In a contemporary and formidable world, seemingly ordinary individuals possess extraordinary abilities thanks to an advanced technology known as 'Vinx.' Among them is Shin Nanoa, an 18-year-old student at Saturon University, and Mooni Sato, also known as Vinxurian Zero. Together, they embark on a quest to unravel the mysteries behind this cutting-edge technology and unearth the origin of Mooni and her extraordinary kind. As they delve deeper into the secrets of Vinx, they discover a web of hidden truths concealed by the government to maintain a delicate balance, preventing the dominance of Vinxurians. The narrative unfolds as Shin and Mooni navigate a world where ordinary façades mask extraordinary potential, unveiling a gripping tale of intrigue, discovery, and the struggle for equilibrium in a society on the brink of transformation.
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One morning at 8 o'clock, there was a boy sitting up in bed, reflecting as he tried to open his eyes after an unbalanced night's sleep.
Naturally, his sleeping days are tiring and unpleasant, as he always spends most of his time on the computer studying at his federal university, which is called "Saturon".
The focus of this university is on general studies at the bachelor's and technologist's level, but there is also an area of study specifically for analyzing, learning about and mastering beings who have come from another world… and one of the beings that is most studied and familiarized with on earth are the Vinxurians.
Shin gets up and goes to the exit door of his room, closing it, and goes downstairs to the bathroom to wash.
After a few minutes in the bathroom doing his business, he goes to his bar table in the kitchen and sits down in the chair with his computer in his hand.
While the computer is on, he goes to the fridge and grabs some ingredients to make breakfast.
A simple loaf of bread with cheese and a coffee satisfy the hunger of a young academic who is about to analyze the material stored on his laptop.
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= User information =
[Name] Shin Nanoa
[Species] Human
[Age] 18
[Racial color] White.
[Hair color] Black hair
[Eye color] Blue Sky
[Height] 1.78
[Weight] 63,43KG
[Individuality] Unstoppable.
[Hobbies] Writing, reading books and playing FPS.
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= Powers =
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His morning routine is always the same, making it easy for him to do well in anything in his life, both in university exams and in his productive daily life full of new things.
He analyzes some "PDFs" in his file explorer and clicks on a file where he had access to the x-ray and formation of the bodies, organs, and cells of a Vinxurian.
It took hours and hours of study to understand how each part was constituted and functioned according to the synchronicity of each governing organ in his alien body.
As he ate his bread and cheese, he remembered how certain humans managed to have supernatural abilities, where they never said how they acquired these unknown powers.
"Sir, how do you manage to do all this on a daily basis with such ease? Where did these powers come from?" A reporter asks in front of a supposed hero who stopped a bank robbery from a car bomb.
"I came from a noble family and was born with these abilities, well… that's what I've been told." Said Don, showing off his giant gold and silver plated spear, where it hits the ground and makes a small hole in the asphalt.
Shin, remembering that, knows that these heroes weren't born with these powers, because it's very strange that in a moment of action they accomplish something and then another hour later they disappear from sight.
It was as if there was a well-protected hiding place where they could stay for a while until the situation settled down.
Somehow, he would investigate this one day until he discovered the truth behind the heroes' estrangement while the authorities played their part in preventing chaos in the city.
After analyzing his project, he closes his laptop and grabs his clothes to get dressed in the kitchen, since his parents aren't home at the moment due to a long trip.
They wouldn't be home for another three days, as their affairs are private, and his mother didn't want to comment.
He finishes getting ready and walks to the exit door, then closes it.
Shin is currently living in Kyoto (Japan) in a quiet area close to a bus station where he can go to Sapporo, where the heroes' actions to protect the population take place.
While there, he walked to a nearby bus station to catch a bus to Sapporo, where Saturon University was located.
However, in the middle of the journey… he felt a random air of insecurity, he began to look around and tried to see what he was really feeling at that moment.
Something seemed to be bothering him, which was unusual on the streets of Kyoto, as everyone looked calm and serene.
It was then, a few seconds later, that he heard strange sounds, apparently from a person who was in agony and calling for help immediately.
He walked towards the supposed sound and came across a girl who was being cornered by a mysterious entity.
The entity suddenly grabbed the girl by the hair and lifted her up, causing her pain from the pulling he was doing to her.
He was wearing black clothes, a hood that completely covered his face and was considerably tall… supposedly 1.94 tall, while the girl appeared to be 1.70 in front of him.
Shin watched this without saying a word, but he knew that if he didn't do something about it… the girl could suffer some severe damage in that alley.
He had his cell phone in his pocket to call the authorities and arrest the man who was holding that innocent girl, but he was sure that the local police would take a long time to reach their destination.
It was only forty minutes from where Shin was standing to the local police department.
And since there was no safe option, he tried to observe even more to understand what the girl was feeling.
"Wait… what's that strange noise in my head?" Shin asked himself and wondered what noise he was feeling in his head.
As he put his own hand to his head, he heard a quick voice say:
"I'm not asking for help, I'm just agonized." Said a female voice in his head that appeared calm.
Even with this voice ringing in Shin's mind, he already saw that he didn't have a choice… so he took out a pistol he kept in his pocket and pointed it at the entity.
"Hey, let this girl go now, you son of a bitch!" Shin shouted in the alley where the two of them were, and the entity slowly put the girl down.
Hey, thanks for reading The Vinx System. I'm your host and your friendly neighborhood, Niiyeng!
For those of you reading this, if you want more content from this book... I'm going to set a target here so that you, as a reader, can help me and, if you want to introduce this to another reader to get to know this work, I'd be happy to <3< p>
For every 100 collections, there will be 2 extra chapters.
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Thank you to everyone who reads, it means a lot to me.
"Every day, a new chapter, a new story." (Niyeng)