
Chapter 26 - Engagement

Lara woke up earlier that day because she had slept early the previous day. As she was going down the stairs she heard a nosie and turned around to see her father, the dark circles and exhausted look on him had tales to tell.

"Happy Morning?" She said with a probing tone

"Don't ask" he replied his fingers massaging his temples.

"No morning run today?" She asked following closely behind him, her gossipy antennas at alert.

"Like I said...Don't...ask" was his reply and he quickend his footsteps and rested on the couch, considering that a couch is the reason why he's in that condition he angrily slapped the armrest, which proved to be a bad choice as he ended up hitting the wodden part.

Lara stood at the bottom of the stairs and observed her father's actions and she figured out part of why he seemed so exhausted and she almost burst out laughing.