
101 – Making a New Friend

And thus, when it was time for the lunch break at SIMS the next day, Fang and Ren got their trays from the smiling canteen lady and went off to find Ash, who was sitting by herself at a much smaller table today – perhaps the advent of so many people (thanks to the presence of Ren and Fang on her table) yesterday had made her uncomfortable. Or, perhaps, she was generally unsocial by nature.

"Hi, Ash," Fang greeted politely as he and Ren sat down next to her. Now, fortunately or unfortunately, Ash had chosen a small table that could only fit four people today – so it was only one of the Blue Wolves who could join them – much to the disappointment of a lot of the students who were hoping to get close to the great Chairman Fang or the prodigious Fang.

Ash looked at Fang awkwardly. "Hello," she murmured.

Ren greeted her as well, and so did the member of the Blue Wolves who had managed to join them.