
DIYs are life savers

One of the things that I learned with DIY is first check what you have easy access to. Do projects that you need to spend a lot of resources to get the materials are probably not worth.

Thinking so I went to the factory. There are probably a lot of unused materials in there.

Hmmm... white cloth, fake pearls, oh these crystal should be of use too.. feathers and more feathers, invisible thread, these cloth flowers too. I think is enough.

"Please ask them to send all of these to Temone by today."

Now I need paints, leafs and candles.

After I bough the paints and candles and caught enough leads I entered Temone by the backdoor.

'Now is magic time'

First the leaves and 1/4 of the feathers. We will paint them gold.

Now with the invisible thread, connect the crystals. I will make big and small crystal rows.

I don't have anything to glue them on... let's go to the kitchen see if we can find anything useful.

" Princess why didn't you tell us you were here?"

"Don't mind me Calum, I'm here to do the decorating for tomorrow."

"Do you need any help?"

"Yes I do~ just come with me. Also ask someone to call Lily over, I need her to make a cake. And tell Sophie that she'll be in charge of the dinner tomorrow"

"Okay. I will ask somebody to send the message"

"I will be in the kitchen"

Walking in the kitchen I saw empty barrels, although not what I was looking for it gave me an idea.

"I'm here Princess. What do you need help with?"

"Calum, I want these empty barrels split in half, can you do this for me?"

"Your wish is my command. Do you need them now?"

"Preferably, yes. is itpossible?"

"Give me half hour and it will be done"

"You are the best"

Now, the main object.

"Do you perhaps have any chipped saucers that can't be used to serve anymore"

"Yes. We have 14. Do you want Miss?


'So many expensive saucers are chipped but at least they will help me.

"If Calum looks for me, tell him I'll be on the upstairs in the second room"

Now that I'm back to the room let's paint the saucers silver and glue the rows on it. Perfect.

"Princess here are the barrels"

"Great help me paint them."

"Which color?"

"White and after painting we will glue some white and golden feather on them. For 5 white fethar you put a white one."

We took the rest of the evening doing this.

I'm exhausted but tomorrow we still have more.


Another day another drama.

Today I decided to spend the day at Temone.

"Mary you are coming with me to Temone, bring the things I will be wearing together please."

"What about the makeup Miss?"

"I'll do it myself, my mask is very flashy I don't need much"

"Okay, I'll go prepare the thing and we can leave"


"Calum I'll need some people to help me get this done"

"I can only give you 10 people"

"It's enough, ask them to move the things on the second room to the main hall"

"Yes, do you need anything else?"

"Buy me some glassware. I need 40 thin big vases. How many small glass cups we have at Temone?"

"About 200"

"I'll need all of them, but you can give me them after you close the store"

"... understood. I'll call the ten people. Excuse me"

"Mary let's go to the main hall"

The main hall is a large room with a capacity of 1500 people. It has a very big and beautiful chandelier in the center and some paintings on the walls.

First let out the things that go in the ceiling. From the luster to the walls, the 4 stripes of white cloths will be hanged. Between the stripes the crystal cascades will also be hanged.

"Mary let's swipe the floor so that we can put the other decorations"

"I can do that alone Miss, you can stay sorted on that chair."

'For someone who cleaned the bathroom when living alone, swiping the floor is nothing'

"Stop the nonsense we don't have time"

Taking the mop from Mary's hand I start my Cinderella job.

'Haaa... I'm already tired'

Floor clean now we need to move the tables to the room. For this we have those 10 handsome men at our mercy's that will will put the tables in opposite to the entrance.

"Princess, here is the vases that you wanted, because of the large quantity they are not exactly the same is that ok?"

"Even if it's not, we can't do nothing about it. Thanks Calum, you can go back to your post"

The tables will be covered with a black cloth and a smaller white cloth above the black. The center pieces will be the thin vases that Calum got filled with the feathers. Around it I will put the small glasses filled with pearls and small candles.

"Guys can you move the barrels to there and there. Move that one more to the right. Perfect!"

The barrels are now filled with a substance that is between water and jelly. Above the substance is some of the cloth flowers and candles. Some of the half-barrels are between the tables while other are scattered around the area that is suppose to be the dance floor.

At the right side of the hall there will be a large table filled with some sweets and the cafe and at the left side will be other table filled with snacks. Their decoration will be similar to the smaller tables but instead of the pearls be inside the glass they will be scattered together with white and black cloth flowers.

What about the leaves you ask?

They will be scattered at both sides of the hallway that leads to the hall. Above them there will be some black small pedestals with aromatic candles on it.

"Miss the decorations are done, should I instruct people to start putting the tableware and the food?"

"What time is right now?

"That is an hour to the guests arrive. Madam should be here half a hour from now"

"Glenn do as you said. Remember to leave 4 people at the entrance to welcome the guests and check their invitation. I'm going to get ready now. See you later and thanks for the help"

"Anytime Miss"