"Wang! Wang! Wang!" <You weak snake! You can't even catch a small dog like me! How foolish!>
"Hiss!" <If you're truly courageous, you better stop there and let me catch you, damn dog!>
The two dog and snake were chasing after each other. Theoretically, there was no way that Robby would be able to match the speed of this rank 7 giant mutated snake. But with Lotte helping him to run faster, he could still stay alive and even provoked the rank 7 giant mutated snake time and time again.
"I feel that we've found a good warrior who can keep on the aggro* of the enemies… What do you usually call these kind of characters in the game?" Jake murmured in a low voice.
"Damn you, Robby's DPS** is the lowest among all of us!" Marc yelled in return. His voice contained despair because he couldn't control Robby's movement.