
The villainess reincarnated as a commoner in another world

I am Mathilde von Donnersmack, the fiancée of the crown prince from Northrealm... Or so I was until he declared his intention on making a commoner girl into his fiancée, and sent me on exile under the accusations of harassing the commoner girl. Then before I could notice I was being run over by a merchant's wagon, only to wake up at a cold and bright place full of people wearing light blue... Yes, I was reincarnated in another world as a commoner girl named Kimiko Uehara, in a nation called Japan, that has amazing wonders such as anime and manga, but now I shall first reclaim my original stature as a noble!... Eh? What do you mean there's no such thing as magic?... Ouch! Why did you hit me!? Huh? That's not how I ask people?... What do you mean by calling me a weirdo!?!?!? TL;DR: Simply put, it's the reverse uno card to the reincarnated as an otome-game villainess, where the villainess reincarnates as a common Japanese girl Cover* source: 03_Bara_ [Twitter] *Between the ones I had, I found it the most fitting for what I'm "thinking" for this story

Lazy_Author_san · 奇幻言情
5 Chs

Chapter 4

(A/N Notes: I'm going to be honest... I don't really know how I came up with this chapter)

After Kimiko's sudden statement, Dorimu's nickname became "Prince Dio" used by everyone in the school

"Hello, Prince Dio"

"How you doin' Prince Dio?"

"Here's your assignments, Prince Dio"

And of course, he didn't like to be called like that, even though it was very fitting to him

"It's all that woman's fault..."

He was going back home, inside his family private car at the back seat, as he cursed Kimiko for calling him Prince Dio during his introduction

"I'll make to get back at her in double... Kukuku..."

"..." <Prince Dio is thinking something stupid again>

Even his driver heard of his nickname and used it inside his mind

The next day



He called for Kimiko as she was walking down the school hallway during the lunch break, but she didn't answer

"Oi! I called for you!"


She still didn't answer him

"Are you deaf, you commoner girl!!!"

"What did you dare to call me as!?!?!?"

And this time she answered him back, and with anger at being called a commoner

"I am only stating the truth, you are a commoner and shall remain one for the rest of your life. Now, now, today I am feeling merciful, and I will let you go if you kneel down and apologize to me for calling me as Prince Dio"

". . . Go to hell"

If there was one thing that Kimiko still had of her previous personality was her incapability to see her mistakes and apologize to other people

"Did you not hear me? I am Dorimu Abe, son of-"

"Nobody cares, you cocky idiot!"

"... Now, listen here you piece of-"

"No! You listen here!"

And the two started arguing, which called the attention of everyone else passing by and near them. Just like how their arguings in their previous lives would call the attention of all the other noble children

Back to Kimiko's previous life

"Prince Diorno-sama, how many times do I have to tell you to stop from getting close to that commoner girl?"

"That is none of your business, woman!"

"... "

A vein popped up on Mathilde's forehead, as her smile twitched

"Prince Diorno-sama, as your fiancée it is one of my duties to keep you in check when it comes to interacting with another woman, especially those without a partner or with unbefitting status"

"How many times do I have to tell you that that is none of your business, you damn woman!!!"

"... And how many times do I have to tell you to act your damned age, you bastard prince!!!"

Mathilde always had a short temper and was prone to insult someone, some things never change

Back to the present

The two were arguing and throwing insults at each other. Then someone approached Kimiko from behind without being noticed


"Ouch! Why did you do this!?"

It was Takashi, and he just gave Kimiko a hand chop to her head

"You're causing trouble to everyone else"

"But it's his fault! He was ordering me to do something I didn't want to"

"... Did you ever looked to yourself?"

"Of course, I do. I look at myself every morning when I do my hair"

"... Yeah, I thought so"

Kimiko made a proud face

"You suck at sarcasm"


She got confused at his comment about her

"Now you..."

"What? Ah! I know, you must be one of hench-"

*Bitch slap*


Takashi bitch slapped Dorimu in the face, making him extremely confused

"What are-"

*Second bitch slap*



*Third bitch slap*

"... Now, you can talk"

"What do you think you're doing!"

"Bitch slapping you, what else would that mean?"

"Why did you do that!?"

"The first one was because you were insulting my girlfriend, the second one was by trying to insult me, and the third... Well, I just felt like giving you a third bitch slap"

"... This sti-"

"Now apologize to her for insulting her"

"Wha!? No!"



"A p o l o g i z e"

Takashi made a threatening stance to Dorimu showing that he was ready to bitch slap him a fourth time

"!... Fine"

And he who had his cheeks stinging from the slaps flinched and gave in. Dorimu then looked at Kimiko and apologized to her

"... I am... Sorry... For insulting you..."

He made an unwilling face as he said that

"Hmpf! Yes, yes, I forgive you for insulting me-"

Kimiko received another hand chop from Takashi, but this time he only made that to call her attention

"Hm? What is it?"

"What do you think? You're also in the wrong, so you also need to be punished"

"What're you saying?... What're you do- Mmm!?!?!?!?!?"

Takashi lifted her face from the chin so that she could properly face him and pressed his lips on hers

Her punishment was a kiss on the lips from Takashi in front of everyone around them, and when he stopped kissing her, her face was completely red

"Ah... Aaahh..."

And it was really effective as she felt like dying of embarrassment, while Takashi on had his indifferent poker expression that he hadn't changed at all while dealing with both

"Now let's go back, you already caused too much trouble for today"

"... F, fine... Uwaaahhh!!!"

And she was picked up in a princess carry by Takashi

"This is also part of your punishment"


Kimiko could only hide her face with both hands as she wished to be dead, instead of having to suffer that amount of embarrassment. But as that was not an option she had to suffer from embarrassment from being carried like a princess by Takashi

"..." <I always wanted to be carried like this>

And the worst part for her was that she was always wanted to be carried like that

After school



Kimiko and Takashi were spending time together in his house, and right now she was sitting on his lap as he hugged her

"... T, Takashi... C, can you let go of me?"

"Is it for going somewhere?"

"... N no..."

"Then no"


"Because you were acting too close to another boy"

"That cocky idiot? How?"

"You were arguing with him as if you two were married or something"

"W, what're you saying!? I only love y.. y... youuuuu"

Kimiko always got embarrassed whenever she tried to say her feelings to Takashi

"I know, that's why I don't like the girl that I love acting like that to someone else"

"I, I see..."

Kimiko felt really happy at being told that she was loved by Takashi, but that feeling quickly disappeared when she felt something touching her chest

"... Did you just touched my chest?"

"... No..."

"... Takashi! Mmmm!?!?!?!?... Mmmm"

She turned to complain to him, but instead, Takashi gave her a kiss on the lips, which took her by surprise, but she quickly accepted his kiss and kissed him back since they were alone for now

(A/N Notes: If you ask anything, I'll just answer this: Dunno)

. . . Dunno

Lazy_Author_sancreators' thoughts