."

She jokingly said, "Well, keep it in your pants. I'm sure my dad is watching us now." She finally got inside the shed, and pulled out the cot. I grabbed it from her and put it down.

"Thanks for this."

"No problem, You'll probably need to clean it but for a foldable cot it's pretty nice." She smiled at me and started walking back to the house. She got a little away and looked back, smiling, "You coming?"

Oh shit, it happened again, "Yeah just a sec." I ran up, holding the cot in one hand and started walking next to her to the house. As we were walking I asked, "How many people live here?"

She stopped to think, and said "Well, there's my dad, my step mom, step brother, my sister Beth, Patricia and her husband, Otis. Oh, and Jimmy, he's my sister's boyfriend. You'll meet everybody tonight I'm sure."

We got to the house and went inside. Hershel was waiting for me and Maggie walked up the stairs, and he said "Well, I would have you set the cot up down in the living room, but there's a very small room upstairs we were using as a hallway storage/closet that should be big enough for the cot." He led me upstairs to the room, and said "Mind you, it's not much but at least you'll have some privacy while sleeping."

Like most doors I had to duck to get in, and then I set the cot down in the corner. "It's more than enough, thank you for helping us out."

He waved his hands down, "It's nothing. You're dad is a very good man, you got lucky." He cleared his throat and continued, "Of course I expect you to help out around the farm, feed the animals, cut firewood, stuff like that."

I quickly said, "That won't be an issue. Thank you again."

"Well, I'll let you settle in. We'll be having dinner shortly." Hershel said as he was shutting the door.

There was enough room to put the cot in the corner, after I got it set up I laid down on it which started to squeak under my weight. My feet were of course dangling over the side, but it was actually pretty comfortable. As I was still laying down I put my hands behind my head and just started to think, nothing in particular...

I must have dozed off because I woke up to a knock at my door, then the door opened.

Maggie stuck her head in and said "My dad wanted me to tell you, dinner is ready."

I rubbed my eyes, and said "Thanks, I'll be down in a second."

She shut the door, and I got off the bed. I stretched, and saw my backpack by the door. My mom must have brought it in since I forgot. I opened the door and went downstairs to the dining room.

Everybody was already seated when I walked in, and my dad said "This is my boy, Zach. But, we call him Bear."

I said my hellos and I saw the only spot open was in-between my mom and Maggie, so I quickly walked over and sat down. Hershel put his hands on the table, and everyone followed. We joined hands, and he said Grace. Then we ate, it was some fried chicken and mashed potatoes and gravy. It was extremely delicious. The night slipped away

It's been almost 2 weeks since we've been on the farm. According to the radio, it's only gotten worse out in the world apparently. The military got overrun pretty quick so it seems like things won't be getting better anytime soon.

Day to day life on the farm was okay, Hershel has me doing the more labor intensive work due to my size. Which isn't a problem, it's overall pretty easy. But, the best thing about being on the farm is Maggie. We've been talking everyday, and she always seems to be around where I'm at. I'm crushing hard and she knows it. She'll be a little flirt when she sures nobody else is around.

Today was like any other day, I woke up, did my business and went outside to see what I needed to do for the day.

I was chopping some more firewood with my shirt off, when Maggie walked over, "I'm going into town for some stuff, my dad said to have you come along in case something happens."

I put the axe in the cutting block, and said "Okay, but I'll have to let my dad know before we leave. What vehicle are we taking?"

"We're not driving, we'll use horses."

I chuckled and gestured to myself, and said "You see how big I am, right? I don't want to hurt a horse."

She laughed, "You'll ride Penny, she's a Clydesdale. She's plenty big enough for you. I'll meet you over there." She walked away.

I grabbed my shirt off the fence and put it on. And then went to where I knew my dad would be this time of day. I walked into the barn, and my dad stopped working, "Hey son, I take it you need something?"

"Yeah, Maggie is going into town for a run, and Hershel wants me to go with her."

My dad walked over, and said "Well, I know you'll be careful, but you'll have her with you so that makes you responsible for her. You need to be really careful. And don't tell your mom you're going or she'll put you in time out." He started to laugh.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll bring my gun just in case."

My dad went back to his work table, and said "Don't shoot your gun if you can help it. Last night's radio report you missed said they love noise." He grabbed something off the table and came back to me, "Take this machete with you, you can put it on your belt with that loop on the back of the sheath."

I grabbed the machete from him, and put it on my belt, "Thanks dad. I gotta go, Maggie is waiting on me."

"Later son. Be safe."

I left the barn and headed to the stables.I walked up to Maggie who had both horses outside already, "Hey, Maggie. Real quick... I've never rode a horse."

She seemed to be a little upset, but said "Why didn't you say anything earlier then. Whatever, it's fine. We'll both just ride Penny, and on the way back I'll try to teach you. Let me put Susie up real quick."

I chuckled, "Okay, sorry."

She put Susie up after taking her saddle off and took off Penny's saddle and put on a double saddle. She got on Penny and looked at me, and said "Hurry up, let's go. Get on."

It was kind of hard to get on, but I managed. Maggie started off slow down the driveway, but picked up speed once we were on the road. She tried to tease me, "Hold on tight, cowboy." But, I did just that I put my hands around here stomach and held on.

About 20 minutes later we arrived in the town, and she turned her head to see me, "We're not moving fast now so you can stop holding on to me."

I chuckled nervously, "Right."

We stopped in front of the Pharmacy, and got off Penny. Maggie tied her to a light post and we opened the door. It was empty inside, and Maggie pulled out a list, "The stuff my dad wanted is probably behind the counter. So while you wait, I guess just look around."

"Okay." Then she went to the back of the store, and I just decided to sit on a chair they had in the front.

About 5 minutes later I heard her scream, and I was next to her in no time. She was on the ground being attacked by a lame brain. As she was about to be bit but before that happened I kicked the side of its head and it fall off her. Maggie was able to get away while I pulled out my machete and stabbed down with the point, killing it. I was shocked I was able to kill it without feeling anything. I mean it was a person at one point, but I felt nothing.

Maggie was near the front of the store now, and she was still freaking out so I wrapped her in my arms and tried to console her, "It's okay, Maggie. He can't hurt you now."

She looked up at me, and said "Thanks."

I was still holding her, and replied "Anything for you."


We stared at each other for a few seconds, then I went in for a kiss. Things started to get hot and heavy after that. She helped me take my shirt off, and I helped her take hers off. She backed up a little from me, and took her bra off, putting her perky boobs on display. I walked over without saying anything, and started to kiss her again. Then I moved down to her neck and eventually I was face to face with a nipple so I lightly bit on it. She moaned softly and put her nails in my back. Her nails hurt, but it was a good hurt kind of.

I grabbed both of her boobs and started to suck on them, alternating between both. She moaned, "I need you."

We broke apart, and I started taking my belt off then my pants. And she was taking her pants off. The whole time not breaking eye contact. She looked away and looked at the tent I was pitching. She put her shirt down in front me and got down on her knees, and slid my boxers down. She whispered, "It's so big." She grabbed me by the base and started licking my dick to the tip, and everytime she got to the tip she would put in her mouth. She could only take about half before she would gag. I had to stop her, it felt too good and it was too early so I stopped her and had her get up.

She knew what I wanted so she turned around, bent over and pulled her panties down. She was already wet, I bent down and grabbed her ass cheeks to spread them, and started to eat her out from behind. Her legs were getting weak so she stopped me and then she laid on her back on the floor. I got down too and was right up on her. I had my dick in my hand, about to put it in her when I looked at her. She was already looking at me, so I asked, "Are you ready?"

She nodded her head, so I slowly started to put my dick in. I was halfway in when she arched upwards and let out a small moan. Her moan made me lose reasoning, resulting in me slamming the rest of it in and her letting a loud moan out. I pulled out enough were my tip was just in her and started slow strokes. After about 10 slow strokes, I sped it up. She was moaning and grinding her hips on me so I started hammering her pussy, it was about 3 minutes of that when I pulled out entirely and she squirted.

She was panting, but I wasn't done yet. I flipped her onto all fours, and we started to fuck in doggystyle. Her ass was mesmerizing when it rippled.

I smacked her ass and upped the speed I was going since I could feel I was close.

Fuck, we forgot a condom.. Do I nut in her or blow the load on her back. Fuck it, maybe I'll get lucky and she won't get pregnant. This pussy is too good, I'm ready to be a dad.

I smacked her ass again, "I'm about to cum."

The moment I said that she picked up the speed she was going and started to slam her ass on me quicker, and said "Me too, Cum in me."

When she said that, I couldn't even hold it anymore I just let it go. I could feel she did to, after we were done we just fell over and I crawled up by her face and gave her a kiss, "That was awesome."

She returned the kiss with more, and said "We're doing that again soon."

In my head I was screaming, 'YESSSSS!", but in reality I said, "I'm down, that was really fun."

We laid there for a few minutes, and decided we should clean up and head back. We got ready pretty quick, and before I knew it we were already on Penny and on the road. The way back was uneventful so I decided to mess with her a little since we were going slow. I put my arms around her and started to undo her pants, before I got further, she asked, "What are you doing? Someone could see us." I didn't answer her and slowly put my hand down her pants and just played with it a little. She didn't voice any complaints, but we were getting close to the farm now so I took my hand out and she redid her pants.

*END OF R18*

I put my head on her shoulder and kissed her neck, and said "You know this makes us boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"

She turned her head towards me, before she said anything I leaned closer and kissed her lips. She was smiling, "I guess it does."